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What is SF224 Centralization?. The Federal Investments Branch (FIB) submits daily investment activity via IPAC to FMS on behalf of the agencies who invest in Government Account Series (GAS) securitiesThe FIB submits a monthly Partial 224 for reclassification of items not IPACdAll data submitted by the FIB (ALC 20552002) to FMS is reflected in GWA on the agency Account Statement .
1. SF224 Centralization Federal Investments and Borrowings Seminar
April 12, 2007
Presented By: Kim Poling
2. FIB reports sub classes 88, 98, 75 and .2/76
Reclass info sent via P224 @ month end (Orig disc on sell or matu, inflation comp, and amort w/mv adj for zeros as well as DODFIB reports sub classes 88, 98, 75 and .2/76
Reclass info sent via P224 @ month end (Orig disc on sell or matu, inflation comp, and amort w/mv adj for zeros as well as DOD
3. GWA Account Statement
4. Why change? Intragovernmental Business Rules, TFM Bulletin No. 2007-03 effective October 1, 2006 states BPD shall report Federal investment activity on behalf of its Trading Partners to FMS via SF224 or the GWA system
Web Address: http://www.fms.treas.gov/tfm/vol1/07-03.html
As of February 2007, the FIB submitted investment activity for approximately 50% of all active accounts, representing 97 funds
Investment activity submitted by the FIB is an automated process
Business Rules: Section IV. A. 5.
Submitted DOD funds for Feb activity, and Pension Benefit 10/01/06, Nuclear 1/1/06 (modified cash/accrual basis & zeros)
The Partial 224 is done to report transactions that are not captured in IPAC Business Rules: Section IV. A. 5.
Submitted DOD funds for Feb activity, and Pension Benefit 10/01/06, Nuclear 1/1/06 (modified cash/accrual basis & zeros)
The Partial 224 is done to report transactions that are not captured in IPAC
5. Key Benefits Reduces work load of agency at no additional cost 1) All IPAC activity is summarized on 1st workday of next month and posted to GWA that same day. No later than 3rd workday, FIB sends Partial 224. So, all activity should be visible by 3rd workday. By fall 2007, FMS should have GWA Initiated Statements which will show daily updates, but it does not reflect what STAR officially has. Until STAR is completely replaced by GWA, official daily statements will not be in place.
2) The TAS/BETC info is already programmed into our system and is being sent on IPAC1) All IPAC activity is summarized on 1st workday of next month and posted to GWA that same day. No later than 3rd workday, FIB sends Partial 224. So, all activity should be visible by 3rd workday. By fall 2007, FMS should have GWA Initiated Statements which will show daily updates, but it does not reflect what STAR officially has. Until STAR is completely replaced by GWA, official daily statements will not be in place.
2) The TAS/BETC info is already programmed into our system and is being sent on IPAC
6. What will change? Agency will no longer receive daily IPACs for investment activity (paper reduction)
Agency will only report Non-GAS activity on their SF224
Agency should review the Statement of Account published by the FIB and call 304-480-5151 by COB on 1st workday if differences exist
7. Statement of Account
8. How do I get started? Send an e-mail to Fedinvestor@bpd.treas.gov with the following information:
Start date (must be prior to the beginning of the month you want to start)
Account Fund Symbols (AFS) you want the activity submitted for
The ALC associated with each AFS
9. Questions/Concerns If automated system processes will make this change difficult, there are options available, so please give us a call. Create reports function in FedInvest
Create reports function in FedInvest