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2003-2004 Review of Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs

A comprehensive review of cardiovascular and renal drugs including antiarrhythmics, antihypertensives, bronchoconstrictors, diuretics, and vasodilators.

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2003-2004 Review of Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2003-2004Review of Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs 3 January 20208:59 PM

  2. Acebutolol • Sympatholytic1 adrenergic antagonistClass II antiarrhythmic • AntihypertensiveAntianginalBronchoconstrictor

  3. Amiloride • Potassium sparing diuretic • Sodium channel inhibitorAntihypertensive

  4. Amlodipine • Antihypertensive • Calcium channel blocker

  5. Atenolol • Sympatholytic1 adrenergic antagonist • AntihypertensiveAntiarrhythmicAntianginalBronchoconstrictor

  6. Benazopril • Antihypertensive • Converting enzyme inhibitor

  7. Betaxolol • Sympatholytic1 adrenergic antagonist • AntihypertensiveGlaucoma medicationBronchoconstrictor

  8. Bispropolol • Sympatholytic adrenergic antagonist • AntihypertensiveBronchoconstrictor

  9. Candesartan • Antihypertensive • Angiotensin receptor blocker(ARB)

  10. Captopril • Antihypertensive • Converting enzyme inhibitor Heart failure treatmentAngioedema producer

  11. Carteolol • Sympatholytic adrenergic antagonist • AntihypertensiveBronchoconstrictor

  12. Chlorthalidone • Thiazide-like diuretic • Na-Cl symporter inhibitorAntihypertensive

  13. Clonidine • Sympatholytic2 adrenergic agonist • Antihypertensive

  14. Diazoxide • Vasodilator • Antihypertensive

  15. Diltiazem • Class IV antiarrhythmicAntihypertensive • Ca2+ channel blocker

  16. Doxazosin • Sympatholytic1adrenergic antagonist • Antihypertensive

  17. Enalapril • Antihypertensive • Converting enzyme inhibitor Angioedema producer

  18. Eprosartan • Antihypertensive • Angiotensin receptor blocker(ARB)

  19. Esmolol • Sympatholytic1 adrenergic antagonist Class II Antiarrhythmic • AntihypertensiveBronchoconstrictor

  20. Fosinopril • Antihypertensive • Converting enzyme inhibitor

  21. Furosemide • Loop diuretic • Na-K-2Cl symporter inhibitorAntihypertensive

  22. Guanadrel • Sympatholytic • Antihypertensive

  23. Guanethidine • Sympatholytic • Antihypertensive

  24. Guanfacine • Sympatholytic2adrenergic agonist • Antihypertensive

  25. Hydralazine • Vasodilator • Antihypertensive

  26. Hydrochlorothiazide • Thiazide diuretic • Na-Cl symporter inhibitorAntihypertensive

  27. Indapamide • Thiazide-like diuretic • Na-Cl symporter inhibitorAntihypertensive

  28. Irbesartan • Antihypertensive • Angiotensin receptor blocker(ARB)

  29. Isradipine • Antihypertensive • Calcium channel blocker

  30. Labetalol • Sympatholytic and  adrenergic antagonist • Antihypertensive

  31. Levobunolol • Sympatholytic adrenergic antagonist • AntihypertensiveBronchoconstrictor

  32. Lisinopril • Antihypertensive • Converting enzyme inhibitorHeart failure treatmentAngioedema producer

  33. Losartan • Antihypertensive • Angiotensin receptor blocker(ARB)

  34. Methydopa • Sympatholytic2adrenergic agonist • Antihypertensive

  35. Metolazone • Thiazide-like diuretic • Na-Cl symporter inhibitorAntihypertensive

  36. Metoprolol • Sympatholytic1adrenergic antagonist • AntihypertensiveHeart failure medicationBronchoconstrictor

  37. Minoxidil • Vasodilator • Antihypertensive

  38. Moezipril • Antihypertensive • Converting enzyme inhibitor

  39. Nadolol • Sympatholytic adrenergic antagonist • Antihypertensive

  40. Nicardipine • Antihypertensive • Calcium channel blocker

  41. Nifedipine • Antihypertensive • AntianginalCalcium channel blocker

  42. Nisoldipine • Antihypertensive • Calcium channel blocker

  43. Nitrendipine • Antihypertensive • Calcium channel blocker

  44. Nitroprusside • Vasodilator • Antihypertensive

  45. Penbutolol • Sympatholytic adrenergic antagonist • AntihypertensiveBronchoconstrictor

  46. Perindopril • Antihypertensive • Converting enzyme inhibitor

  47. Phenoxybenzamine • Sympatholytic adrenergic antagonist • Antihypertensive

  48. Phentolamine • Sympatholytic adrenergic antagonist • Antihypertensive

  49. Pindolol • Sympatholytic adrenergic antagonist • AntihypertensiveBronchoconstrictor

  50. Prazosin • Sympatholytic1adrenergic antagonist • Antihypertensive

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