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Mid-term review

Mid-term review. Woodstock Middle School. QUESTION. Which development resulted in increased population and permanent settlements among Georgia’s prehistoric Native Americans? Improved weapons meant that more animals could be killed efficiently.

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Mid-term review

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  1. Mid-term review

    Woodstock Middle School
  2. QUESTION Which development resulted in increased population and permanent settlements among Georgia’s prehistoric Native Americans? Improved weapons meant that more animals could be killed efficiently. The Native Americans began to trade throughout eastern North America. Improvements in agriculture meant food could be grown and stored. The tribes established more complicated social structures and ceremonies.
  3. ANSWER Improvements in agriculture meant food could be grown and stored
  4. QUESTION The Woodland tribe, who lived in Georgia from about 1000 B.C. to 1000 A.D., built many earthen mounds, such as Rock Eagle Mound in northern Georgia. Anthropologists believe these mounds were used mainly for protection from enemies. religious and ceremonial purposes. housing a tribe’s families. trading and commerce centers.
  5. ANSWER religious and ceremonial purposes
  6. QUESTION Why is the population of modern Georgia heavily concentrated in the Atlanta area? Atlanta has a larger geographic area than other cities. Agricultural areas are more productive than urban cities. Other parts of the state have tried to maintain their historic populations. The airport and highway systems make Atlanta a major transportation hub.
  7. ANSWER The airport and highway systems make Atlanta a major transportation hub.
  8. QUESTION The Spanish began to colonize southeastern North America by building forts. trading posts. cities. missions.
  9. ANSWER missions
  10. QUESTION Which two people had the most impact on the colonization of Georgia? John Perceival & Mary Musgrove King George II & Toonahowi James Oglethorpe & Tomochichi John Musgrove & Tomochichi
  11. ANSWER James Oglethorpe & Tomochichi
  12. QUESTION Which of the following was NOT one of the trustees’ rules? no rum no trading with the Indians no inheritance of land by women no slaves
  13. ANSWER no trading with the Indians
  14. QUESTION After Oglethorpe left Georgia, the trustees tried to get the colony’s economy going by opening up new land. getting more money from Parliament. relaxing their restrictions on land ownership and slavery. creating a banking system in Savannah
  15. ANSWER relaxing their restrictions on land ownership and slavery.
  16. QUESTION Which of the following was NOT a reason for establishing the Georgia colony? politics economics charity defense
  17. ANSWER charity
  18. QUESTION Under the Headright system only families owning 100 or more heads of cattle could get land. land was given away free to the head of each family men with a head for business had a right to own land in Georgia. the colonists who successfully fought against the Indians gained a right to their lands.
  19. ANSWER land was given away free to the head of each family
  20. QUESTION The Georgia colony was expected to provide England with raw materials and then purchase finished products from England in a system known as exchange rates. a trade balance. import and export. mercantilism.
  21. ANSWER mercantilism.
  22. QUESTION The trade route used by American merchants that involved the trading of rum, slaves, sugar, and molasses was the …………… Route Royal African Company New England to Africa Triangular Trade Gulf Stream Express
  23. ANSWER Triangular Trade
  24. QUESTION Britain planned to pay off its debt from the French and Indian War by requiring colonists to buy only American goods. passing new tax laws. reducing services to the colonists. withdrawing support from the colonies.
  25. ANSWER passing new tax laws.
  26. QUESTION The Stamp Act required all printed paper and documents used in the colonies required a tax stamp. the use of British postal stamps on all mail. the establishment of a postal system. colonists to print their own stamps.
  27. all printed paper and documents used in the colonies required a tax stamp.
  28. QUESTION Which of the following group did NOT support the king? Tories Whigs Loyalists citizens in England
  29. ANSWER Whigs
  30. QUESTION Georgia is in which hemispheres? Northern/Eastern Northern/Western Southern/Eastern Southern/Western
  31. ANSWER Northern/Western
  32. QUESTION Why was the physical feature of the Fall Line important in the development of modern Georgia? Tourists are attracted to its natural beauty. It has an abundance of timber and minerals. The soil there is fertile for growing cotton and other crops. Its many fast-flowing streams provide hydroelectric power.
  33. ANSWER Its many fast-flowing streams provide hydroelectric power.
  34. QUESTION What is the main reason that the Blue Ridge Mountains have been important to the growth of Georgia? The rich red clay soil is excellent for agriculture. Precipitation in the mountains provides water to the state aquifers (water sources). Natural passes through the mountains established trade routes to the Midwest. They form a natural barrier between the coastal plain and the Piedmont region.
