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From Business Process Analysis up to Business Activity Monitoring. Rainer von Ammon rainer.ammon@citt-online.com www.citt-online.com. University Projects/PhD‘s and Teaching Germany University Regensburg. … about 50 Students for the Course „Distributed Systems“.
From Business Process Analysis up to Business Activity Monitoring Rainer von Ammon rainer.ammon@citt-online.com www.citt-online.com
University Projects/PhD‘s and TeachingGermany University Regensburg
… about 80 Diploma StudentsAustria Software Park Hagenberg/Linz
Idea of the C-I-T-T Oberösterreich Teachings in Computer Science Applied Research Subjects Attractive Jobs with the Chance of a Career Center-of-Information-Technology-Transfer Know How Transfer Professional Consulting Cooperating in Applied Teachings Banks/Insurances Industries … Telco‘s
Institutes Teachings: 7. Semester: BPM/BAM/CEP/SOA/EDA together with norisbank8. Semester: Wiss. und populärwiss. Publizieren Teachings: 8. Semester: BPM/BAM/CEP/SOA/EDA together with Deut. Post5. Semester: EAI/SOA/BPM/MDA IMIK BusinessInformationSystems JobstKlarl(Brandl) PhD‘s Oberösterreich (Tampere University of Technology) International Research & Teaching Teaching & Recruiting Under construction The day after 1 year (Sept. 2006) a lot happend in the meantime… Industrial Partnership Stanford Uni Caltech Uni Schweden M.I.T. Cambridge… Business Development Marketing Presales Recruiting … Haifa - IBM research labs & - Technion Uni Finnland Current main subjects:1. BPM/BAM/CEP/SOA2. SOA, SIP, Security, ESB IBM New YorkWatson Research Centers- Internships- permanent employees- Visiting professor- Residencies- Lab Böblingen- … Projects 1 FMSB (since Oct 05 resp. Dec. 04) 2 Deutsche Post (15.2./9.3….) 3 norisbank (17.2./8.3./7.4….) 4 IDS /IBM (1.2. / 20.2./22.3., Juli07) 5 BMW + Bank (23.3., Workshop) 6 HVB (April 06, WF-Modellierung, Sofortkredit…) 7 DreBa (Neukundengewinnung…) 8 ComBa (ETEC…) 9 Sparda (workshop invitation, Q3) 10 DZ-Bank (together with Post) 11 FinanzIT (May) 12 Audi… DC-Bank (30.5.)… Mind Makers / Lead Gen‘s Events Journals Technology Partnerships 1 Bank Magazin 2 JavaSpektrum 3 JavaMagazin 4 ObjektSpektrum 5 dev2dev 6 … 1 ICWS06, PPPJ06, CEP-Symp. 2 JAX, W-JAX 3 Business Integr. Forum 4 EAI-Zurich 5 OOP 6 IDS-Events 7 Yorktown Heights 8 Dagstuhl seminar 9 Hotel-Events 1 BEA (technical director) 2 IDS 3 IBM 4 Microsoft 5 ILOG 6 (SAP), (Oracle) 7 Coral8 … 8 (Apama / StreamBase)
Agenda • Was hat Business Process Management (BPM) und Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) mit BPA und SOA zu tun? • Warum startet man SOA-Projekte am besten mit BAM? • Konzepte serviceorientierter Architekturen – Wo und wie beginnt man mit dem Schneiden von Services? • Oder schneidet man besser gar nicht in monolithischen Code? • Was die Fachabteilungen in den nächsten Jahren beschäftigen wird: SOA-gerechte Remodellierung von Geschäftsprozessen und Definieren von Event Patterns • Die derzeitige „standardisierte Verwirrung“: Standards, Fast-Standards, keine Standards – die Kette der Standards von SOA, BPM bis BAM am Beispiel von eEPK oder UML, BPEL, BPEL-J, CEI und CBE usw. • Das zukünftige Referenz-Modell für BPM/BAM/CEP-Anwendungen • Warum brauchen wir ein durchgängiges BAM/SAM?
