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Science Visualization

Explore the complexities of visual perception, from color interpretation to optical illusions and Gestalt theory. Delve into the science behind how our minds perceive and process visual information, including the impact of color, object characteristics, perspective, and intensity. Discover the Gestalt principles that shape our perception of visual elements and learn about the eye's adaptation processes, movements, and depth of field blur effects. Unravel the mysteries of visual cognition in this comprehensive study.

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Science Visualization

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  1. Science Visualization Color & Visual Perception II

  2. Visual Perception • It is the ability to interpret the surrounding environment by processing information that is contained in visible light. • The various physiological components involved in vision are referred to collectively as the visual system, and are the focus of much research in psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and molecular biology. • The major problem in visual perception is that what people see is not simply a translation of retinal stimuli (i.e., the image on the retina). SciVis 2013 - page 2

  3. Visual Perception • Our visual perception cannot always be trusted. • The components of an object can distort the perception of the complete object. • Our mind is the final arbiter of truth. • Most optical illusions are the result of: • incongruent design elements at opposite ends of parallel lines • influence of background patterns on the overall design • adjustment of our perception at the boundaries of areas of high contrast • afterimages resulting from eye movements or from kinetic displays • inability to interpret the spatial structure of an object from the context provided by the picture. SciVis 2013 - page 3

  4. Some examples • Color perception • One or two red tone type squares ? The red squares are the same color in the upper part and in the lower part of the "X" SciVis 2013 - page 4

  5. Some examples • Color perception • How many colors ? Only three ! SciVis 2013 - page 5

  6. Some examples • Object characteristics perception • Are the diagonal lines parallel ? • Zöllner illusion • The diagonal lines are parallel. SciVis 2013 - page 6

  7. Some examples • Object characteristics perception • Are the rows of black and white squares all parallel ? The vertical zigzag patterns disrupt our horizontal perception. SciVis 2013 - page 7

  8. Some examples • Perspective perception • Are heights of pillars equal ? • The pillars are identical in size. • Our intuition about perspective influences what we see SciVis 2013 - page 8

  9. Some examples • Perspective perception • Are lengths of the diagonal lines AB and BC equal ? SciVis 2013 - page 9

  10. Some examples • Intensity perception • Have squares A and B equivalent colors ? They equal gray color. SciVis 2013 - page 10

  11. Some examples • Illusory Contours • How many triangles are ? • No triangles ! • Only black circles with white sectors. SciVis 2013 - page 11

  12. Some examples • Object Properties • What the size of the center circles? Equal or not ? SciVis 2013 - page 12

  13. Some examples • Motion perception • How many slow rotation gears are ? SciVis 2013 - page 13

  14. Gestalt theory • Gestalt psychologists working primarily in the 1930s and 1940s raised many of the research questions that are studied by vision scientists today. • Gestalt is a German word "Gestalte" that partially translates to "configuration or pattern" along with "whole or emergent structure". • Its “Laws of Organization” has guided the study of how people perceive visual components as organized patterns or wholes, instead of many different parts. • Six main factors that determine how the visual system automatically groups elements into patterns: Proximity, Similarity, Closure, Symmetry, Common Fate (i.e. common motion), and Continuity. SciVis 2013 - page 14

  15. The Eye: Adaption Process • Visual perception from 10-6 lux to 1010 lux • lux = lumen/m2. • Adaptation: • Adaption to the mean luminance • How? • Transition from perception with cones to rods, adaptation of the pupil‘s width, change of the sensitivity of light sensitive cells. SciVis 2013 - page 15

  16. The Eye: Adaption Process • Accommodation: • Adaption to the distance to the fixed object • How? • Adaption of the lens curvature • Accommodation width (dimension unit: Diopter = 1/f) • D = 1/fnear – 1/ffar • Healthy young persons: 12 Diopters (fnear equals 8 cm) • Healthy older persons (> 60 years) 1 Diopters • Loss of 2 Diopters every 10 years SciVis 2013 - page 16

  17. The Eye: Adaption Process • Accommodation: • Adaption to the distance to the fixed object • Result of accommodation: Depth of Field Blur (DOF) SciVis 2013 - page 17

  18. The Eye: Movement •  How people read scenes ? • Many researches analyze continuous registration of eye movement during reading in picture viewing and in visual problem solving. • Example: • The picture shows what may happen during the first 2 sec. of visual inspection.  SciVis 2013 - page 18

