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Verbs with reciprocal actions

Verbs with reciprocal actions. Los verbos recíprocos. Reciprocal actions involve two or more people doing something to/for each other Nos abrazamos . Nos llamamos. Reciprocal Pronouns. Nos (we ____ each other) Por ejemplo : Nos reunimos .

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Verbs with reciprocal actions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Verbs with reciprocal actions

  2. Los verbosrecíprocos • Reciprocal actions involve two or more people doing something to/for each other • Nosabrazamos. • Nosllamamos.

  3. Reciprocal Pronouns • Nos (we ____ each other)Porejemplo: Nosreunimos. • Os (ya’ll ____ each other) (enEspaña)Porejemplo: Osayudáis. • Se (they _____ each other) (you all _____ each other)Porejemplo: Se miran.

  4. Common Reciprocal Verbs: contarsecuentos contarsechistes respetarse • ayudarse • quererse • abrazarse

  5. iPractiquemos! • Carmen and Mercedes hug each other. • We help each other in Spanish class. • Raúl and Romeo tell each other jokes. • You all respect each other in Spain. • You all love each other in El Salvador.

  6. iPractiquemos! • Carmen and Mercedes used to hug each other. • We used to help each other in Spanish class. • Raúl and Romeo used tell each other jokes. • You all used to respect each other in Spain. • You all used to love each other in El Salvador.

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