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Customer Communication. Marketing 3:. Customer Communication Challenges, Strategies, and Issues. Establish clear communication goals. Outline cost-effective media mix. Define messages to help achieve goals. Establish Communication Goals. Generate awareness
Customer Communication Marketing 3:
Customer CommunicationChallenges, Strategies, and Issues Establish clear communication goals Outline cost-effectivemedia mix Define messages to help achieve goals
Establish Communication Goals • Generate awareness • Provide information and create emotional acceptance • Build preference • Stimulate action • Remind past customers
Define Customer Messages Conventional Promotion ModelTendencies Social Model Tendencies Conversation Discussion Permission Bi-directionally One-to-one; many-to-many Influence High message frequency Many channels Information sharing Dynamic Egalitarian Publication Lecture Intrusion One-to-many Control Low message frequency Few channels Information hoarding Static Hierarchical Structured
Communication Mix Advertising PublicRelations CommunicationMix DirectMarketing SocialMedia PersonalSelling SalesPromotion
The Importance of Promotion • Promotion • The techniques a firm uses for communicating information about products • Promotional Objectives • To communicate information • To position products • To add value • To control sales volume • Positioning • Establishing an easily identifiable product image in the minds of consumers by fixing, adapting, and communicating the nature of the product itself 12-7
The Importance of Promotion • Promotional Mix Tools • Advertising • Personal selling • Sales promotions • Publicity and public relations • Promotional Mix • The combination of promotional tools 12-8
The Importance of Promotion • Matching Promotional Tools with Stages in the Buyer Decision Process: • Recognize the need to make a purchase • Best tool: advertising and publicity • Search for information about products • Best tool: advertising and personal selling • Compare benefits and features of competing products • Best tool: personal selling • Choose products that are a good value and buy them • Best tool: sales promotion and personal selling • Evaluate products after the purchase • Best tool: advertising and personal selling 12-9
Advertising Product Comparative Institutional Advocacy
Advertising Appeals • Logic • Emotion • Humor • Celebrity • Sex • Music • Scarcity
Advertising Promotions • Advertising • Paid, non-personal communication by which an identified sponsor informs an audience about a product • Advertising Media • The specific communication devices for carrying a seller’s message to potential customers • Media Mix • The combination of media through which a company advertises 12-12
Advertising Media • Newspapers • Television • Radio • Magazines • Product Placement • Fixed Web (from stationary computers) • Mobile Web (from mobile phones and other handheld devices)
Sales Promotions • Sales Promotions • Short-term promotional activities designed to encourage consumer buying, industrial sales, or cooperation from distributors • Types of Sales Promotions • Samples • Coupons • Premiums • Contests • Point-of-sale displays • Trade shows 12-16
Direct Marketing Media • Direct Mail • E-mail • Direct Response Online • Search Engine Marketing • Telephone • Direct Response Television
Personal Selling • Personal Selling • A salesperson communicates one-to-one with potential customers to identify their needs and align them with the seller’s products • Can be the most expensive form of promotion • Personal Selling Tasks • Order processing • Creative selling • Missionary selling 12-18
PersonalSelling Prospecting 1 Preparing 2 Approaching 3 Presenting 4 Handling Objections 5 Closing 6 Following Up 7
Publicity and Public Relations • Publicity • Information about a company, a product, or an event transmitted by the general mass media to attract public attention • Public Relations • Company-influenced publicity that seeks either to build good relations with the public or to deal with unfavorable events 12-22
Class Assignment • What are two key ways in which the social communication model differs from conventional promotional communication? • What is the difference between using a push strategy and using a pull strategy to promote products? • What are the advantages of personal selling over other forms of customer communication? • What is an advertising appeal? • What are some common types of consumer promotions? • What are the potential disadvantages of using celebrity appeals in advertising? • Why do some companies avoid e-mail marketing, particularly to noncustomers? • Do marketers have any control over social media? Why or why not? • What are some advantages and disadvantages of using newspapers, magazines, radio, Internet, and outdoor advertising? • What are the advantages and disadvantages of personal selling in the promotional mix? • What social media sites are popular with university students and how do they affect your purchasing decisions?