  19. The Eye: Movement •  It can also be noted that there are three different types of eye movements: • Vergence movements involve the cooperation of both eyes to allow for an image to fall on the same area of both retinas. This results in a single focused image.  • Saccadic movements is the type of eye movement that is used to rapidly scan a particular scene/image. • Pursuit movement is used to follow objects in motion SciVis 2013 - page 19

  20. The computational approaches • The major problem with the Gestalt laws • They are descriptive not explanatory. • How humans see continuous contours by simply stating that the brain "prefers good continuity“ ?  • Computational models of vision have had more success in explaining visual phenomena and have largely superseded Gestalt theory. • The computational models of visual perception have been developed for Virtual Reality systems • These are closer to real life situation as they account for motion and activities which are prevalent in the real world SciVis 2013 - page 20

  21. The cognitive approaches • In the 1970s David Marr developed a multi-level theory of vision • It analyzed the process of vision at different levels of abstraction. • In order to focus on the understanding of specific problems in vision, he identified three levels of analysis: • The computational level – it addresses, at a high level of abstraction, the problems that the visual system must overcome. • The algorithmic level -  it attempts to identify the strategy that may be used to solve these problems. • The implementation level -  attempts to explain how solutions to these problems are realized in neural circuitry. SciVis 2013 - page 21

  22. The cognitive approaches • Marr described vision as proceeding from a two-dimensional visual array (on the retina) to a three-dimensional description of the world as output. His stages of vision include: • A 2D (primal) sketch of the scene • A 2½ D sketch of the scene • A 3 D model SciVis 2013 - page 22

  23. The cognitive approaches • Marr described vision as proceeding from a two-dimensional visual array (on the retina) to a three-dimensional description of the world as output. His stages of vision include: • A 2D (primal) sketch of the scene – it is based on feature extraction of fundamental components of the scene, including edges, regions, etc. • The similarity in concept to a pencil sketch drawn quickly by an artist as an impression. • A 2½ D sketch of the scene • A 3 D model SciVis 2013 - page 23

  24. The cognitive approaches • Marr described vision as proceeding from a two-dimensional visual array (on the retina) to a three-dimensional description of the world as output. His stages of vision include: • A 2D (primal) sketch of the scene. • A 2½ D sketch of the scene, where textures are acknowledged, etc. • The similarity in concept to the stage in drawing where an artist highlights or shades areas of a scene, to provide depth. • A 3 D model. SciVis 2013 - page 24

  25. The cognitive approaches • Marr described vision as proceeding from a two-dimensional visual array (on the retina) to a three-dimensional description of the world as output. His stages of vision include: • A 2D (primal) sketch of the scene. • A 2½ D sketch of the. • A 3 D model - the scene is visualized in a continuous, 3D map. SciVis 2013 - page 25

  26. A Simple Visual Stimulus • A single uniform dot of luminance Y in a large uniform background of luminance YB. • Question: How much difference is necessary for a “standard observer” to notice the difference between Y and YB? • Two definitions: • The just noticeable difference (JND) is the smallest detectable difference between a starting and secondary level of a particular sensory stimulus. • It is a statistical, rather than an exact quantity • The just noticeable difference (JND) is the difference that allows an observer to detect the center stimulus 50% of the time. • ∆YJND is the difference in Y and YB required to achieve a just noticeable difference. SciVis 2013 - page 26

  27. Weber’s Contrast SciVis 2013 - page 27

  28. Weber’s Contrast SciVis 2013 - page 28

  29. Weber’s Contrast SciVis 2013 - page 29

  30. Weber’s Law SciVis 2013 - page 30

  31. Weber’s Law • The contrast sensitivity is approximately independent of the background luminance. • Relative changes in luminance are important. • Weber’s law tends to break down for very dark and very bright luminance levels. • At very low luminance, detector noise, and ambient light tend to reduce sensitivity, so the stimulus appears “black”.. • At very high luminance, the very bright background tends to saturate detector sensitivity, thereby reducing sensitivity by “blinding” the subject. • We are most concerned with the low and midrange luminance levels. SciVis 2013 - page 31

  32. Perceptually Uniform Representations • Problem: • Unit changes in Luminance Y do not correspond to unit changes in visual sensitivity. • When Y is large, changes luminance are less noticeable ⇒ ∆YJND is large. • When Y is small, changes luminance are more noticeable ⇒ ∆YJND is small. SciVis 2013 - page 32

