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Renaissance & Reformation

Renaissance & Reformation. By Jane Martin Lassiter High School. Georgia Performance Standard. SSWH9 Grade: 9,10,11,12 Description: SSWH9 The student will analyze the change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.

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Renaissance & Reformation

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  1. Renaissance & Reformation By Jane Martin Lassiter High School

  2. Georgia Performance Standard • SSWH9 • Grade: 9,10,11,12 • Description: SSWH9 The student will analyze the change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation. • Element: b. Identify artistic and scientific achievements of the "Renaissance man" Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo.

  3. The plague or “Black Death” was caused by people and cities that were not clean circa 1350

  4. People wanted to leave the dirty cities. Some did not and they died

  5. Renaissance means “Rebirth” or change 1450-1642

  6. The Renaissance was a time of change for art, scientific inventions and politics

  7. Leonardo Da Vinci • 1452-1519 • He was a famous artist and inventor

  8. Da Vinci painted many famous paintings

  9. The Benois Madonna • 1478

  10. “The Last Supper” • Milan (1482-1499)

  11. “Mona Lisa” • 1503-1505/1507

  12. Da Vinci was also a famous Inventor

  13. “Leo-chute”

  14. The First Tank

  15. Leonardo’s Helicopter

  16. Michelangelo was a famous Renaissance painter, sculptor, poet and engineer 1475-1564

  17. The ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City 1508-1512

  18. The hand of God giving life to Adam 1511

  19. The Last Judgement is located in the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City 1534-1543

  20. The End

  21. Important Renaissance Vocabulary • Plague • Change • Art • Inventions • Da Vinci • Michelangelo • Renassiance

  22. Resources • “Leonard Da Vinci” www.worldoflearning.com • “Renassiance”. www.learner.org/interactives/renassiance • Renassiance and Reformation”. www.pppst.com/worldhistory.html • DaVinci and Michelangelo images retrieved from Google Images www.googleimages.com

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