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OBJECT GROUNDING AND Gesture in collaborative physical tasks

Ciara R. Wigham , 15 Dec . 2010. OBJECT GROUNDING AND Gesture in collaborative physical tasks. Initiation simple (elementary) complex (episodic, instalment, provisional, dummy, proxy) Refashioning request for expansion rejection (direct or indirect) Acceptance explicit implicit.

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OBJECT GROUNDING AND Gesture in collaborative physical tasks

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  1. Ciara R. Wigham, 15 Dec. 2010 OBJECT GROUNDING AND Gesture in collaborative physicaltasks

  2. Initiation • simple (elementary) • complex (episodic, instalment, provisional, dummy, proxy) Refashioning • request for expansion • rejection (direct or indirect) Acceptance • explicit • implicit oBJECT GROUDING DURING CPTs* A Collaborators come to mutual agreement on the objects to be manipulated: basic exchange Clark and Wilkes-Gibbs (1986) B Provide instructions for procedures to be performed on the object. C Check task-status to ensure the actions have the desired effect. *collaborative physical tasks

  3. Helper: now these fork looking things down here. Worker: uh? H:the metal fork things at the bottom W:okay H: those should go on the wheel axle inside of the nuts on the axle. W: Ok H: are they on ok? W: yep, all set. Example of OBJECT grounding process A: Object identification Request for expansion Expansion Explicit acceptance B: Procedural statement C: Monitor comprehension, task status

  4. Gestures used in cPTS (Face to face) Grounding phase A ABC BC B Fussell et al (2004:279)

  5. Instruct partner to add new objects to the domain (introduce new linguistic and semantic contexts) Refer to objects already introduced in dialogue (anphora) Refer to an object that is present in shared domain but not part of linguistic context FUNCTIONS OF Initiation phase deictic references (of place)

  6. PLACE DEICTICS acknowledging “go to it” informing “the cube in front of me” identifying “this one” (Levelt, 1989) a relatum system a coordinate system A primary deictic reference: the speaker = relatum + origin of the coordinate “the block behind me” A secondary deictic reference: speaker = origin of coordinate system but relatum is some other object “the cube behind the red cube”

  7. Referring act is successful if an addressee identifies the intended referent from thedistractors Assumption that pointing acts are used only if ‘proper’ means of referring do not suffice (Piweck, 2007:2): Lester et al, 2009 – only include a pointing act if a pronoun cannot be used to refer to object Claassen (1992) only resorts to pointing acts if no purely verbal means of identification can be found Van derSluis and Krahmer (2001) pointing as last course of action; pointing act only if the object is sufficiently close and a purely verbal referring act would be too complex. VERBAL / Gestual place deictics (pointing)

  8. Half of all referring acts include pointing  not a fall-back strategy Speakers more frequently point when object is not part of domain focus (Grosz, 1977) Piweck, 2007 Dutch speakers, build structure in shared workspace that is same as that of instructor, only builder allowed to move lego blocks, analysis 20 dialogues Object referred to in proceeding utterance Object adjacent to an object referred to in proceeding utterance Object in area speaker explicitly directed addressee's attention e.g. “if you look at the bit in the front” Cremers, 1994 focussing expression

  9. 10 pairs Dutch speakers, Instructor-builder, Blocks four colours, three sizes, four shapes CREMERS, 1996 • Four categories of referential expressions: • 1. Reference to physical object - colour (97,3%, size, shape (17,8%) • 2. Reference to the location of the object in the domain • ‘transition of attention’ (new region) • - location with respect to participants –hardly every accompanied by pointing gestures • - location with respect to other objects - never accompanied by pointing gestures • 3. Reference to the orientation of the object in building domain – no gestures • 4. References to the history which was developed in course of actions (7.1% utterances) – few accompanying gestures. When used in references to objects that were talked about before and located in domain.

  10. locution- spoken component alone a movement excursion –body parts employed in a gesture (pl. sucession of) home position  gesture  home position nucleus gesture phrase gesture unit GESTURE TERMINOLOGY (KENDON, 2004) Sacks and Schegloff(2002) multimodal act or retraction Kita (1993) – sustained end of stroke often conjunction with nucleus semantic sense may contain more than one gesture phrase Often coincide with idea units  semantic coherence or “co-expressiveness” (McNeill, 1992:23) conjunction of two different modes of expression

  11. McNeill coding system (1992) [(preparation) (pre-stroke hold) stroke (post-stroke hold) (retraction)] () = optional element [] = gesture unit and it seemed that [is kissing the man’s nose] DEICTIC-regulatory-index finger pointing at his nose []onset and offset of movement Analysis - relevant type of gesture and primary functionality GESTURE TRANSCRIPTION

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