„... Andere steuern ihre Prozesse bereits, wir denken darüber nach ....“ Für die Steuerung der Stromversorgung existieren Frühwarnsysteme, die Überbelastungen anzeigen und bei Ausfällen Notfallsysteme zeitnah in die Versorgungsprozesse einbeziehen. Ein Auto hat bereits viele tausend Kilometer hinter sich bevor es gebaut ist. Die Zulieferung der einzelnen Komponenten erfolgt „just in time“. Engpasssituationen werden zeitnah ausgesteuert. ... und Bankabwicklungsprozesse ?
Darstellung der Aus- wirkungen von System- verfügbarkeiten und -störungen Monitoring zeitkritischer Enpassfaktoren und Transaktionsverfolgung Geschäfts- prozess- monitoring Workflow- steuerung Prozess- und system- verknüpftes Notfall- und Störungsmanagement Transparenz über durchgängig dargestellte Prozesse Überwachung der SLA-Einhaltung Steuerung und Überwachung von Prozessen ist ...
Das Problem fängt schon bei der Prozess- darstellung an ! Abwicklungsprozesse bestehen aus manuellen und automatisierten (digitalisierten) bankfachlichen Prozessschritten Automatische Abrechnung Automatische Lieferung Zur Abrechnung freigeben Bestätigung vornehmen Lieferung ausführen Output- management Meldewesen Abstimmung Prinzipiell sind manuelle Prozesse dokumentiert. Automatisierte (digitale) Fachprozesse sind nur technisch dokumentiert.
+ Integration von manuellen Prozessen mit IT-Systemen, z.B. über das PASS-Portal* der HVB AG ARIS-Prozessmodell Darstellung der digitalen Prozessschritte PASS: Prozess, Architektur, Strukturen und Standards Bestätigung vornehmen Abrechnung durchführen Technische Abrechnung Systemabhängigkeiten und digitaler Ablauf der Abrechnung zu einzelnen manuellen Prozessen
Für Zusammenführung von Informationen sind Abgriffstellen in techn. Prozessen zu definieren Ganzheitlicher Abwicklungsprozess (manuelle und digitale Prozessschritte) Geschäftsprozessmonitoring (Analyse der Prozess- und Systemperformance) Frühwarnindikatoren überwachen Sensor 1 Trend-/ Schwankungsanalyse Sensor 2 Ursachenanalyse SLA – Einhaltung nachweisen Durchgängige Prozesskennzahlen für Effizienz und Qualität (SLA)
Bedenken von potentiellen Anwendern aus ersten Projekten 2005 Entscheidung: Suche nach erprobten und einfachen Lösungen verstärken und Erfahrungen im Zuge von Pilotprojekten sammeln Vorgehen Step by Step Proof of Concept am Beispiel „Workflow Optionsscheinabwicklung“ ...kein Standard-Tool auf dem Markt verfügbar ...hoher monetärer Aufwand erforderlich ...kurzfristig nicht realisierbar ...hoher Programmieraufwand ...unkalkulierbare Nachfolgeaufwände ...Nutzen im frühen Stadium der Entwicklung schwer quantifizierbar
Beispiel: „EAI“ Referenzmodell eines Anwenders Zwischen EAI und SOA wurde bisher nicht getrennt Prototypischer Workflow fokussiert Stufe 3
Bearbeitungs- volumen der FMSB Vielzahl von Systemkomponenten Hohe Anzahl von Einzelprozessen (eEPKs) 15 Mio Handels- Transaktionen p.a. 320.000 Geld- und Devisen- Transaktionen p.a. 820.000 Kunden- depots HVB AG: ca. 1.000 FMSB: ca. 80 HVB AG: ca. 2.500 FMSB: ca. 700 Schnittstellen zwischen manuellen und technischen Prozessen und Organisations- einheiten Primäre Eigenent- wicklungen von Systemen und Systemkomponenten (HOST / COBOL) Komplexe Prozess- und Systemwelt
In mittelständischen Unternehmen müssen bereits ca. 60 Applikationen integriert werden: Traditionell Point-to-Point- und MOM-basierte Hub&Spoke-Verfahren – bei HVB ca. 1.100 App’s! Screen Scrape Download Message File Screen Queue Scrape Sockets Transaction Screen Transaction File Scrape File Sockets CICS Gateway Download RPC ORB File APPC Message ORB Message Transaction Queue File Message Queue CICS Gateway Screen Transaction Scrape File Download APPC File Message RPC
Das Ziel: Service Integration mit einem Enterprise Service Bus Customer Portal Service Consumption Service Bus Service Integration and Management Purchase Order Management Process Service Orchestration Customer ManagementProcess InventoryManagementProcess BillingProcess Service Creation People Mainframe CRM ERP TradingPartners Resources
