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Dive into Japanese language, culture, and history, explore Shimane's heritage, and enhance your communication skills. Join us for an enriching 3-week program in English.
Shimane University Summer School 2014 July 7‐July 25 Shimane Tokyo • Our Summer School is aiming at giving intensive lectures for beginners about Japanese, Japan culture and what’s what of Japan in English to international students from partner universities, and making enhancement of communication ability and enlargement of horizon of participant students. During the3 weeks you can take intensive lectures about Japanese, culture and history from ancient time to the present of Shimane, and then and now including Japanese industries. Also we plan cross cultural experience programs through sightseeing and visiting landmarks and world heritage of Japan. Emphasis is on group work and increase in communication ability based on Summer School. You will find a lot of new aspects of Japan and be fascinated by its cultural, historical richness in our town. Please come and join us. 訳:このサマースクールでは,協定校からの参加学生に対し,日本語の授業と日本文化,日本事情についての集中講義を英語で行い,コミュニケーション能力の向上と参加学生の視野を広げることを目的とします。3週間にわたり日本語の集中授業や文化,島根の歴史や産業の変遷について学びます。また名所や世界遺産を訪ねたり,異文化交流も計画しています。グループワークでのコミュニケーション能力向上も図ります。日本の新たな側面を発見し,文化と歴史豊かなこの町の魅力を感じることと思います。ぜひ参加してください。 Center for International Exchanges
Shimane University Summer School 2014 2014 Schedule Remarks: ・lectures, except for Japanese, are given in English.日本語授業以外は英語で行います。 ・Participant students shall be split into three groups. Through group work and discussion at Summer School, participant students have to set up the themes of respective group researches. At closing day, students are requested to make presentation of their results of Summer School in English. 参加者を3つのグループに分け最終日にプレゼンテーションをしてもらいます。 ・The schedule is subject to change without notice.予定は通知なく変更することがあります。
Shimane University Summer School 2014 • Seeking the participants ■Eligibility Undergraduate or Graduated students enrolled at partner universities who possess high standards of academic performance (GPA score of 3.07 out of 4, or more in principle) and are fluent in English ( TOEFL score of 500 or more in principle, if you are non-native speaker). 参加資格:協定校に在籍する大学生及び院生。成績係数2.3以上で,英語に長けている者(ネイティブでない場合はTOEFL500点以上)。 • ■ Number of Students to be admitted Maximum number to be accepted students is 15. Allowance for students from each partner university does not exceed number of students stipulated in Agreement of Cooperation with Shimane University(*). If there are more than 15students, there will be a selection process. (*see the list of partner universities and their each number of allowance). 受入人数:最大受入人数は15人。各協定校からの受入人数は学生交流協定の人数を超えないものとする(*大学別受入人数のリスト参照)。申込が15人を超えた場合は選抜あり。 • ■ Accommodation • An off-campus dormitory of Shimane University is provided to all participant students during 3 weeks. You will stay in a dormitory for double occupancy. You may use common bathroom, toilet and kitchen. Students also can enjoy the home-stay of two nights.住居:大学隣接の寮に研修期間の3週間滞在する。部屋は2人部屋で,お風呂,トイレ,キッチンも共同です。期間中には2泊3日のホームステイもあり。 • ■ Fees you will be charged • 35,000JPY ・25,000JPY for tuition including textbooks, home stay, transport and all excursions • ・10,000JPY for Accommodation including common service and internet fees. Payment will be accepted by overseas remittance to our bank(account and payment information will be announced when you are surely accepted). 料金:35000円(授業料,テキスト,ホームステイ,見学等にかかる交通費や入館料等25000円,寮費,共益費,インターネット利用料含む10000円)支払いは島大口座への海外送金で行ってください。詳細は参加が決定してからお知らせします。 • Remarks • ・Please fax the receipt of your remittance to our office below.振込の控えをファックスして下さい ・You may have to pay shortage of cash caused by bank handling fee and JPY exchange rate. 銀行手数料や為替レートによる円換算時の不足分があれば後日現金で払っていただきます。 • ・All payment must be made in Japanese yen.支払いは日本円立てでお願いします。 • ・Any check will NOT be accepted. 小切手等は受け付けません。 • ■ Estimated expenses • ・Foodapprox.30,000 JPY for breakfast , lunch and dinner at a university cafeteria. • ( ex.1,500 JPY/day(500yen x3meals) x 20 days) ・Round trip air ticket ・Travel Insurance(See detail on the next page) ・Other Personal expenses which are not mentioned above. その他の費用:食費 おおよそ30000円,大学生協で3食の場合の例,500円×3食×20日=30000円 渡航費,旅行保険料,その他上に記載のない個人経費 • ■ Deadline of Application締切:2014年2月28日までに以下の必要書類を送付下さい。 • 28 February,2014 : Student who wants to participate in this program should submit the following documents • 1. Application Form (in provided format)添付の申込書 • 2. Academic Record (in each university’s format and please attach an English or • Japanese Translation)成績証明書(各大学様式で,英語か日本語の訳を付ける) • 3. TOEFL score if the applicant is non-native English speaker.英語ネイティブでない場合はTOEFLスコア • *Please make PDF data for document 2 and 3 if you wish to submit them by E-mail. • メール送付する場合は2と3についてはPDFにして送って下さい • ■ Certification for completing the class of Summer School • Participant students are provided the certification of completing the class of Summer School from President of Shimane University. • サマースクール修了書:本プログラム修了生には島大学長名の証書をお渡しします。
Travel Information • ■ Travel Insurance • Your stay in Japan is not long enough to buy any Japanese Insurance or to receive any medical fee support for international students. Therefore, you are required to take out any insurance in your own country before you come to Shimane University. As soon as you have bought insurance, please send a copy of the insurance policy along with Confirmation Form of Insurance. • Shimane University shall not bear any responsibility for costs caused by illness, injury and /or death of the students and any other damage that may occur as a result of accident, disaster, or other unexpected circumstances.旅行保険:今回の滞在は日本の保険をかけたり医療保険を受けるには短いので,各自自国において保険に加入してください。保険に入ったらすぐ契約書と約款のコピーを島大に送って下さい。島根大学は研修中の病気,怪我,死亡,その他事故,災害,想定外の事象によるいかなる被害についても責任を負いません。 • ■ Visa • A Visa is unnecessary for students in countries in the Visa Waiver Program. Students in countries that are not in the Visa Waiver Program should get a “Temporary Visitor Visa”. Please prepare a “Certification of Acceptance” and a “Permit to Attend a Class”, “Invitation Letter”, “Program Schedule” and “Guarantee” which are issued by Shimane University and also other necessary documents(passport, financial certificate and so on), and then please apply to the Japanese embassy or the consulate. It may take a long time to issue a visa, so please remember that and apply as soon and possible. Regarding Visa detail, an applicant should inquire at the Japanese Embassy or the Consulate by himself/herself.ビザ:査証相互免除国の人はビザは必要ありませんが,そうでない国の人は短期滞在のビザを取って来て下さい。島大から発行する受講許可書,招聘理由書,滞在予定表及び身元保証書に加え,必要な書類(パスポートや財政証明書等)をそろえ,日本大使館か領事館で申請をしてください。ビザ発行までには時間を要しますので,早急に手続きして下さい。ビザの詳細については各自で日本大使館か領事館に問い合わせるようにして下さい。 • ■ Coming to Shimane University • Participants should come to JR(Japan Railways) Matsue Station at 3pm on 7 July, 2014 by themselves in principle. From Matsue station to Shimane University, we will provide pick up cars. Details will be announced when you are surely accepted.島大に来るにあたって:参加者は,JR松江駅に2014年7月7日の3時に自分で来るようにしてください。松江駅から大学までは送迎車を用意します。詳細については参加決定者に通知します。 • ■ Othersその他 • ・The voltage of Japan (Shimane) is 100V and 60 Hz, and the shape of the plug is type A. Please bring • transformer and a conversion plug if you need.日本の電圧は100V,60Hz,プラグの形はAタイプです。変圧器や変換プラグが必要な人は持って来て下さい。 • ・It will be useful if you bring pictures of your family or things particular to your country, when you • introduce yourself for host family. • ・Summer in Matsue is very hot ( 25~35℃) and very humid. Sometimes it rains a lot too(but it is a nice • place here!). Please prepare for any weather conditions. Umbrellas, sandals and short-sleeved clothes • make you comfortable.松江の夏は25~35度でとてもむし暑く,雨が多いこともあります(でも良いところ)。全天候対応の服装を準備してください。傘やサンダル,半そでがあるといいです。 • If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact with us. Shimane University Summer School 2014 Shimane University The Center for International Exchanges 1060 Nishikawatsu, MatsueShimane 690-8504 JAPAN TEL +81-(0)852-32-9756 FAX +81-(0)852-32-6481 Email address: International@office.shimane-u.ac.jp URL: http://kokusai.shimane-u.ac.jp/english/