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Communicating Value to Network Members: Listen, Adjust, Produce, Promote & Keep Doing It

Communication is key to any joint action. This presentation outlines the methods and strategies for effective communication within the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative (RWHC), emphasizing the importance of listening, promoting, and ongoing communication. The aim is to provide value to network members and meet local community health needs.

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Communicating Value to Network Members: Listen, Adjust, Produce, Promote & Keep Doing It

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Communicating Value To Network Members:Listen, Adjust,Produce, Promote& Keep Doing It

  2. Communication Key To Any Joint Action

  3. Presentation Outline • RWHC Communications “Listening” (O) “Promoting” (U) Annual & Biannual Quarterly & Monthly Ongoing Episodic • Several Methods Detailed • Various Editorial Comments

  4. Annual & Biannual Communication

  5. Monthly/Quarterly Communication

  6. Ongoing Communication

  7. Episodic Communication

  8. Members Looking For Help Not Grief

  9. Communication Must Be Mission Driven The Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative (RWHC) begun in 1979, supports and enhances rural health and quality of care. RWHC is a strong, innovative and mutually supportive network of hospitals with diversified services who combine their strengths to meet local community health needs through advocacy and high value products and services.

  10. Annual Objectives Must Be Evaluatable

  11. RWHC Directory A “buyers” guide, not an annual report or puff piece; get to staff beyond CEO. Introduction/History Board of Directors/Officers Members Administrative Staff Products & Services Bottom line: service/product price and quality must be competitive. Clinical (ER, PT, etc.) Credentials Verification Educational Programs Financial Consulting Service Health Benefits Program Legal Services Managed Care Contracting Patient Satisfaction Survey Peer Review Service Professional Roundtables Quality Indicators Program Work Groups/Benchmarking Constantly Refresh Institutional Memory

  12. Re: Executive Director Overall Leadership Resourcefulness / Flexibility Relationships Negotiation / Collaboration Communication / Feedback --- Open ended question: How can E.D. improve his or RWHC service to you? Re: Organization Board Meetings Staff Leadership Annual Objectives Budget Advocacy Established Services New Service Development Staff Development All-Member “Global” Satisfaction Survey Ranked from 1 (needs improvement) to 3 (excels).

  13. Data Is Key To Modifying Network Behavior

  14. Board Participation Is Staff Responsibility

  15. Board Agenda Structured, Not Controlled

  16. Financials Need To Highlight Not Conceal

  17. Maintenance & Growth

  18. Consent Calendar Is An Efficient Tool

  19. Information Among Members Is Key Value

  20. Trust Depends On Being Transparent

  21. Business Advisory Letter = Value Added “… The Network would facilitate members' contracting with insurance companies, employers and other payers through the use of a third party administrator. The administrator would collect and analyze data from each member hospital, create data bases, prepare statistical analyses, and furnish recommendations to enable the Network to negotiate contracts for health care services. ... the Network would adopt rules assuring that, except for the final statistical analysis and recommendations of the administrator, no member would have access to any disaggregated information…” Joel I. Klein, Federal Department of Justice, 2/21/97

  22. Adding Value In Competitive World

  23. Who We Are What’s New Services Meetings Newsletters Essay Prize Jobs Contact Us Links Network Information Anytime, Anyplace WWW.rwhc.com

  24. Promotion Starts & Ends With Listening Adjust Listen Produce Value Promote

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