BPEL Service Bus Customer ManagementService InventoryManagementService BillingService BPELJ Die Zielarchitektur ab Herbst 06, wenn BPEL 2.x “approved” ist Service Consumers Mobile Portals Composite Applications Service Orchestration (OpenSource or BEA WLI 9.x or IBM Process Server or Oracle…) Purchase Order Management Process Service Bus Layer (SOPware or AquaLogic Service Bus or WebSphere …) Messaging and Service Management Customer ManagementProcess InventoryManagementProcess BillingProcess Service Enablement (WLI 9.x or WebSphere or …) Resources People Mainframe CRM ERP TradingPartners
Prozessdesign erfolgt mit dem ARIS-Toolset – Frage: Kann „Semantische Lücke“ zwischen Fach- und IT-Abteilungen mittels neuer IDE‘s geschlossen werden?
Was wird was von eEPK in BPEL/JPD-Darstellung?Und verstehen das beide „Welten“? Alle Prozesse müssen SOA-gerecht remodelliert werden und dazu müssen beide Welten an einem Tisch sitzen!
But let’s start from behind:The new hype is BAM and Enterpise Cockpits • By inserting measuring points in the business process… • Monitoring on business level • Cockpit functions for the management • Analyses in „Real Time“
Requirements for BAM-Tools – still open topics of research • There’s a global cloud of business events • Many sources of events • Medium sized stock brokerage may be dealing with thousands of business events per second e.g. eTrade > 2000, Charles Schwab > 14.000… ^= transaction rates but there are much more business events than transactions!
Requirements for BAM-Tools – still open topics of research • various classes of BAM tools • monitor events from the enterprise cloud in real-time • metrics (often called Key Performance Indicators, KPIs) • display them on a dashboard with fancy graphics • alert you when the metrics get critical - like “low inventory”, or “retail website overload”. • more advanced tools also give you rules that trigger on alerts and let you specify proactive repairs to your business • BPM/BAM suites that can monitor everything on your IT Infrastructure, • decide how your business processes depend upon various IT assets, • deliver an up to the second view of how your business processes are performing, • and let you go back to remodeling the processes at any time • discovering the patterns of events that are really significant. • Connecting the dots in the event cloud is what BAM is really about
Requirements for BAM-Tools – still open topics of research • Why is the BAM tools space chaotic? • First of all, we might want classifications of BAM tools • Secondly, standards for event processing • Thirdly, technology checklists whereby we would know how a tool actually works • as opposed to what the marketing department says it does. None of this exists yet • The first attempts at a Common Event Infrastructure standard for BAM appeared in 2004
Requirements for BAM-Tools – current State of the Art Here’s a start at a BAM event processing checklist 1. Real-time event data computation.This means that the tool can use the data contained in events to compute metrics (i.e., KPIs) in real-time and continuously update them on the graphics displays or feed the metrics to other applications. 2.Single event triggering.The tool can react to single events, either predefined or defined by the user, e.g., alerts indicating critical KPIs, and then take actions also predefined or specified by the user. Actions may involve sending email messages, etc. Usually the tool will supply a capability to define event triggered reactive rules, and may combine this with capabilities under item #1. 3.Event streams processing.An event stream is a real-time, continuous, ordered (by arrival time at the tool, or by a time stamping mechanism) sequence of events. Here, the tool assumes the event input is a stream. This assumption allows optimization of some kinds of event processing that fall under item #1. It is an appropriate way to handle stockmarket feeds, for example. However, it is impossible to control the order in which events from an enterprise cloud arrive at the tool. So the stream order cannot reflect the relationships that exist between events as a result of enterprise activities. We’re talking about relationships such as which events caused other events, which events happened independently, or their creation times -- the times at which the events actually happened. If a tool turns the cloud into a stream before it starts processing events, then it can only detect simple patterns of events in the event cloud - essentially Boolean and’s and or’s of events.