  35. ANSWER Precipitation in the mountains provides water to the state aquifers (water sources).
  36. QUESTION The British passed what “Act” in response to the Boston Tea Party? Tea Act Stamp At “Intolerable” Acts Townshend Acts
  37. ANSWER Intolerable” Acts
  38. QUESTION What incident led colonists to react with the Boston Tea Party? Parliament gave one British company an exclusive right (monopoly) to sell tea to America British soldiers killed five people in Boston Parliament passed the Townshend Acts None of the Above
  39. ANSWER Parliament gave one British company an exclusive right (monopoly) to sell tea to America
  40. QUESTION Which of the following pairs of people were Georgia Revolutionary War heroes? George Washington & Austin Dabney Elijah Clarke & Casmir Pulaski Ben Franklin & Nancy Hart Thomas Jefferson & James Madison
  41. ANSWER Elijah Clarke & Casmir Pulaski
  42. QUESTION Why was the Battle of Kettle Creek an important Patriot victory? The Whigs took control of the State of Georgia from the Torries. The victory led to the British defeat at the Siege of Savannah. The Patriots won badly needed supplies and won over many undecided Georgians. The British war plans were discovered and led to the victory at Yorktown.
  43. ANSWER The Patriots won badly needed supplies and won over many undecided Georgians.
  44. QUESTION Who were Georgia’s three representatives who signed the Declaration of Independence? Ben Franklin, Lyman Hall, Patrick Henry Patrick Henry, George Walton, Lyman Hall Sam Adams, Button Gwinnett, George Walton Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton
  45. ANSWER Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton
  46. QUESTION Which of these accurately reflects a WEAKNESS in the Articles of Confederation? Congress taxed citizens too much. There was no separation of powers. The document was too easily amended by the states. The central government held too much power over the states.
  47. ANSWER The document was too easily amended by the states.
  48. QUESTION The two Georgians who signed the Constitution for the State were: John Hancock and John Adams Button Gwinnett and Lyman Hall William Few and Abraham Baldwin William Few and George Walton
  49. ANSWER William Few and Abraham Baldwin
  50. QUESTION Abraham Baldwin’s tying vote at the Constitutional Convention was important because it decided which type of representation the union would use. supported Georgia and all other large states in the union. convinced others that state representation should be equal. set into motion the events leading to the Great Compromise.
  51. ANSWER set into motion the events leading to the Great Compromise.
  52. QUESTION Which of the following did the state constitution of 1777 provide for? A strong executive branch. A strong judicial branch. A strong legislative branch. None of the above – all branches had equal power.
  53. ANSWER A strong legislative branch.
  54. QUESTION Which Georgia institution is being described by these statements? Charted in 1785 by the Georgia General Assembly. Founded by Abraham Baldwin; he also served as the university’s first president. Is the oldest PUBLIC University in the nation. Is the largest of the state’s institutions of higher learning. Georgia Southern Georgia Tech Georgia State University of Georgia
  55. ANSWER University of Georgia
  56. QUESTION The Yazoo land fraud is considered to be the worst political scandal in Georgia history because Land speculators sold land set up an illegal land lottery. Land speculators sold land for very high prices that they bought very cheaply. Land speculators bribed members of Georgia’s state legislature, the General Assembly, to sell public land to them for extremely low prices. Land speculators bribed the governor to sell public land to them for low prices.
  57. ANSWER Land speculators bribed members of Georgia’s state legislature, the General Assembly, to sell public land to them for extremely low prices.
  58. QUESTION What did the United States government do after it took away Georgia’s western territory? Promised to remove all Indians from Georgia Paid Georgia $1,250,000 for the land Both a and b Neither a or b
  59. ANSWER Promised to remove all Indians from Georgia
  60. QUESTION Which system distributed different sized land lots, with numbered tickets held by potential settlers? The Land Lottery The Headright System The Cherokee Cession The County Unit System
  61. ANSWER The Land Lottery
  62. QUESTION One of the major effects of the introduction and widespread usage of Eli Whitney’s cotton gin was that: Slavery was abolished in four Southern states. It led directly to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act. The demand for slaves grew to keep up with the increased production. The demand for slaves dropped since the work could be done more efficiently.
  63. ANSWER The demand for slaves grew to keep up with the increased production.
  64. QUESTION Georgia MOST needed railroads because: People had to get around the State more effectively. Roads were not built yet at all. There were no adequate north south transportation systems. Many cotton producing towns were far from navigable rivers.
  65. ANSWER Many cotton producing towns were far from navigable rivers.
  66. QUESTION The US Supreme Court decided in the case of Worcester V.S. Georgia: Georgia had every right to declare the land the State of Georgia’s. Georgia laws did not apply in the Cherokee nation and that the missionaries should be freed. The missionaries violated Georgia law and should remain in prison until they took Georgia’s oath. The federal government had no right to interfere in Georgia’s affairs.
