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Mobile Application: Mobile Banking – PDA Project

Explore Banco do Brasil's mobile phone services, mobile project, available platforms, and next steps in mobile banking. Learn about the country's mobile market share, advantages, and successful case studies.

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Mobile Application: Mobile Banking – PDA Project

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  1. Mobile Application:Mobile Banking – PDA Project

  2. Subjects BANCO DO BRASIL • Brazil • The “Banco do Brasil” • Mobile phone service • Mobile Project • Available Platforms • Next steps CITIBANK BRAZIL • Citibank - Brazil • Why wireless technology? • How it was born • Main Benefits • Investments / Payback

  3. Subjects • Brazil • The “Banco do Brasil” • Mobile phone Service • Mobile Project • Available Platforms • Next Steps Gabriela Zinn Salvucci

  4. Summary of Brazil • Population – 184,1 million inhabitants • Produto Interno Bruto – R$ 1,500 billiion • PIB per capta – R$ 9,1 thousand • Telephones quantity – 41,4 million • Cellphones quantity – 76,6 million • Internet home users – 18,5 million • Broadband connections – 3,1 million

  5. Subjects • Brazil • The “Banco do Brasil” • Mobile phone Service • Mobile Project • Available Platforms • Next Steps

  6. “Banco do Brasil”: Figures that foster development • Leadership in assets – R$ 233,7 billion. • 1st in total deposits – R$ 154 billion. • Greatest credit portfolio – R$ 96,1 billion. • Greatest service-delivery network in Brazil – 14,6 thousand service outlets. • Greatest ATM network in Latin America – 39 thousand terminals. • Greatest client base: 21,9 million. • Network abroad – 37 branches. • Leader in Internet services – 6,9 million clients. • Leader in the management of third-party resources – R$ 144,8 billion. • Leader in the foreign-exchange and export commercial segment – 27,9% market share. • Leader in credit and debit card billing – R$ 11,1 billion. • Main financial agent for agrobusiness. Source: Banco do Brasil Report Performance Analysis and Accounting Statements 2005 of Performance Banco do Brasil – 2st quarter of 2005

  7. Subjects • Brazil • The “Banco do Brasil” • Mobile phone Service • Mobile Project • Available Platforms • Next Steps

  8. Phones Cellphones International Mobile phones market share Argentina Chile 8 9 Population : 15 milhões Cellphones : 7,3 milhões 8 6 Participation : 50% 7 4 6 Population: 37 milhões Cellphones : 8,3 milhões 2 México 5 Participation: 22% 4 0 2001 2002 2003 1999 2000 2001 2002 China México 300 Population : 1,3 bilhão 40 Cellphones : 257 milhões Population : 103 milhões Cellphones: 30 milhões Participation : 29% 250 Participation : 20% 30 200 150 20 100 10 50 0 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Source: Agências Regulatórias, Ministérios e Operadoras Internacionais – publicado no Site Teleco

  9. Brazilian mobile phones market share 89 MILLION CELLPHONES ESTIMATE FOR DEC/05 Source: Anatel 2005 – Estimate from “Teleco” • Brazil is the 5th mobile phones market share in the world and the 2nd in America (1st USA). • 38 cellphones for 100 inhabitants (Distrito Federal level = 101). • 80% prepaid cellphones. • 11,2% of the families have cellphones as the only way to comunicate (IBGE).

  10. Subjects • Brazil • The “Banco do Brasil” • Mobile phone Service • Mobile Project • Available Platforms • Next Steps

  11. Agency transactions 90% 89% 86% 83% Alternative Channels 2002 2003 2004 2005 Why Mobile Project was created at “Banco do Brasil” • The increase of cellphones users. • Mobile Banking has a greater potential in terms of market penetration. compared to Internet Banking, mainly for the low level population. • New mobile technologies advance, which provides secutrity and performance requirements. • Searching for safe, comfort and low cost self-service channels. The successful case in BB using alternative channels.

  12. Mobile Banking at “Banco do Brasil” • Aug/2000 • SMS messages project release • Mobile Banking service using WAP 1.0 platform release • Sep/2003 • Mobile Banking was released in partnership with Mobile GSM Operator (Telemar/Oi) (pioneer in using GSM platform – the begginning of a complete mobile banking) Sep/2004 • Mobile Banking was released with the “Brasil Telecom” GSM Operator (pioneer in using dinamic menus template) Mar/2005 • Mobile Banking was released with the VIVO operator (pioneer in using download banking template with the CDMA/Brew Platform)

  13. Advantages in using Mobile Banking • More convenient and safe transactions. • Cost reduction – migration or evolution to low-cost mobile channels. • Mobile Banking is available anywhere in Brazil. • Does not represent a cultural or economic barrier for new users of electronic banking. It’s easier to learn to use and to buy the cellphone than the PC.