Requirements for BAM-Tools – still open topics of research 4. Complex event pattern triggering. Tools that satisfy this checklist item can detect complex patterns of many events in the global event cloud of the enterprise and then react to them in various ways. Typically, a complex pattern is made up of many events, often created at different locations in an enterprise and possibly in different time zones. Complex patterns may involve events that are causally related and other events that happened independently. A complex pattern consists not only of the events but also of the relationships between the events. For example, the pattern of activity in a set of concurrent or collaborating business processes. Other common examples can be found in patterns of events in fraudulent activity, or violations of SEC regulations or other conformance issues. These tools have to capture information about the event cloud in order to detect complex patterns. For example, causality between events, independence and the creation time of each event. Typically, such tools encode this information in the events themselves – so that each event contains its own genetic information. When a tool processes an event it can tell from the encoded genetic data how that event is related to other events in the cloud. Many enterprise IT systems already put some of this encoding into events when they are created by using various identifiers such as message Ids, transaction Ids, etc. So, encoding the cloud is not always very difficult.
Requirements for BAM-Tools – still open topics of research 5. Event pattern abstraction. Tools that satisfy item #4 may go a step further by providing rules to create new eventswhenever an event pattern matches. The new events can be constructed to contain some of the information contained in the events that matched the pattern. And the new events can be processed by the tool just like other events in the cloud. This is called event pattern abstraction. It is a step towards supplying higher level views - e.g., executive reports - of patterns of complicated business activity. Important data is included in the new event, and unnecessary details are omitted, the new event is an abstraction.
Requirements for BAM-Tools – still open topics of research Right now (2006), most BAM tools will only check off items #1 and #2. Even so, they’re proving to be very useful Many tools use finite state machines or Java scripts to define patterns of events and reactive rules. These methods, even when supported by GUIs, are too low level. As a result they will lead to problems later on. As a tool gets used on more demanding management problems, the sets of event patterns and event pattern triggered rules will grow in size. Patterns and rules management then becomes an issue. It is not easy to check a bunch of Java scripts to uncover mutually exclusive or redundant rules (e.g., if A matches a set of events then B will match the same set of events). High level, declarative event pattern languages would be preferable „… Now we think it will take six to eight years." And the advice is to start planning for it now.
The first 3 steps today starting withMonitoring Business Processes and Activities event cloud with thousands of events per sec… passwdchange account login event patterns and complex event processing… new auto pay account login withdrawal new auto pay deposit transfer logout account login enquiry deposit Sensor 1 activity history account balance logout enquiry passwdchange account login new auto pay enquiry account login withdrawal new auto pay deposit transfer account login logout enquiry deposit Sensor 2 activity history logout …e.g. above a bank The first 3 steps: 1. Precise description of patterns of events 2. Detecting patterns in the event cloud 3. Abstraction of complex event pattern instances to higher level events
What we and our PhD-students will do in the future in cooperation with e.g. …
