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Workshop on Energy Statistics, China

Institutional Arrangements and Legal Framework. Workshop on Energy Statistics, China. September 2012. What are the prerequisites for establishing a sound national statistical system? Legal framework :

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Workshop on Energy Statistics, China

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  1. Institutional Arrangements and Legal Framework Workshop on Energy Statistics, China September 2012

  2. What are the prerequisites for establishing a sound national statistical system? Legal framework: A set of laws & regulations that specify the rights & responsibilities to collect, provide, produce & disseminate data Specifies mandatory reporting Describes responsibilities Ensures protection of confidentiality Introduction

  3. What are the prerequisites for establishing a sound national statistical system? Institutional arrangements: Processes for collaboration between organizations on: Collection, data sharing Reduction of respondent burden Harmonization of concepts, definitions, standards Promoting quality Minimizing costs Governance: to monitor, solve problems, coordinate, prioritize Introduction

  4. Canada has a “Statistics Act” Mandate of Statistics Canada (SC): To collect, compile, analyze, publish statistical information To conduct censuses of population and agriculture To collaborate with other government departments on data collection, development, dissemination To avoid duplication of collection To promote an integrated system of national statistics Legal Framework in Canada

  5. Gives blanket access for SC to all records held by governments Can compel businesses and individuals to respond Directs SC to guarantee confidentiality of individually identifiable information Directs SC to publish the information collected Statistics Act

  6. Headed by the Chief Statistician of Canada – a non-political appointee SC is a separate department with its own budget The centre of a national, centralized statistical system Sets own workplan and priorities Gets advice from a National Statistics Council Statistics Canada

  7. Legitimacy: legal framework Objectivity: non-political interference Responsiveness: useful, relevant activities Confidentiality and security of data Privacy protection Sound methodology: professional standards Access: legal requirement to publish and make data available Core Values

  8. Centre of expertise on surveys, methodology Economies of scale: efficient use of infrastructure Can develop standards, classifications, business register, etc. to promote quality, comparability Can promote links between different programs for analysis, data validation Can attract, develop and retain professional staff Helps to avoid duplication of effort, respondent burden Easier for long-term, strategic planning Provides better access to data – one stop shopping Centralized Approach -- Advantages

  9. Canada is among the largest energy producers and exporters in the world Energy sector is linked to major policy priorities: Economy Energy security Environment Data are needed to support policy development But, responsibility for natural resources rests with provinces - e.g. licensing, regulation Energy in Canada

  10. SC is Canada’s main source of primary energy data At SC, 22 energy surveys (monthly, quarterly, annual) Data gathered directly from respondents or from administrative sources Types of data collected: Supply: volumes of production, distribution, imports Demand: consumption, disposition, exports Financial and technical Because provinces are responsible for natural resources, there are many players involved in data collection Energy Statistics in Canada

  11. Energy Statistics Data Sources

  12. There are important advantages in having a Statistics Act and a centralized statistical agency But the decentralized responsibility for natural resources in Canada brings data collection issues – e.g. collecting data from many sources creates challenges for timeliness, standards, comparability, burden Collaborative efforts are now underway to find ways to improve Summary

  13. Other sources of info on legal & institutional arrangements in other countries United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) Country Practice Templates http://unstats.un.org/unsd/energy/template/responses_t.htm For more information

  14. Andy Kohut, Director Manufacturing and Energy Division Statistics Canada Section B-8, 11th Floor, Jean Talon Building Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0T6 Telephone: 613-951-5858 Andy.kohut@statcan.gc.ca www.statcan.ca Thank you!

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