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The Doctor's Friend: Quick Pain Relief & Healing Points

A handheld medical instrument for fast pain relief and healing through key acupuncture points. Easy and effective method for physicians and health practitioners to offer immediate relief. Contains instructions for self-treatment.

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The Doctor's Friend: Quick Pain Relief & Healing Points

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  1. The Doctor’s Friend A hand-held Medical instrument to assist those in the Health Care field to give ‘quick ’ pain relief and ‘trigger’ the healing power of the body for : Headaches Neck Tension Hip & Sciatica Low Back Pain Plus 24 Most Important Acupuncture Points

  2. The purpose of this booklet is to provide the physician, or health practitioner to have the ability to provide the patient with a degree of pain relief and mobility while they are yet in the office, and at the same time allow the doctor to give such pain relief within a reasonable period of time. The instrument that is shown is by no means the only system that may be used to perform such its service to the patient, however, it is highly portable, gives quick relief, clinically strong, yet very friendly to the patient. The areas that are illustrated that may be treated are from acupuncture point research. They are among the most effective and successful locations that appear to have the ability to activate the bodies pain modulators, as well as open up major energy channels according to traditional acupuncture approach to health. The method of treating patients is simple and effective. One simply places the tip of the instrument on the area or point, to be treated, while the finger of the therapist’s opposite hand is on the point illustrated. Self-treatment is done by holding the unit and placing it on the desired point or area to be treated. All contacts must be on the skin of the patient, however, one can actually treat through clothes by placing a drop or two of water over the area to be treated. That will allow the current to make contact with the skin. The type of current that is used with this instrument is in the micro current range. Micro current has been shown to actually be helpful in boosting the body’s energy as well is having a healing effect, (research available ) Since the information contained in this booklet as to how, and to whom, and for what conditions it may or may not be used, understand that the user assumes all responsibility for its use and how it is applied.

  3. General Method for “Quick-Relief” Placement • The Treatment unit is placed on one point. • The Therapists finger is on the other point. All are bi-lateral, except for mid-line Pts. Treatment Time depends on the degree of relief you want to attain. 1 to 2 minutes Gallbladder 34 All Joint pain On the anteroinferior part of the capitulum of the fibula. 2 body inches below the knee. Low back Pain The unit placed on low back, 1 ½ inches off the spine on a Level with the umbilicus. Therapist finger of the other hand is in the other X point. Indications Knee joint pain, sciatica, costalgia, trauma of the joint. Pre-treatment point for all joints of the body. Use as a pre-treat before other remedies. X X Placement of ‘Micro Mini’ Therapist finger is behind the knee. Hold for 1 or 2 minutes, Repeat on other side X X Governing Vessel 26: Fainting Point, Defense Anti-Rape point Just above the middle of the philtrum Indications Shock, collapse, heat stroke, unconsciousness, hysteria, epilepsy, acute lumbar strains. 16 1

  4. General Method for “Quick-Relief” Placement • The Treatment unit is placed on one point. • The Therapists finger is on the other point. All are bi-lateral, except for mid-line Pts. Treatment Time depends on the degree of relief you want to attain. 1 to 2 minutes Sciatica & low back Pain The unit placed on low back, 1 ½ inches off the spine on a Level with the umbilicus. Therapist finger of the other hand is in the other X point. Lung 7 Asthma, Difficult Breathing 1 ½ body inches above the most distal skin crease of the wrist above the styoid process of the radius. Indications: Headache, stiff and painful neck, call, asthma, facial nerve paralysis. X X 2nd Placement X X 1st Placement of ‘Micro Mini’ Therapist finger is behind the knee. Hold for 1 or 2 minutes, Repeat on other side X X Triple Burner 5: Arm, Wrist Pain 2 Body inches above the skin increase on the back of the wrist, between the ulna and the radius. Indications Upper arm joint pain, paralysis, hemiplegia, perotitis, deafness, tinnitus, neck pain. 2 15

  5. Extended Back Treatment Neck & Shoulders & Entire Back The unit is held between the neck & shoulders The finger is on the opposite side Hold for 1 or 2 minutes Or, you can simply hold their hand on the same side X X 3rd placement Gallbladder 20 Pituitary reflex Below the occipital bone, in the depression on the outer part of the trapezius muscle, on a level with Bladder 10. Indications Headache, eye diseases, rhinitis, common cold, apoplexy, deafness, tinnitus, hemiplegia. X X 2nd placement X X 1st placement X X Your finger behind the knee. Hold for 1 minute, repeat on other side Heart 7 Anxiety, Palpitation Along the most distal skin increase the risk on the ulnar side of the flexor-carpi ulnaris muscle. Indications Nervousness, forget fullness, palpitation of the heart, Insomnia, hysteria. 14 3

