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Evitherm project mid-term review Work package 3 presented by Franco Pavese / Joachim Fischer IMGC / PTB Work Package Leaders. WP3: Meet the needs of industry and communicate effectively to different regions. CONTENTS Main aims for this work package Progress to date
Evitherm project mid-term review Work package 3 presented by Franco Pavese / Joachim Fischer IMGC / PTB Work Package Leaders
WP3: Meet the needs of industry and communicate effectively to different regions CONTENTS • Main aims for this work package • Progress to date • Key tasks for Sep – Dec 2004 (launch of pay-site) and for 2005
Objectives Dividing European manufacturers into industrial sectors with common thermo-physical needs and setting up representatives for each sector Investigating the differing regional needs of the specified industrial sectors within Europe and developing mechanisms which will enable EVITherM to communicate effectively to each region Establishing regional platforms to facilitate access to EVITherM for SMEs in countries with languages different from English. The regional platforms will be designed to encourage interested parties in eastern European countries that are applying for EC membership and countries outside the EC with languages different from English to take an active part in EVITherM Determining and implementing databases of information required by industry, other than the technology covered in WPs 4-9, such as manufacturers and suppliers of thermal equipment and services and appropriate training sources throughout Europe Assessing the need for specific Internet based training packages for selected industrial sectors and developing these where necessary. In addition, e-mail based discussion groups will be developed to monitor the needs and views of all EVITherM users
Tasks To create a forum to identify and define relevant industry sectors with interests in thermal metrology. To review how these industrial sectors in Europe can be devided into regions to facilitate the best level of communication 3.0 industry forum 3.1 industry needs To compile a list of the specific information needs relevant to each industrial sector To define the needs of regional SMEs and of Eastern European countries. Determine the form and content of regional platforms and review it with interested parties especially in regional industry and in Eastern Europe 3.2 regional needs To compile region specific best practce guides, relevant regional testing resources, equipment, and calibration advice. Compile review of regional topics of interest and an overview where future work is required. Communicate regional needs to WPs 3.3 compile data 3.4 translate data To organise the translation of the web site content into regional languages where necessary to ensure a uniform and high level of communication with industry 3.5 providers training To compile a database for related technologies and resources comprising manufacturers, service providers, suppliers associated with thermal technology applications, training courses 3.6 training needs To implement a system of determining industry´s needs for knowledge and training and to assess the feasibility of e-training in this technical area via the internet To develop a newsletter format to give a regular updated list of training courses and seminars, conferences and new training materials. Develop an e-mail forum for exchanges between industry and academics 3.7 newsletter e-forum
Materials most frequently demanded
Information groups • Contacts in thermal metrology (consultant, evitherm regional contact, government, NMI, industry body, university ...) i. e.key persons, experts in that field (2) Associations (association, club, institute, organisation, society, trade organisation, website) (3) Equipment suppliers, manufacturers & services (relevant for evitherm users) (4) Industries (businesses considered as potential customers of evitherm, only for marketing purposes)
Regional needs • WP3 gives a second option of grouping the industrial interests: by geographic region instead of by sector. • So far, no need or special problem connected to geographic regions has been identified. During the rest of the Project the regional coordinators will be asked to make a further inquiry, with the working rules defined by the SG. This tool will not beimplemented if no needs will emerge. • WP3 also gives a third option to group industrial interest, by industry type. • In this respect, SMEs have been identified as an industry type with special problems. Action is going to be taken in autumn 2004, starting from Italy with the help of ASSOTEC, then to be extended to other Countries, should similar needs be identified in the mean time.
Regional translation • In order to increase the efficiency and the appeal of the Website, which is the main contact tool of evitherm with its customers, a localisation of the information contained at least in the static pages is useful to make the information more friendly. • Here “regional” stands for National-language. • Translations from English in as many as possible national languages should be done. At present, the following have been identified and are being implemented (with corresponding flag on the home page): Dutch (Flemish): by NMi-VSL, French: TC, German: PTB, Italian: IMGC, Slovak: SMU, Spanish: CEM.
* Later in 2004, INRiM National Insititute for Research in Metrology