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English for WTO Documents. By Li Xuefeng Foreign Language Department. Chapter One. Introduction to the course Essentials of the WTO Language features and translation. Self-introduction: Li Xuefeng( 李雪峰 ) Email: ahead999@gmail.com QQ: 853169693 Requirements:
English for WTO Documents By Li Xuefeng Foreign Language Department
Chapter One • Introduction to the course • Essentials of the WTO • Language features and translation
Self-introduction: • Li Xuefeng(李雪峰) • Email: ahead999@gmail.com • QQ: 853169693 • Requirements: • No ring of cell phones • No chatting in class
Structure of the Course Agreements of trade in goods, services and trade-related intellectual property Itsestablishment and development W T O Language skills Dispute-settlement System 争端解决机制 WTO and China
1.Text Book 刘法公、陈明瑶,English for WTO Documents 北京:国防工业出版社,2005; 2. Necessary Readings 陈胜权、陈跃 WTO英文知识读本 北京:中国金融出版社,2002 栾信杰,WTO规则中英文教程,北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003 石广生, 世界贸易组织基本知识, 北京:人民出版社,2001 芦琦, WTO概览, 上海:复旦大学出版社,2006 All the agreements of WTO (available at: http://www.wto.org/english/docs_e/legal_e/legal_e.htm) 3.Websites: www.wto.org www.mofte.gov.cn www.tdctrade.com www.unctad.org Reference
II. Essentials of WTO • 1. What is the WTO? • 2. The multilateral trading system ---past, present and future • 3. Issues of which should be taken note in WTO learning
Fact file WTO Office, Geneva (日内瓦) Location: Geneva, Switzerland Established: 1 January 1995 WTO Mark:Upswept pitch arc (since Oct. 1997) Membership: 153 countries on 23 July 2008 Director-general: Pascal Lamy (since Sep. 2005) Created by: Uruguay Round negotiations (1986-94) Official language: English, French, and Spanish
Definition of WTO • 1). The WTO is theonlyinternational organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiatedand signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations andratified in their parliaments. The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business. (P1&2) ⊙世界贸易组织是唯一处理不同国家之间贸易规则的全球性组织。它的核心内容是由诸多参加世界贸易的国家谈判、签署并经其国会批准的一系列WTO 协定。WTO的目标是帮助商品和服务的生产商、出口商和进口商进行商业活动。
Functions • Administering WTO trade agreements • Forum for trade negotiations • Handling trade disputes • Monitoring national trade policies • Technical assistance and training for developing countries • Cooperation with other international organizations Trade Negotiations Committee
Different voices MISUNDERSTANDINGS? November 1999 — Third Ministerial Conference, Seattle — anti-WTO demonstration. November 2001 — China became the 143rd member of the WTO at the Fourth Ministerial Conference, Doha. BENEFITS?
2. The Multilateral Trading System • Past-----GATT • Present----Ministerial Conferences • Future----Problems and new talks
Past-----GATTthe General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade • 1). The GATT- A provisional set of rules (1948-1994) • United Nation Conference on Trade and Employment(贸易和就业联合国会议), held in Havana, • The Havana Charter for ITO was adopted《国际贸易组织宪章》,but never entered into force. • Substantial tariff reduction agreed among a group of countries • The commercial policy of Havana Charter was taken and converted into GATT. • Countries signed a Protocol of Provisional Application 《临时适用议定书》 to bring the GATT into force quickly.
A. an internationalagreement GATT 1994 B. an international organization WTO 2). Two GATTs
Year Place/name Subjects covered Countries 1947 Geneva Tariffs 23 1949 Annecy Tariffs 33 1951 Torquay Tariffs 38 1956 Geneva Tariffs 26 1960-1961 Geneva/Dillon Round Tariffs 45 1964-1967 Geneva/Kennedy Round Tariffs and antidumping measures 54 1973-1979 Geneva/Tokyo Round Tariffs, non-tariff measures, 99 1986-1994 Geneva/Uruguay Round Tariffs, non-tariff measures, rules, services, intellectual property, dispute settlement, textiles, agriculture, creation of WTO, etc 123 the GATT’s Activities: Eight trade "rounds" Reduction of trade barriers and strengthening of rules.
the Uruguay Round Talk(1986-1994) • Sep. 1986: the Uruguay Round was launched, Punta del Este(埃斯特角城) • April, 1994: signature, Marrakesh the Final Act embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations 《乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判成果最后文本》
The Final Act • 1. The Final Act is the legal instrument. • schedules of concessions and commitments • 2. The WTO agreement 《WTO协议》 • 3. The Annexes • 1A, 1B, 1C, 2, 3, 4 (see figure 1) • 4. Ministerial declarations and decisions From GATT to WTO
Present ---Ministerial Conferences • Geneva, 30th, Nov.-2nd, Dec, 2009---the WTO, the Multilateral Trading System and the Current Global Economic Environment. • Hong Kong, 13-18 December 2005---ensured the elimination of all forms of export subsidies and disciplines on all export measures with equivalent effect to be completed by the end of 2013.