But with BAM comes SOA!Example for SOA:the business process of account opening > 3.000 processes must be designed 70.000 LoCs per variant of process This bank has about 3.000 different business processes /* * * FUNCTION NAME: Miniapp_i::pruefe_name * * FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: * * Method function for pruefe_name. * (Implementation : Miniapp_i) * */ CORBA::Long Miniapp_i::pruefe_name ( const char * val) { CORBA::Long _method_result = (CORBA::Long) 0; /* M3_PRESERVE_BEGIN(Miniapp_i::pruefe_name) */ /* Insert code that you want preserved here */ TP::userlog ("bin im server"); if (stricmp ("Kiki", val) != 0) _method_result = 1; else _method_result = 0; /* M3_PRESERVE_END(Miniapp_i::pruefe_name) */ return _method_result; } /* M3_PRESERVE_BEGIN(MiniappFactory_i) */ /* Insert code that you want preserved here */ The business process of account opening has 70.000 Cobol LoCs In this bank there‘re about 20 variants of the account opening process Let‘s calculate: 1 folder can retain 400 pagesà 70 lines (font size 6)70000 LoCs : 70 lines per page = 1000 pages : 400 pages per folder = 2,5 folder x 20 variants = 50 folder
Example for SOA:the business process of account opening- only an impression of dimensions - Let‘s calculate once more: 1 folder with 400 pages = 10 cm 1 process variant = 2,5 folders 10 cm x 2,5 folders = 25 cm x 20 variants = 5 m 25 cm per process
The problem for SOA:Legacy Systems as monoliths and dead code - classical strategy: putting up fences around - 20 variants in 5 m folders means 1,4 millions LoCs Billions of lines of Cobol code in the world (ca. Cobol locs used in 2004, new Cobol locs per year (Gartner)) 25 cm per process Until today: 80 % Cobol vs 20 % Java The discipline of Software Engineering assumes, that about 30 %of these billions COBOL LoCs are dead resp. nobody knows yet what these LoCs are doing
The problem for SOA:Legacy Systems as monoliths and dead resp. unknown code - but now: how to tailor SOA services?! - 20 variants in 5 m folders means 1,4 millions LoCs /* * * FUNCTION NAME: Miniapp_i::pruefe_name * * FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: * * Method function for pruefe_name. * (Implementation : Miniapp_i) * */ CORBA::Long Miniapp_i::pruefe_name ( const char * val) { CORBA::Long _method_result = (CORBA::Long) 0; /* M3_PRESERVE_BEGIN(Miniapp_i::pruefe_name) */ /* Insert code that you want preserved here */ TP::userlog ("bin im server"); if (stricmp ("Kiki", val) != 0) _method_result = 1; else _method_result = 0; /* M3_PRESERVE_END(Miniapp_i::pruefe_name) */ return _method_result; } /* M3_PRESERVE_BEGIN(MiniappFactory_i) */ /* Insert code that you want preserved here */ /* * * FUNCTION NAME: Miniapp_i::pruefe_name * * FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: * * Method function for pruefe_name. * (Implementation : Miniapp_i) * */ CORBA::Long Miniapp_i::pruefe_name ( const char * val) { CORBA::Long _method_result = (CORBA::Long) 0; /* M3_PRESERVE_BEGIN(Miniapp_i::pruefe_name) */ /* Insert code that you want preserved here */ TP::userlog ("bin im server"); if (stricmp ("Kiki", val) != 0) _method_result = 1; else _method_result = 0; /* M3_PRESERVE_END(Miniapp_i::pruefe_name) */ return _method_result; } /* M3_PRESERVE_BEGIN(MiniappFactory_i) */ /* Insert code that you want preserved here */ /* * * FUNCTION NAME: Miniapp_i::pruefe_name * * FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: * * Method function for pruefe_name. * (Implementation : Miniapp_i) * */ CORBA::Long Miniapp_i::pruefe_name ( const char * val) { CORBA::Long _method_result = (CORBA::Long) 0; /* M3_PRESERVE_BEGIN(Miniapp_i::pruefe_name) */ /* Insert code that you want preserved here */ TP::userlog ("bin im server"); if (stricmp ("Kiki", val) != 0) _method_result = 1; else _method_result = 0; /* M3_PRESERVE_END(Miniapp_i::pruefe_name) */ return _method_result; } /* M3_PRESERVE_BEGIN(MiniappFactory_i) */ /* Insert code that you want preserved here */ Not all comes from Gartner, something is from Schiller e.g.: "Fest gemauert in der Erden / Steht die Form, aus Code gebrannt…“
Online, Service Terminals Contact Center Branch Start SOA at the Business Processes, e.g. Multi-Channel Sales in Banks Problem: different processes behind each channel?!?! We can‘t do real time BAM! Problem: reconciliation of data and processes takes ??? days?!?! Initiative After Sales Consulting Sales typical bank-customer process in Retail Banking
Design horizontal and vertical coupling of services Example: Consumer credit process SOAP IIOP SOAP RMI SOAP SOAP SOAP RPC SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP RPC 1 way Not all is „SOAP“ resp. „Simple“ in the real life!