  6. Twenty Four Acupuncture Points Most Essential To Your Practice Governing Vessel 4 Back Pain, Lower Abdomen Below this spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebrae Indications Lumbar pain, enuresis, impotence, leukorrhea, asthma, endometriosis, headache, deafness, tinnitus. Treatment Time: 10 seconds to 1 minute for each point 1. Low Back Pain 2. Sciatica & Low Back Pain 3. Neck, Shoulders & Entire Back 4 Index to Acu-points 5. Body Balance 1, Body Balance 2, Power Point 6. Liver Pain, Chest Pressure , Fever Point 7. Tinnitus, Facial Nerve, Shoulders, Neck, Arm 8. TMJ, Ears, Heart Palpitation, Stress 9. Sinus, Impotence, Gynecological Dysfunction 10. Digestion Stomach Pain, Gynecological 11. Kidney, Power Point, TMJ Dysfunction 12. Major Sciatic Point, Low Back Pain 13. Back Pain, Abdomen, Temporal Arthritis, Jaw 14. Pituitary Reflex, Apoplexy, Anxiety, Palpitation 15. Asthma, Breathing, Arm, Wrist Pain 16. Joint Pain, , Fainting & Anti-Rape Point Gall Bladder 2 Temporal Arthritis, Jaw, Mouth, Teeth On the posterior margin of the condyloid process of the mandible In front of the inisura intragicia, where a depression is formed when the mouth is wide open. Indications Deafness, tendinitis, otitis media, toothache, facial nerve paralysis, mandibular arthritis. Stomach 6 Over the masseteric muscle anterior to the angle of the mandible. Indications Toothache,. Parotitis, facial nerve paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, lock jaw 4 13

  7. Gallbladder 30 Major Sciatica Point On the postero-superior of the greater trochanter, 1/3rd the distance posteriorly, from the greater trocancer to the sacral Hiatus. Major Power Point Large Intestine 4 Body Balance, Headache On the dorsal surface of the hand, between the 1st & 2nd metacarpals, on the protuberance of the muscle on the radial side the middle of the metacarpal. Indications Lumbar pain and pain in the legs, sciatica, paralysis and paresis of the lower limbs Indications Headache, toothache, Rhinitis, swollen & painful oropharynx, deafness, eye disease, facial nerve paralysis, fever, upper limb joint pain, hemiplegia, neurasthenia. Stomach 36: Most Balancing of Total Body One body inch just below the tuberosity of the tibia on the lateral side of the anterior tibial crest to the tibialis anterior Muscle. Major Power Point Indications General tonification, gastritis, ulcer diseases Diarrhea, distended abdomen, constipation, anemia, Indigestion, high blood pressure, hemophilia, epilepsy, Neurasthenia, insomnia. Gallbladder 40 (54 on some charts) Low Back Pain Right in the middle of the popliteal fossa. Indications Lower back pain, leg pain, sciatica, hemiplegia 12 5

  8. Kidney 1 Energy Power Point One third the distance from the center to the front of the plantar surface. In the depression and which Is present when the foot is compressed laterally. LIVER 1 Liver Pain, Chest Pressure Over the depression between the first and second metatarsal bones approximately 2 body inches proximal to the web between the big toe and second toe Major Power Point Kidney meridian: Boosts energy of Body Indications Vertex pain, infantile convulsions, unconsciousness, Heat stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, hysteria, at the epilepsy. Liver meridian: All Chest discomfort, Liver balance Indications Headache, fainting spell, the vertex pain, High blood pressure, menorrhagia, amenorrhea, mastitis. Large intestine 11: To bring down a Fever At the lateral end of the elbow crease when the elbow is flexed. Stomach 7 TMJ Dysfunction In the depression between the inferior border of the Zygomatic arch and the mandibular notch. Indications Arthritis in the upper limb, paralysis, Hemophilia, shoulder and back pain, swollen and painful oral pharynx, high blood pressure. Indications Toothache, deafness, tinnitus aurium, inflammation of the mandible, facial nerve paralysis. 6 11

  9. Triple Burner 17 Tinnitus Behind the lobule of the auricle, and the depression between the mastoid process and the mandible. Stomach 44 Digestion, Stomach Pain In the web between the second and third toes. Indications Stomach ache, headache( FRONTAL), toothache, tonsillitis, dysentery Indications Deafness, tinnitus, facial nerve paralysis Gall Bladder 21 Shoulder, Neck, Arm On the hump of the shoulder, midway between C-7 and the acromion. Spleen 6 Gynecological Dysbalance Point, Digestion 3 body inches above the apex of the medial malleolus, behind the tibia. Indications Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, Nocturnal urination, impotence, abdominal pain, diarrhea, indigestion, insomnia,hemophilia, premature ejaculation. Indications. Shoulder and back pain, neck pain, difficulty in raising the arm, mastitis, hyperthyrosis, functional metorrhagia 10 7

  10. Small Intestine 19 TMJ Dysfunction, Ears Between the middle of the tragus and the mandibular joint where a small depression is formed when the mouth is opened, Indications Deafness, tinnitus, otitis media, ptitis externa Large Intestine 20 Sinus On this side of the ala nasi in the nasallabial sulcus. Indications Occlusion of the nose, rhinitis, nasosinusitis, facial nerve Paralysis. Pericardium 6 Heart Palpitation, Stress 2 body inched above wrist fold between the 2 tendons of the palmaris longus muscle and flexor carpi radialis muscle Conception Vessel 4 Impotence, Gynecological Dysfunction Three body inches below the umbilicus. Indications Abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery, irregular menstruation, Dysmenorrhea, leukorrhagia, impotence, enuuresis, dysuria. Indications Thoracodynia and costalgia, stomach pain, insomnia, Palpitation, hiccough, nausea, vomiting, asthma, swollen And painful oropharynx, hysteria, epilepsy, chest surgery 8 9

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