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State of Florida Broadband Planning Presentation to Florida Public Library Directors’ Meeting October 8, 2010 David Brevitz. Statewide Broadband Planning Project. Research Existing Government Broadband Resources and current demand for these resources
State of Florida Broadband Planning • Presentation to Florida Public Library Directors’ Meeting • October 8, 2010 • David Brevitz
Statewide Broadband Planning Project • Research Existing Government Broadband Resources and current demand for these resources • Identify and estimate broadband trends and government demand for broadband over the next 3-5 years • Especially consider education, health care and public safety • Project report is due February 1, 2011
Broadband Florida Project Abstract • Department of Management Services (DMS) was awarded $6,308,570 as a supplemental award to the existing broadband mapping project. • Funding will create a Broadband Programs Office (BPO) within DMS • Funding will establish a broadband grant development team to within the BPO. • Funding will establish an E-rate support team for schools and libraries within the BPO.
Broadband Florida Project Abstract • DMS in partnership with Department of State Division of Libraries will fund $560,000 during 2011-2012 to continue the library connectivity assessment program to at least 180 additional libraries. • DMS in partnership with the 11 Regional Planning councils will fund $1,000,000 during 2011-2012 to develop local/regional broadband planning process, templates, toolkits and teams. Libraries will be an integral part of the planning project. • Funding will continue the current broadband inventory and mapping of broadband service availability and community anchor institution connectivity throughout the state during 2011-2014. • http://www2.ntia.doc.gov/SBDD
“Perfect Storm” • Increased demand in the face of significant resource cuts • Heaviest users of government programs tend to be those with fewer resources • Increasing unemployment and demand on resources, while government resources are being slashed • Reduced resources impact ability to provide public internet access and do necessary planning and infrastructure development
Public Use of Internet (Demand) • There is no “killer app” for library usage • Internet access as an information resource for the community • Patrons do the same things on the internet that they would at home, only perhaps more of it • More and more video is becoming available over the internet • Patrons want help and training with computers and internet
“Perfect Storm” per ALA • Library Technology Use Jumps • Job Seeking takes Center Stage at Libraries • E-government Role Expands at Libraries • Library Funding is being Significantly Cut • Fewer Staff • How if at all is the picture for Libraries in Florida Different?
Library Technology Assessment (Supply) • Bandwidth management is needed • Connection speed needs improvement • Additional devices are needed for public internet access • Newer devices are needed for internet access • Network equipment needs upgrade and management • Wireless access needs to be integrated into the overall public internet access on a managed basis • Every Library is Different!
Library Technology Assessment (Supply) • Ongoing access to technical resources is needed • Management broadband/public internet access is complex and will remain so • Are there any success stories to share?
Alternate Sources of Bandwidth? • Recent FCC E-rate order makes eligible • Local government fiber networking • Regional Wireless Networks • Serving three Florida Rural Areas of Critical Economic Concern (RACEC) • North Florida Broadband Authority (15 counties) • Florida Rural Broadband Alliance (14 counties)
Questions? Discussion? • Thank You!