  67. ANSWER Georgia laws did not apply in the Cherokee nation and that the missionaries should be freed.
  68. QUESTION The whites wanted the Cherokee removed from their lands mostly because for their fertile land. for the gold found on their land. for the threat to Georgians. abundance of lakes and rivers.
  69. ANSWER for the gold found on their land.
  70. QUESTION What caused many Creek Indians to turn against William McIntosh? Supported the United States during the Creek War of 1813-1814. Attempted to stop the sale of Creek land to the U.S. government. Seized control of over 1,000 acres of land belonging to the Creeks. Negotiated a treaty that sold off almost all Creek lands in Georgia.
  71. ANSWER Negotiated a treaty that sold off almost all Creek lands in Georgia.
  72. QUESTION Which of the following was NOT a way that the Cherokee tried to avoid forced removal from Georgia? Created a Constitution modeled after the U.S. Constitution Created a written language and newspaper Altered their lifestyle, including clothing and ways of life, to model the White Man. Declared WAR on the Georgia after Worcester V. Georgia.
  73. ANSWER Declared WAR on the Georgia after Worcester V. Georgia.
  74. QUESTION What compromise kept the balance of power between slave states and free states in the national government? Missouri Compromise Compromise of 1850 Georgia Platform Nebraska Act
  75. ANSWER Missouri Compromise
  76. QUESTION How did Georgia respond the Compromise of 1850? Georgia refused to recognize the Compromise of 1850. Georgia’s Governor called for a state convention to discuss the Compromise of 1850 & succession. Georgia voters were given the power to vote on the Compromise of 1850. None of the above.
  77. ANSWER Georgia’s Governor called for a state convention to discuss the Compromise of 1850 & succession.
  78. QUESTION Which BEST describes a result of the Supreme Court’s decision in the Dred Scott case? A slave had the right to sue for freedom in a federal court. A slave was only a citizen after he or she purchases freedom. A slave was not a citizen but rather the property of an owner. A slave who lived on free soil for any length of time was free.
  79. ANSWER A slave was not a citizen but rather the property of an owner.
  80. QUESTION Which of the following actions was NOT a result of the Emancipation Proclamation? Lincoln announced his intention to free ALL the slaves in the rebelling Confederate states Lincoln announced his intention that black soldiers would be allowed to enlist in the Union army Lincoln announced his intention to free all slaves in the border states
  81. ANSWER Lincoln announced his intention to free all slaves in the border states
  82. QUESTION Who was the Union general who took over Union forces in Chattanooga and then burned Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah? John Bell Hood Ulysses S. Grant William T. Sherman Winfield Scott
  83. ANSWER William T. Sherman
  84. QUESTION What was the purpose of the naval blockade by the Union ships? to flank Confederate forces near Atlanta to cut off supply routes from the South to Europe to defeat the Confederate Navy to obtain Confederate cotton for army uniforms
  85. ANSWER to cut off supply routes from the South to Europe
  86. QUESTION The Civil War began in the year of . The Civil War ended in the year of . 1860, 1864 1861, 1865 1870, 1875 1867, 1870
  87. ANSWER 1861, 1865
  88. QUESTION Atlanta was the most important military target in Georgia because it was the capital it was an industrial center and transportation center it was the largest city in the South it was the home of Robert E. Lee
  89. ANSWER it was an industrial center and transportation center
  90. QUESTION Which of the following was NOT true of GA’s Ordinance of Secession? It declared WAR on the USA. It repealed the ratification of the US Constitution. It declared Georgia an independent nation. It dissolved GA’s membership in the USA.
  91. ANSWER It declared WAR on the USA.
  92. QUESTION The purpose of Sherman’s march through Georgia was to destroy resources, especially railroads, and Confederate supplies occupy Savannah so that Union shops could land on Georgia’s coast capture the arsenal in Augusta free slaves
  93. ANSWER destroy resources, especially railroads, and Confederate supplies
  94. QUESTION Which of the following was NOT a reason that Georgia was considered the “heart of the Confederacy?” industrial center of the South railroad network good harbors ability to supply food
  95. ANSWER good harbors
  96. QUESTION Sherman’s March to the Sea through Georgia ended in Savannah Atlanta North Carolina Andersonville Prison
  97. ANSWER Savannah
  98. QUESTION The Emancipation Proclamation declared that all slaves in were free. all slave states the Confederate army the Unites States the Confederacy
  99. ANSWER the Confederacy
  100. QUESTION The Civil War began when Union troops attacked Confederate troops at Bull Run in Virginia The Confederates fired on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor South Carolina seceded from the Union Lincoln was elected President
  101. ANSWER The Confederates fired on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor
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