New Approach in a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)? 5 – 200 classes in 1 component or service…(Peter Herzum/Oliver Sims 2000) How fine resp. coarse grained is an appropriate component or service??? What do criteria like „Self contained“, „Reusability in other contexts“ mean…?!
Redundant functionality and data, their modeling in suitable general components, and their reuse in one or several services
What‘s the appropriate granularity for a service, e.g. „a shopping cart“?
Shopping Cart Patterns... sind bewährte Lösungswege, die textuell nach einem bestimmten Verfahren beschrieben werden (z.B. Gamma et al. 95). Example:Has this component/design pattern an appropriate granularity for SOA? http://www.welie.com/patterns/shopping-cart.html Author Martijn van Welie Problem Users want to buy a product Principle Metaphor (Conceptual Model) Context A site where users can browse through products and buy them. Users are not very frequent buyers and are possibly novices. For returning customers, consider a ONE-CLICK SHOPPING system. • Users may buy more than one product • Users may want to select products now but pay later • Users may decide to purchase somewhere else at any time Forces Solution Introduce a shopping cart where users can put their products in before they actually purchase them. When users view a product description, they can choose to add it to their shopping cart. After adding an item to their cart, the users are shown the current contents of the cart. Users can inspect their cart contents at any time using a link that is available on every page. A persistent mini-cart could also be shown directly on the content pages. The description of the cart contents typically includes the name of the items, the quantity, availability and prices. Users can remove items from their cart if they wish and change quantities. The description of the goods is a link to the product details. Users always see the total costs of a purchase, so including shipping costs if applicable. The users must also be informed of the payment options such as which credit cards are accepted. From the cart page, the users can continue shopping or proceed with the checkout procedure. The items stay in the cart for a certain period of time, e.g. 90 days. In order to purchase the products in the cart they need to select the checkout action. The checkout is a five step process with the following tasks: Identify Select shipping address Select payment method Place order The users can abort the checkout procedure at any step. When users retry the checkout later, they start again at the first task. Consider a Wizard to guide the user through these tasks while minimizing the number of web pages used.
Now remember the whole picture and what it really means:Monitoring Business Processes and Activities event cloud with thousands of events per sec… passwdchange account login event patterns and complex event processing… new auto pay account login withdrawal new auto pay deposit transfer logout account login enquiry deposit Sensor 1 activity history account balance logout enquiry passwdchange account login new auto pay enquiry account login withdrawal new auto pay deposit transfer account login logout enquiry deposit Sensor 2 activity history logout …e.g. above a bank The first steps: 1. Redesign your business processes for SOA and BPM 2. Make a SOA, identify services, build WSDL-interfaces…3. Precise description of patterns of events 4. Detecting patterns in the event cloud 5. Abstraction of complex event pattern instances to higher level events