  14. ¿Why using Mobile Banking? Mobile Banking Internet Banking Users costs R$ 149,00 Varejo R$ 1,00 Corporate R$ 1.500,00 DEVICE R$ 52,90 R$ 38,00 + R 14,90 Telephone contract + internet provider R$ 37,90 Oi contract 40 R$ 49,90 Corporate Oi contract COMUNICATION R$ 0,33* *at least 12 minutes using Internet 4 minutes cost: R$ 0,11 R$ 0,15/Trans. R$ 0,15/Trans. TRANSACTIONS

  15. Bank account holder can achieve the following transactions • Account balances • Account extracts • Savings balance • Payment of accounts and bills. • Transfers between “Banco do Brasil” accounts. • Transfers between accounts from other banks. • Prepaid cellphones credit recharge. • Donations for “Fome Zero"program. • Loans.

  16. Mobile Banking BB – transactions access

  17. Mobile Banking BB - Performance

  18. Subjects • Brazil • The “Banco do Brasil” • Mobile phone Service • Mobile Project • Available Platforms • Next Steps

  19. GSM Platform (SIM Card) • Each Chip has a BB key to develop criptography. • Only BB can has access to information sent by customers. • All transactions use short message system (SMS) to carry information forward “Banco do Brasil” and the operator. • No Internet connection required. Oi chip sample, which holds the mobile banking solution of “Banco do Brasil”

  20. CDMA / Brew Platform • Vivo/Brew • 2nd mobile banking case in the world and 1st being used. • The solution was one of the greatest finalists at the Brew Developers 2005 award, which chooses the best and most innovate projects developed using wireless technology. • How to use: download the application at the Vivo Operator website, using the cellphone. • Safe transactions that use peer to peer criptography.

  21. WAP 2.0 Platform • Used both in GSM and CDMA platform cellphones. • The customer connects to the Internet WAP2 website of “Banco do Brasil” to have access to the bank account, or through the Operator website. • WAP2 platform provides Internet security, through proper mobile devices criptography (based in SSL).

  22. SMS Banking Platform – sending information Operator accepts cellphone number and sends an SMS containing the transaction information to the customer Customer performs any transaction through any alternative channel “Banco do Brasil” performs the transaction asked by the customer and returns information to the operator Customer receives SMS containing information about the transaction performed at the alternative channels

  23. SMS Banking Platform – ask for transactions Operator accepts cellphone number and sends information to “Banco do Brasil” “Banco do Brasil” performs transactions asked by the customers and returns information to the Operator Customer sends SMS asking for a Ballance (B), an Extract (E) or a Recharge (R) Operator delivers the information and/or confirmation of the transaction Customer receives SMS containing the Balance or Extract information or Recharge confirmation • SMS banking can be used through any cellphone, regardless of the technology and/or platform. • It’s a perfect platform to the most usual and low complexity level transactions.

  24. Subjects • Brazil • The “Banco do Brasil” • Mobile phone Service • Mobile Project • Available Platforms • Next Steps

  25. Next Steps… • Make solution enabled for other Mobile Operators in Brazil. • SMS Banking: • Prepaid recharges through SMS project (still going) • SMS alerts (tests still going) • Mobile payments (still being studied)

  26. ¿Any Questions ?

  27. Subjects • Citibank - Brazil • Why wireless technology? • How it was born • Main Benefits • Investments / Payback Rogerio Vargas

  28. US$ 700 bi US$ 1,232 million Total Assets Net Equity Presence in the World Continents Countries Currencies Employees 190 years in the World 5 102 128 230,000

  29. Customers Employees 1.1 million 2,300 10 51 US$ 5 bi Cities Branches Total Assets Citi has been present 90 years in Brazil. Business: Banking Area, Cards and Finance. The 2nd biggest business card in the world (outside of the USA). Presence in Brazil

  30. Subjects • Citibank - Brazil • Why wireless technology? • How it was born • Main Benefits • Investments / Payback

  31. 2002 2003 2004 2005 Why was the Direct Sales created ? Current MYF

  32. The core of Direct Sales Area is to bring in new customers (created Jan/2003). • This business is done totally out of offices (wireless solution). Main strategic objectives: 1. To develop an acquisition model. 2. To multiply the initial structure. • Started with 110 people and today more than 400 people. • We are present in 10 cities in Brazil. A few words about this business area…

  33. What cities is the Direct Sales present? June 2005 n Opened before 1998 (22) n Opened in 1998 (04) n Opened in 1999 (03) n Opened in 2000 (05) n Opened in 2002 (02) n Opened in 2003 (00) n Opened in 2004 (08) n Opened in 2005 (03) n TOTAL in 2005 (50)

  34. The Direct Sales Area… What’s the importance of Direct Sales for the retail Citibank Brazil ?? In 2 years the Direct Sales brought more than 77,000 customers, 40% with monthly salary over US$ 3,000. And more …. This area has 30% of Sales Managers and brings ... 70% of new customers 55% of new cards 22% of volume of personal loans 15% of volume of life insurance 15% of volume of on-shore investments In 2 years it has achieved 9% share in the total revenues of retail Citibank Brazil.

