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Criminal procedure. Dear Patrick, Thanks very much for taking over this case. As you know , unforeseen family problems have meant that I´m unable to continue with it . All the paperwork you need is in the file. I´ll briefly summarize the case so far .
Dear Patrick, Thanksverymuchfortakingoverthis case. As youknow, unforeseenfamilyproblemshavemeantthatI´munable to continuewithit. Allthepaperworkyouneedis in the file. I´llbrieflysummarizethe case so far. A warrantforanarrestwentoutonourclient, LukeIngman, lastNovember. Policefoundthat he hadbeensellingstolenproperty. He wasbookedand held in custody.
He´s a known criminal and has a habit of notshowing up forcourtappearances. As a result, he wasnotgrantedbail. Weappealedbutnot to avail. He waschargedwithburglary and the sale of stolengoods and pleadednotguilty at thearraignment. Wewanted to try for a pleabargain, butthejudgedidn´tallowit. Thepreliminaryhearingwasconductedlastmonthwith no greatsurprises.
Thenext, step of course, is to gothroughthepre-trial motions. I´vemade a case forinsufficientevidence, thedetails of which are in the file. The trial isscheduledforMay. Thelikelihood of himbeingconvictedis quite high, butthesentencewillprobably be light. Please email me ifyouhaveanyquestions. Thanksagaing Helen
1 In order to ______ thesuspect, theofficerneeds a ____________. A arrest – warrant B book in – pleabargaing C charge – sentence 2 Thelawyerdidn´tagreewiththe _______ so he ______ tehruling A bail – charged B sentence – appealed C pre trial motions - pleaded
3 Paul was _______ withthecrime and he _____ quilty to theft. A appealed – sentenced B sentenced – charged C charged – pleaded 4 Fred wasnotgranted ________ because he has been _____ before. A bail - convicted B sentence – pleaded C pleabargain - appealed
1 Thelawyersentered a(n) (pleabargain/ arraignment) to gettheirclient a lightercharge 2 Kevin isstillbeingheld in police (bail / custody) 3 Thedefendantwascharged at the (arraignment / pre trial motions) 4 Ianwastaken to thepolicestation and (booked / sentenced)
5 Thejudgedecidedtherewasenoughevidence to continue at the (preliminaryhearing / pleabargain) 6 Thedefenseasked to excludeevidenceduringthe (pre trial morions / bail)