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Very Forward Instrumentation of the Linear Collider Detector

This paper presents the design and R&D efforts for the forward instrumentation of the linear collider detector. The goal is to develop a fast, robust, and reliable detector with high granularity and multi-channel capabilities to handle the high occupancy and radiation environment. The paper also discusses the challenges and systematic effects in measuring luminosity and beam parameters.

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Very Forward Instrumentation of the Linear Collider Detector

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  1. Very Forward Instrumentation of the Linear Collider Detector On behalf of the Wolfgang Lohmann, DESY ALCWS Vancouver

  2. ‘Old’ Kernel New Members Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, AGH Univ., INP & Jagiell. Univ. Cracow, JINR, Dubna, NCPHEP, Minsk, FZU, Prague, IHEP, Protvino, TAU, Tel Aviv, DESY, Zeuthen “Vinča“ Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade Royal Holloway, London, BNL, Brookhaven, NY, LAL, Orsay • Luminometer • BeamCal • PhotoCal Goal-Design and R&D for: ALCWS Vancouver see: PRC R&D 01/02(2002)

  3. Current design (Example LDC, 20 mrad): Luminometer TPC HCAL ECAL BeamCal Technology: Tungsten/Si (C) sandwich ALCWS Vancouver

  4. Collaboration FCAL High precision design Challenges Fast, robust and reliable Detector performance • Highgranularity and multi-channel (104) • Highoccupancy – machine and physics backgrounds • Highradiation environment (radiation hard sensors/electronics) • Readout ofeverybunch (fast electronics, fast analyzes, high volume storage) • High precision alignment r IP z 15000 e+e- per BX  10–20 TeV ~10 MGy per year ΔL/L=10-4 ALCWS Vancouver

  5. Measurement ofL Events Energy (GeV) Collaboration FCAL High precision design Events L = N / s N Count Bhabha events From theory Q, (rad) Goal: Precision ~10-4 Requires theoretical cross-section with the necessary precision; contacts to theory groups in Zeuthen, Cracow, Katowice theory groups (two loop calculation) ALCWS Vancouver DESY-PRC2006

  6. Systematic Effects Collaboration FCAL High precision design Beam polarisation ~2% e+ Bunch charge effects e- e+ Deflection of Bhabhas due to the field of the opposite beam shifts q e-(q0) ~0.5% shift in the lumi measured ALCWS Vancouver

  7. Occupancy LumiCal Remnant background from Beamstrahlung +background from two photon events (under work) x [cm] + Bhabha signal ALCWS Vancouver

  8. LumiCal, present understanding Collabortion FCAL High precision design Maximum peak shower Every second ring: 10 cylinders (θ) 64 cylinders 120 sectors 30 rings 60 cylinders (θ) Strip Pad e- 15 layers(z) 11 layers (z) 4 layers (z) ALCWS Vancouver DESY-PRC2006

  9. BeamCal Low angle electron veto: Background suppression in search channels. e.g. ALCWS Vancouver

  10. BeamCal Determination of beam parameters from beamstrahlung depositions on BeamCal: 20 mrad 2 mrad Question: how many sensor planes are really needed? Full GEANT4 simulation: Parameters: sx and sy Seems sufficient to read out a few planes only ( around 10 X0) ALCWS Vancouver

  11. BeamCal sensor tests Shower particles energy spectra 2X0 6X0 Energy deposition from beamstrahlung pairs in BeamCal. 10-20 TeV and more depending on the beam parameters.Dose of up to 10MGy/a Test of sensors in an electron beam of 10 MeV energy (DALINAC, TU Darmstadt) 20X0 ALCWS Vancouver

  12. GEANT4 Simulation Deposited energy inside the sensor Deposited energy density ALCWS Vancouver

  13. The Setup exit window of beam line collimator (IColl) Faraday cup (IFC, TFC) sensor box (IDia, TDia, HV) ALCWS Vancouver

  14. Measurement of reference spectra PA Sr90 ADC diamond delay Sr90 source Scint. discr PM1 & Gate discr PM2 Preamplifier signal Sensor box Trigger box typical spectrum of an E6 sensor ALCWS Vancouver

  15. PROGRAM • 2 samples from E6 • 1 MGy • 5 MGy • 2 samples from IAF • 1 MGy • 5 MGy • 2 Si samples • both drew high currentsafter ~50 kGy. E6_4p after ~5 MGy ALCWS Vancouver

  16. Results Beam current, set to 10, 20, 50 and 100 nA, (Faraday cup) Si sensor, 10 nA (ECAL standard) high leakage current after 50 kGy ALCWS Vancouver

  17. Results Diamonnd sensor (produced by E6) Diamond sensor (produced by Fraunhofer IAF) ALCWS Vancouver

  18. The Testbeam Crew not on the photo: W.Lange Thanks to: INTAS, Worldlab and the TU Darmstadt ALCWS Vancouver

  19. Readout- the challenges - 5 bunch trains per second (5 Hz) - 3000 bunches within one train - One bunch every 300ns, 150ns possible - Each bunch to be registered • High dynamic range (1:10k) • 10 bit ADC • Data per train ~1 Gb (transmission during train ~1 Tb/s, during break ~3 Gb/s) • Radiation hardness to be considered • Compact detectors: low power little space for multi-channel electronics ALCWS Vancouver

  20. DESY PRC Report May 2006 Collaboration FCAL High precision design People signing the 2006 PRC report (60) 2006 2006 2008 ALCWS Vancouver DESY-PRC2006

  21. Conclusions • From similations: Design of calorimeters in the forward region relatively advanced • However, many topics not yet addressed or completed (cross talk, occupancy, pile-up of events ….) • Radiation hard sensors not yet understood - we consider ‘backup materials’, like special silicon and GaAs • Read-out electronics will be a challenge -different from ‘standard’ calorimeters, fast digitisation and processing, large amount of ‘raw data’ Effort on hardware development will be increasend! ALCWS Vancouver

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