Cancún, 10-14 September 2003---failed (conflicts between developing countries and developed countries.) • Doha, 9-13 November 2001---China’s accession • Seattle, November 30 – December 3, 1999-----reached no material agreement. • Geneva, 18-20 May 1998------on Global Electronic Commerce • Singapore, 9-13 December 1996-------on Trade in Information Technology Products.
Future----problems and new talks • Problems: • Unbalance of implementation • Rules-making: the game of power • New talks: investment, competition policy, trade faciliation, transparency in government procurement, intellectual property
3. Issues of which should be taken note in WTO learning • 1). Basing on the specific text of WTO agreements in WTO learning. (See Figure-1) • 2). Putting emphasis on Chinese WTO-Acession documents in WTO learning. (See Table-1) • a. All commitments taken by China in her accession process were solely those of China. • b. There instruments are not authentic in the Chinese language. • 3). Paying attention to the developing trends of WTO rules in WTO learning. (e.g. domestic industry)
IV. Language points • 1. Key words • 2. Key terms • 3. Translation
KEY WORDS • Instrument • e.g. (P6 Line 9) • Even though it was provisional, the GATT remained the only multilateral instrument governing international trade from 1948 until the WTO was established in 1995. • 1) An implement used to facilitate work. • 2) A legal document. 文书:法律文件
Conclude • e.g. (P11 Line 5) • In the same year 40 governments successfully concluded negotiations for tarrif-free trade information technology products…. • 1) To bring to an end; close: • 2) To bring about (a final agreement or settlement) 缔结:达成(最终和约或解决方案)
Security • Security: Freedom from risk or danger; safety. • 安全:不受威胁或危险;安全 • A document indicating ownership or creditorship; a stock certificate or bond. • 有价证券:标明所有权和债权的文件;股票证书或证券 • Securities:有价证券
Address • e.g. (P21 Line 24) • In Hong Kong, trade officials could more squarely address outstanding issues in the trade in services and agriculture and non-agricultural market access. • 1) To speak to • 2) To direct (a spoken or written message) to the attention of 提出:提交(口头或书面的报告)以引起…的注意
Trade barriers The multilateral trading system GATT Customs tariffs Trade liberalization The Uruguay Round The Plurilateral trading system Ministerial Conferences KEY TERMS
Translation • P19 • 《WTO协定》生效之日前在GATT1947项下己实施的以下所列法律文件的条款
1.《1994年关税与贸易总协定》(“GATT1994”)包括:1.《1994年关税与贸易总协定》(“GATT1994”)包括: • 《联合国贸易与就业会议筹备委员会第二次会议结束时通过的最后文件》所附1947年10月30日的《关税与贸易总协定》的各项条款(不包括们临时适用议定书》),该协定历经《WTO协定》生效之日前已实施的法律文件的条款更正、修正或修改; • 《WTO协定》生效之日前在GATT1947项下己实施的以下所列法律文件的条款: • 与关税减让相关的议定书和核准书; • 加入议定书(不包括(a)关于临时适用和撤销临时适用的规定及(b)规定应在与议定书订立之日已存在的立法不相抵触的最大限度内临时适用GATT1947第二部分的条款); • 根据GATT1947第25条给予的、且在《WTO协定》生效之日仍然有效的关于豁免的决定①;
2.解释性说明: • GATT1994的条款所指的"缔约方"应视为读作"成员"。所的"欠发达缔约方"和"发达缔约方"应视为分别读作"发展中国家成员"和"发达国家成员"。所指的"执行秘书"应视为读作"WTO总干事"。 • 第15条第1款、第15条第2款、第15条第8款、第38条及关于第12条和第18条的注释中,以及GATT1994第15条第2款、第15条第3款、第15条第6款、第15条第7款和第15条第9款关于特殊外汇协定的规定中所指的采取联合行动的缔约方全体,应视为指WTO。GATT1994的条款指定采取联合行动的缔约方全体履行的其他职能应由部长级会议进行分配。