  35. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNICATION ENTREPRENEURISM INFORMATION Why Wireless Solution… The Strategy of Direc Sales Area is based on 3 pillars: 1. People2. Process3. Control & Quality There are 5 steps in the People Pillar: • To implement this strategy, we need TECHNOLOGY. • To be able to multiply the initial structure several times, we need TECHNOLOGY. • To have information and communication (foundation to develop people), again only with TECHNOLOGY.

  36. Why wireless solution… 1. PEOPLE The strategy of Direct Sales Area is based on 3 pillars: 2. PROCESS 3. CONTROL & QUALITY KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNICATION ENTREPRENEURISM INFORMATION There are 5 steps in the People Pillar: • To implement this strategy, we need TECHNOLOGY. • To be able to multiply the initial structure several times, we need TECHNOLOGY. • To have information and communication (foundation to develop people), again only with TECHNOLOGY.

  37. Subjects • Citibank - Brazil • Why wireless technology? • How it was born • Main Benefits • Investments / Payback

  38. The business area saw this opportunity through a competitor ... • Dec/2002: • We knew about a tool of a competitor with little development (only for data and no wireless) • Jan/2003: • We developed a wireless prototype with the following features: • Fill prospect’s information and send wireless • Follow-up sales performance. • Products Catalogue . • Messages: a communication channel real time. PLAY How it was born…

  39. How it was born… The second most important step ... Find people in the Company with an open-mind and empowerment. Oct/2003: Meetings with People with empowerment in Technology, Compliance, Legal and Infosec to decide the development of this wireless solution and break paradigms. It would be the 1st PDA application and the 1st wireless solution in CitiGroup in the world (at that time, the PDA wasn’t recognized as equipment in Citibank, only desktops and notebooks could be used).

  40. How it was born… The third most important step ... Look for companies with wireless know-how to improve the knowledge of the Company. Oct/nov 2003 Several meetings with companies to understand the technical feasibility of this wireless solution. Dec/2003 Jan/2004 Opened bidding to vendors. Feb/2004 Started the development of wireless solution. Feb/2005 Put in production.

  41. Subjects • Citibank - Brazil • Why wireless technology? • How it was born • Main Benefits • Investments / Payback

  42. Clean Process. Paperless in mid-term with digital certification. • Less bureaucracy. Without copies of documents in mid-term. • Reduce time of opening banking account. Customer • Development of People: Implement a quick and effective communication channel. • Development of People: Handling a high technology tool. • Motivation: Provide in real time data and information to improve sales. e.g.: Opportunities focusing on bulk acquisition such as niches and payroll Companies. Employee • Reduce costs: Eliminates part of operational process and reduction of the whole operation cycle-time. (There will be no investment in assets from Citibank, all equipment provided in “comodatum”). • Improve business. e.g.: Tool for selling personal loan. • More profitability: The sales managers have more time during each visit to offer other products (Cards / Life Insurance / Investments) and enhance sales productivity accelerating the activation process of the new customers. Shareholder Benefits


  44. Authentication Cryptography CryptographyAlgorithm CryptographyAlgorithm CryptographyAlgorithm HTTPS SSL 3.0 HTTPS SSL 3.0 Firewall Firewall HTTPS SSL 3.0 Cryptography AES Fusion Server Fusion Database Internet Fusion-Sync TELCOS GPRS CDMA 1xRTT How it works – Security Standards • Security application components • Database Cryptography • Digital Certificates - SSL • End to end transmission Cryptography • Two different authentication processes • Ethical Hacking Test (Vulnerability Assessment) • Self destruction in case of loss, theft or a password mistake. • User vs personal device (only a specific user ID can use a specific device) • Kiosk (This application does not allow anyone to install, remove, download, change or • use any other application different than the one defined by Citigroup policies and • standards of information security) This solution has the same security standards as other applications of Citibank.

  45. Subjects • Citibank - Brazil • Why wireless technology? • How it was born • Main Benefits • Investments / Payback

  46. Which are the investments… Investment (Infrastructure / development): US$ 232,000 Costs per PDA Cost per PDA per month: US$ 100 (including: rent, fee software license, mobile bill) Cost per New Customer Additional Cost per new customer: US$ 6 Break-even 5 months Payback 12 months

  47. ¿Any Questions ?

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