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Loading Banner Web Applications Through The SSD Software AXIOM

Loading Banner Web Applications Through The SSD Software AXIOM. Indiana University of Pennsylvania Mary Mosholder. Presentation Goal.

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Loading Banner Web Applications Through The SSD Software AXIOM

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  1. Loading Banner Web Applications Through The SSD Software AXIOM Indiana University of Pennsylvania Mary Mosholder

  2. Presentation Goal • To review the use of an IUP Banner process to export Banner Web Application data to a file that the SSD software Axiom can use to load the student record and update Banner.

  3. About IUP • 14,000 students; 1,800 employees • Largest Member, SSHE • 3 campuses; 1 center; 1 academy • Doctoral I • Clock-hour programs

  4. Banner at IUP • Live with 8 baseline modules and 6 Self Service products since 2000. • Banner 7.x – October 2005 • Oracle 9i Database • Oracle Application Server 10g • Sun Solaris – DB servers • INB Servers (4)

  5. The Challenge • The Banner Web Applications were filled out by students. Periodically a person in Admissions would push the web applications, one at a time, into Banner using the SAAEAPS form. That night a paper version of the applications was printed. The next day another person in Admissions would enter the data from the paper applications that was not automatically pushed by the Banner push process.

  6. Solution Building Blocks • Created Banner process using Pro*C • Worked with SSD on the file load portion for Axiom

  7. Topics • Web Application Push Process • Admissions Goals for Web Applications • Banner Process to extract Web Application • SSD loading of Web Application

  8. Web Application Push Process • The Banner Web Application had questions that were not loading correctly • The Banner Web Application allows for schools to have additional questions • When a student submits their Web Application, it is marked as complete on SAAEAPS

  9. Web Application Push Process • An Admissions person looks at SAAEAPS for complete applications on a regular basis and manually pushes them • In the evening an automatic letter generation job runs that prints a paper version of the web application

  10. Web Application Push Process

  11. Web Application Push Process

  12. Web Application Push Process

  13. Web Application Push Process

  14. Web Application Push Process

  15. Web Application Push Process • Every morning the paper web applications are delivered to Admissions • An Admissions staff member then looks over the paper application and adds the non pushed data to the student’s SAAADMS screen

  16. Web Application Push Process

  17. Web Application Push Process

  18. Admissions Goals for Web Applications • Be able to load multiple people in a short amount of time • Load all data at once so application is complete on SAAADMS sooner

  19. Banner Process to extract Web Application • Extract a tab delimited file of web applicant data • Discussed which fields with SSD beforehand • Changes to some free form questions • Campus • Felony • Set limit on unlimited portions of the web application • Previous College • Relatives

  20. Banner Process to extract Web Application

  21. Banner Process to extract Web Application • New questions with added functionality • Commuter/Resident • Corrected invalid EDI code for Activities • Data pulled from Banner Temporary tables • Personal Information – SARPERS • Occupation for Relative – SAREMPL • Address Information - SARADDR

  22. Banner Process to extract Web Application • Web Application Default – STVWAPP • High School - SARHSCH • Prior College – SARPCOL, SORXREF • Telephone – SARPHON • Curriculum – SORMAJR, SORDEGR • Field of study - SARDFOS

  23. Banner Process to extract Web Application • Activities – SARACTV • Application Base - SARHEAD • Legacy – SORXREF • SQL packages and functions • Used Banner versions within process

  24. SSD Loading of Web Application • SSD & IUP • Set up folder for file from Banner • Which fields are updated • Name Suffix • Residency Code • Legacy Code • Default of full time • Which fields matched on

  25. SSD Loading of Web Application • Areas/Banner Tables used within Axiom • Personal Information – SPBPERS • Name – SPRIDEN • Address – SPRADDR • Telephone – SPRTELE • Email – GOREMAL • Applicant – SARADAP, SARRSRC

  26. SSD Loading of Web Application • Relative Information – SORFOLK • High School – SORHSCH • Activity Codes – SORINTS • Applicant Attributes Codes – SARAATT • Prior College Information - SORPCOL, SORDEGR, SORMAJR, SORMINR • Additional Questions – SARQUAN • Web Applications - SARHEAD

  27. SSD Loading of Web Application • If previous school not selected from Banner, SSD will do its own look up based on School Name, City, and State • John Leja was onsite for AXIOM upgrade so he personally explained how to load from the file into AXIOM and implemented the initial setup

  28. Conclusion • IUP developed a Banner process to extract web applicant information into a file. That file is then loaded through AXIOM so that fields containing IUP specific data are loaded along with the Banner loaded data.

  29. Questions Mary MosholderTechnology Services CenterApplication Development G-14 Stright Hall, IUP Indiana, PA 15705(724) 357-4721msinger@iup.edu

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