  33. Consequences from Weber’s law SciVis 2013 - page 33

  34. Contrast Perception SciVis 2013 - page 34

  35. Color Perception • Steps: • Incoming light reaches the eyes. • Light is absorbed by cones. • Light sensation is transmitted to the brain. • In the brain, light is interpreted as color. • Important aspects: • Differentiation between millions of color (TrueColors equals 224 ~ 16 Millions) • At one moment (current adaptation of the pupil) ~ 300 hues and ~ 100 brightness levels may be perceived. SciVis 2013 - page 35

  36. Color Perception • Color perception depends on the visual context and on the viewer. • Color appears less saturated on a dark background compared to a light background. • Color contrast between a foreground object and background has an influence on the perceived size of an object. • Some colors (bright, strongly saturated colors) seem to overlap others. • High frequent data appear less saturated. • Consequence: • Color perception must be evaluated in a specific situation to find out whether the intended effect is actually achieved. SciVis 2013 - page 36

  37. Color Perception • Color appears less saturated on a dark background compared to a light background. • Example: Constant foreground color on a changing background SciVis 2013 - page 37

  38. Color Perception • Color contrast between a foreground object and background has an influence on the perceived size of an object. • Example: Constant background color; varying foreground. SciVis 2013 - page 38

  39. Color Perception • Some colors (bright, strongly saturated colors) seem to overlap others. SciVis 2013 - page 39

  40. Color Perception • High frequent data appear less saturated. SciVis 2013 - page 40

  41. Color Perception • Main principles for the use of color: • Economical, goal-directed use of color • Use strongly saturated colors carefully (prefer pastel colors) • Consider application-specific conventions concerning the meaning of colors (e.g. red – high temperature, blue – very cold) • Distribution of rods and cones based principal: • Do not use pure blue for text, thin lines or small shapes. • Do not use blue for fast moving objects. • To discriminate colors, it is insufficient to change the blue component only slightly. SciVis 2013 - page 41

  42. Motion Perception • Human visual perception is characterized by inertia (persistence of vision). • Frequent (incremental) changes of images are perceived as motion (at least 30-50 frames/second). • Perception is highly sensitive for discontinuities, such as the emergence or disappearance of objects. • Motion is a strong cue to direct attention (e.g. blinking • objects) • Computer-generated visualizations should avoid sudden changes of the direction and/or speed. SciVis 2013 - page 42

  43. Motion Perception • Ability to detect and analyze movements • Essential for traffic (cars, bikers, …) • Essential for sport activities (catch a ball) • Words may be recognized by lip movements • Often combined with depth perception and object recognition, e.g. when catching a ball • Basic facts: • Motion is perceived preattentively. • Up to five different movements can be analyzed. • Speed is considered as a parameter of urgency. • Movements indicate causality, e.g. when a movements starts after another is finished, we usually assume that the first movement triggers the second. SciVis 2013 - page 43

  44. Image Interpretation • It is a part from high-level vision. • High-level vision: • It is about recognizing objects and their relations. • It is about the identification of groups or clusters • Visual perception is influenced by expectations and experiences. • Images, which do not correspond to these expectations are difficult to interpret. A normal glass and smaller liquid or a rotated with bottom up glass? Concave or convex spherical regions? SciVis 2013 - page 44

  45. Image Interpretation: Effectiveness • Visualization of lines is interpreted as a set of overlapping shapes. • The interpretation of both images is the same, but the right is more effective. SciVis 2013 - page 45

  46. Image Interpretation: Special Relations • Support correct spatial perception • Consider expectations • Integrate depth-cues • Shadow projection • Illumination effects • Stereo rendering • Perspective • Attenuation of distant portions (depth of field blur) • Occlusions should be obvious. SciVis 2013 - page 46

  47. Image Interpretation: Special Relations • Shadow projection • Experiment: Users should place a sphere in the center between two spheres and should scale them like the other spheres. • Measurements: Time to accomplish the tasks, errors for different combinations of depth-cues • Result: Shadow projection diminishes the timings and rate of errors strongly. • A slight further improvement is achieved by means of stereo-Rendering. SciVis 2013 - page 47

  48. Image Interpretation: Special Relations • Shadow projection Which ball is closer to us? SciVis 2013 - page 48

  49. Image Interpretation: Special Relations • Illumination effects • Shape recognition is enhanced by lateral light compared to frontal light. • Hard shadows are disturbing. SciVis 2013 - page 49

  50. Image Interpretation: Special Relations • Semi-transparent cursors for Localization in 3D • Experiment: User should select an object (one group with and one group without semi-transparent cursor) • Result: 59 % less errors and 28 % faster with the semi-transp. cursor SciVis 2013 - page 50

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