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possibilities for cross - border tourism cluster s development in euroregion Neisse- Nisa - Nysa. Piotr Szwinta Wrocław University of Economics Faculty of Economics , Managment and Tourism Department of Regional Economy. research goal.
possibilities for cross - border tourism clusters development in euroregion Neisse-Nisa-Nysa Piotr Szwinta Wrocław University of Economics Faculty of Economics, Managment and Tourism Department of RegionalEconomy
researchgoal Thegoal of thisstudyis to presentpropositions of cross – bordertourismclustersdevelopmntin Euroregion Neisse – Nisa – Nysa and potentialadvantages of thisproject.
CONCEPT OF CLUSTERS Geographic concentration of interconnected companies (manufactures, service providers, specializedsuppliers) and associated institutions (universities, research centers, government agencies, trade associations etc.), that compete with each other but also cooperate in a particular field. (Porter, 2001)
PREMISES IN CROSS – BORDERTOURISMCLUSTERS DEVELOPMENT IN EUROREGION NEISSE – NISA - NYSA • favorable geographical location (tourist attractions, natural environment, climate, landscape, customs, traditional crafts, folklore, historic buildings, technical monuments etc.) • high concentration of competitive tourism enterprises • strong tourist infrastructure • engagement of the local-governments in the tourism development process (national and international promotion of the region; projects of renovation, revitalization and restoration of towns and villages; support for SMEs sector, modernization of local infrastructure, environmental protection projects etc.) • strongacademicinfrastructureinthevicinity (Liberec, Jelenia Góra, Goerlitz, Zittau) • existence of support organizations (localtourismorganizations, associations, foundations etc.) • willingness for collaboration between tourismeconomyentities
propositions of cross – bordertourismclustersdevelopmntin Euroregion Neisse – Nisa – Nysa
The main objectives of a potential cross – bordertourism cluster • Common promotion of regional brands and products (winter sports, mountain hiking, crafts, food etc.) • Enhancement of cross–border cooperation. • Support for start-up and SMEs sector. • Developing tourism infrastructure. • Stimulation of innovation in tourism industry. • Increase of a quality of hospitality services. • Increase in the tourist accessibility of the region through the development of transport (communication routes, railway, aviation).
Potentialadvantages of clusteringin euroregion • tourism development, • easier transfer of information, • higher level of efficiency and productivity within cluster, • sharing of best practicesamongPolish – Czech – German entities (firms, localauthorities, academics etc.), • more opportunities for reaching broader spectrum of customers, • new business formation, • knowledge spillovers and innovation creation.
Willingness for collaboration among enterprises focused on tourism activity in karkonosze – a survey study
Chart 1. Declaration of collaboration with other companies and/or institutions from tourism sector made by the respondents. Source: questionnaire results
Chart 2. In what way does tourism economy entities cooperate. Source: questionnaire results
Chart 3. Fields of cooperation between tourism economy entities. Source: questionnaire results
Chart 4. Willingness for collaboration within cluster structure in the respondent’s opinion. Source: questionnaire results
Chart 5. Expectations regarding entering the cluster. Source: questionnaire results
Chart 6. Fears regarding entering the cluster. Source: questionnaire results
Chart 7. Willingness for collaboration within Czech-Polish cross-border cluster. Source: questionnaire results
Conclusions • Tourism is one of the most important sector of the economy of Euroregion Neisse – Nisa - Nysa. Despite support from EU Funds for cross – border cooperation between tourism economy entities, this cooperation is still insufficient. One of the way to solve this problem is by creating tourism clusters. • Theproject of establishing cross – border tourism clusters in the area of Euroregion Neisse – Nisa – Nysacouldenhancecollaborationbeetwentourismeconomyentities and increasetourismpotential of the region.
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