The „standardized“ confusion:Why does it seem so bewildering for the (early) adopters today? WebServicesOrchestration != Workflow-Modeling CITT reality lab Rational ARIS Toolkit eEPK IDS ARIS199x UML 2.0Activity DiagramOMG 2004/5 VIP Tool Petrinet-Model-Verif. R&D / Uni Visual Studio e.g. Arc-Styler IDS XLANGMS 2001 Abstract + Executable Workflows IDS iQgen WSADIE BPEL 1.12002/May 2003 And 50 more tools… JSR207 / BPEL-JJCP 2003 JPDBEA 2003 XPDL 1.0WfMC Aug. 2002 WSFLIBM 2001 IDS Nearly all UML tools IDS Workshop Deficits(e.g. human interactions) Standardization takes too much time, said BEA BEA anticipated BPEL-J standard for beeing able to deliver a tool platform StreamBase BEA? Apama Aut. migrated BEA IBM MS et al. WS-BPEL 2.0Draft June 2004, OASIS final approved ??? 2005 JSR207 / BPEL-JJCP ??? 2005 XPDL 2.0WfMC Sept. 2005 IBM Process Server Weblogic WebLogic Workshop™ - 1. Java IDE vs. MS Visual Studio Tibco BE, … WebSphere BPM-Systeme as Eclipse-plugins, just announced: JBoss ??? BPEL-Extensions ??? BEA, IBM, Oracle, SAP, SeeBeyond…, open source Coral8 ARIS PPM ??? No standards yet ??? iSpheres BAM-Tools, no standards presently for: Systar IBM Monitor • Common Base Event CBE • generic BAM sensors • Common Event Infrastructure CEI … etcpp… • classification schema for tools
2007 wird das Anbieter-Investment in den Support von Events das Investment in den Support von Services überschreiten* Gartner Symposium Itxpo 2004 Yefim Natis, Cannes, France, 31 October - 4 November 2004 Service-Oriented Architecture: Composite Applications, Web Services and Multichannel Applications *(0,7 Wahrscheinlichkeit)
The Technology Challenge and the Principle of BPM/BAM/CEP,e.g. for „Next Generation InstantCredit Systems“ Enterprise cockpit Workflow Modeler realize scenarioprocess instances set parameters Event Modeler Monitor / Analyze / Act Workflow Engine based on BPEL workflows Model ^= Scenario Rules Engine„special“ SQLresp. other languages AppServer Event Store analysehistory… Normalized events,build businesss level events IF …AND …FOLLOWED BY…WITHIN…ACTION Adapterse.g. RFID, topics of Pub/Sub, … e.g. payments calculate pott, offer rates, profit… Low Level Event Streams e.g. credit offers (completed)
Cockpit Process Function Service Application Network Event Processing • ARIS PPM • ORACLE BAM • IBM Monitor • … • IBM Tivoli • HP OpenView • BMC • CA • … Closing the gap between low level and business level monitoring tools • Classical BAM has top down view • Technical monitoring has bottom up view • Gap between business und technical monitoring • Event Processing identifies events in both worlds and correlates process/functions/service calls with the related technical systems
XML XML Do we need an integrated, seamless BAM/SAM?Events in a SOA - Messaging • Events when a message is processed by a participant • Contain MessageID, MessageExchangeID, ParticipantID, time Service Consumer E S B ServiceProvider E S B • Exceeded response time triggers an event • Events can be used to track the propagation of messages in a SOA • Non-functional aspects can be monitored • Overhead to implement event generation in each application =>Integrate event generation in ESB • Source: Deutsche Post World Net
XML Header: Process#4711 <?xml version="1.0"> <order id="1234“ > <name>Foo Inc.</name> <orderNo>42</orderNo> <value> 24000 </value> </order> Do we need an integrated, seamless BAM/SAM?Events in a SOA – Business Content • Events when a message is processed by a participant • Contain MessageID, MessageExchangeID, ParticipantID, time Process#4711 Service Consumer ServiceProvider E S B E S B id=“1234” • Correlation events containMessageExchangeID and BusinessID 24000 • SOA messaging events do not contain any business-related information • Business content can provide valuable information: • Correlation between technical and business events • Business information as input for BAM • Possible sources for business content: Message headers (set by sender application) Message content (e.g., identified by xpath) • Source: Deutsche Post World Net
. t p d . A Customer Data t C p A Customer d . l O A p S System A m O I S . t p Production d A A System O S Network r Order e h t Management O Legacy App Do we need an integrated, seamless BAM/SAM?Events in a SOA – Complexity Database • Service calls can not be seen in isolation • One service call will often cause others • Any service participant will interact with other systems • Result: Event cloud
Do we need an integrated, seamless BAM/SAM?Events in an SOA – Complexity • SOA events from one business process SCM Integration Broker Integration Broker CRM CRM CRM Tracking Service Adapter Adapter Order Entry ERP SCM CRM Finance • Concurrency is inherent in enterprise systems