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Instrumentation of the very Forward Region. Wolfgang Lohmann. DESY (Zeuthen). Colorado, Cracow, DESY(Zeuthen), JINR Dubna, London (UC), Minsk (BSU), Prague, Protvino ( IHEP), Tel Aviv Collaboration. The very Forward Calorimeter Collaboration. The TESLA Detector.
Instrumentation of the very Forward Region Wolfgang Lohmann DESY (Zeuthen) Colorado, Cracow, DESY(Zeuthen), JINR Dubna, London (UC), Minsk (BSU), Prague, Protvino ( IHEP), Tel Aviv Collaboration amsterdam
Functions of the very Forward Detektors • Detection of Electrons and Photons at very low angle • Measurement of the Luminosity • Shielding of the inner Detector • Fast Beam Diagnostics 220 cm TDR DESIGN
Measurement of the Luminosity Gauge Process: e+e- e+e- Goal: 10-4 Precision (LEP: 3.4 10-4) • Physics case: GZ for Giga-Z Two Fermion cross section at high energy, threshold scans • Technology: Si-W Sandwich Calorimeter • First Simulations Optimisation of shape and Segmantation • Theorists are working (T. Riemann, Z. Was ….)
Fast Beam Diagnostics e+ e- • e+e- pairs from beamstrahlung are deflected into the LCAL • 15000 e+e- per BX 10 – 20 TeV • 10 MGy per year Rad. hard sensors • Technologies: Diamond-W Sandwich Scintillator crystals Gas ionisation chamber Deposited energy over R and f contains information about beam parameters
Detection of Electrons and Photons at very low angle • Tag of two photon events
Detection of Electrons and Photons at very low angle • essential parameters: Small Molière radius High granularity Longitudinal segmentation • Two photon event rejection e+e- e+e- m+m- (Severe background for particle searches) 500 BX • Electromagnetic fakes 1% from physics 2% from fluctuations
Schematic views W-Diamond sandwich Heavy crystals sensor Space for electronics
Proposal for a 2-year R&D program LAT (low angle) LCAL (very low angle) • Simulations for different technologies • Simulations (shape and segmentation) • Design (mechanics, alignment) • Comparison of technologies Choose the most promising(s) • Physics studies • Sensor prototyping and lab. tests • Sensor prototyping
The first steps ………. New design of the forward region (e.g. l = 4m)
The first steps ………. Diamond sensor prototype measurement (JINR and DESY)
Diamond sensor prototype measurement (JINR and DESY) Mip response using a Si sensor First spectra using Diamond Sr90 source noise First new sensor samples from Fraunhofer Institut Freiburg and Prokhorov Institut Moscow are expected mid april