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Dr. Mike Murphy. Dublin 22 April 2013. Traditional University Missions. Creation, validation and organization of information into new knowledge lie at the heart of the research mission of the university;
Dr. Mike Murphy Dublin 22 April 2013
Traditional University Missions Creation, validation and organization of information into new knowledgelie at the heart of the research mission of the university; validation, organization and dissemination of knowledge in the form of new informationdefine its teaching mission.
THIRD MISSION Third Mission complements the mission of teaching and the mission of research. Third Mission supports the structures, processes and engagement between universities and the wider community. Third Mission activities of HEIs seek to generate, apply and use knowledge and other HEIs capabilities outside academic environments. The complexity of this issue reflects the richness of the bonds linking HEIs to the society at large. (Adapted from the Final Report for Russell Group of Universities, 2002)
Example of outreach Programme: DIT-Ballymun Music Programme • Orchestra, wind band, string band and choir in the primary and secondary schools in socio-economically disadvantaged area in Dublin • Music as a vehicle for engagement in learning • Students receive scholarships to DIT • 1000 children per year benefit • ‘Ballymun Lullaby’ CD and film • Purpose-built Music Room in the community • Key partners: DIT Conservatory of Music, DIT Access and Civic Engagement Office, primary and second schools in Ballymun • Range of funders: government, corporate, local government, donations
DIT Access and Civic Engagement Office Role of Office: to facilitate, co-ordinate and support three stands of civic engagement and access programmes: 1. Community engagement through service learning, community-based research and outreach programmes 2. Widening participation via a range of access routes 3. Student engagement through curriculum-based service learning, innovative student support programme for access students, volunteering opportunities and student internships
E3M PROJECT 2009 2010 2011 2012 • Lifelong Learning Programme* • 8 partners / 7 countries • Participants • Researchers: 20 • Advisors: 2 • Experts: 20 • Timeline: • Feb 2009 – Feb 2012 www.e3mproject.eu 6 6 *Project No: 143352-LLP -1-2008-1-ES-KA1-KA1SCR
PARTNERS Advisors Coordinator 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 7 7
GOAL & OBJECTIVES Goal • Generatea comprehensive instrument to identify, measure, and compare Third Mission activities of HEIs from a wide perspective Objectives • Create European standard indicators to measure third mission activities • Create a ranking methodology to benchmark Third Mission activities of European HEIs • Describe good practices for institutional dialogue in a European Area of higher education framework www.e3mproject.eu 8 8
Questions to answer: What is included in Third Mission? How can we measure Third Mission? Who is working in Third Mission? What are some of the best doing? What can we recommend? Conceptualization of 3M Indicators set Database for 3M Best practices Green Paper 9
WHAT IS THIRD MISSION? Consultancy Collaborative research projects Non-academic organizations Licensing Business incubators Patents Applied Research Technology Transfer & Innovation Companies Shared laboratories Cooperation Spin-offs Facilities International cooperation Mobility of people Start-ups Technology parks Volunteering Community service projects Sharing of space Social Engagement Political participation Access to libraries Membership of Community boards Cultural events Senior populations Seminars Grants Educational activities Life Long Learning Programs Continuing Education Business opportunities Teaching Fee management e-Learning 10 Sponsoring of education Sponsorship 10
THE DIMENSIONS OF THE THIRD MISSION ContinuingEducation Technology Transfer & Innovation Social Engagement DIMENSIONS PROCESSES 11 11
Dimension 2: Technology Transfer & Innovation (TTI)
Dissemination • PolicySeminars • Papers • Web page and Blog • Final Conference • Green Paper What can we recommend?
Green Paper Perhaps the most important output of the process Paper targeted to policy makers and decision makers This paper has the objective to stimulate debate and launch a process of consultation at European level on third mission measuring (and ranking) methodologies Based on: Research conclusions Good practices identified Study visits Policy Seminars Delphi experts feedback 17
Key Factors for Developing Engagement in HEIs • Clear commitment to and belief in engagement in mission and values • Strategy for engagement • Senior management champions • Staff to co-ordinate work • Resourcing • Key part of HEI communication • Dissemination and promotion of engagement • Included in all academic quality assurance processes and teaching and learning developments • Part of staff recruitment, progression and training and development • Interlink teaching, engagement and research • Engagement factored into HE ranking systems
Example of curriculum-based service learning: Students Learning With Communities • Community-based learning • Staff/students collaborate with underserved community partners (local groups, not-for-profit organisations) to develop real-life course-based credit-bearing projects for mutual benefit. • 1,300 DIT students, 100+ community partners. • Module on 1 in 3 undergraduate programmes • e.g: Leisure Management students train as Gaelic for Girls referees and coaches, and run G4G blitz days in inner-city clubs on work placement module
THANK YOUQUESTIONS ? mike.murphy@dit.ie