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Current Status of Varietal Improvement in Specialty Rice Suitable for Food Processing and High-Functional Utility

Current Status of Varietal Improvement in Specialty Rice Suitable for Food Processing and High-Functional Utility. National Institute of Crop Science Hae Chun, Choi. 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5. 17001600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900. Rice production

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Current Status of Varietal Improvement in Specialty Rice Suitable for Food Processing and High-Functional Utility

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  1. Current Status of Varietal Improvement in Specialty Rice Suitable for Food Processing and High-Functional Utility National Institute of Crop Science Hae Chun, Choi

  2. 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 17001600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 Rice production Cultivated area Amount of rice production (million ton; milled rice) Rice cultivated area(000 ha) 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year Fig. Changes in amount of rice production and cultivated area during the last four decades in Korea

  3. 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Self-sufficiency ratio Milled rice consumption per capita Milled rice consumption per capita. yr-1 Self-sufficiency in rice production(%) 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Year Fig. Changes in milled rice consumption per capita and self-sufficiency ratio in rice production during the last four decades in Korea

  4. Grain length (Brown rice:min) 3.3 4.6 6.2 9.5 Grain length/ width ratio (Brown rice) 1.10 1.63 2.60 4.50 1,000-Grain weight(g) 10 17 35 46 Pericarp color Light yellowish white Light straw Light Brown Red Brown Dark red Purple brown Purple Black purple Degree of chalkiness(0-9) 0 1 3 7 9 Fig. Varietal variation of grain appearance in world collection and Korean rice varieties : Varietal range of Korean rice

  5. Aroma Very weak Weak Fair Considerable Strong Alkali Digestion (1-7) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gel consistency(mm) 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Amylose content(%) 0 10 16 21 27 35 Protein content(%) (Brown rice) 6 6.5 11 15 Lipid content (%) (Brown rice) 2.3 3.0 3.6 Fig. Varietal variation of major physicochemical properties of milled or brown rice in world collections and Korean improved rice cultivars : Varietal range of Korean rice

  6. Various shape of seed rice

  7. Various color and shape of colored rice

  8. Table . Major characteristics of newly-developed specialty rice cultivars suitable for food processing and functional utility . Culm length (cm) 88 72 82 77 71 88 80 73 Milled rice yield (t/ha) 4.45 4.93 5.03 6.14 5.11 5.37 4.05 4.97 1000- grain weigh (g) 34.8 20.6 21.3 22.8 25.4 20.5 17.0 23.5 Brown rice L/W ratio 1.94 2.46 1.81 2.44 1.78 1.90 2.22 2.14 Bred year ’93 ’93 ’95 ’96 ’94 ’97 ’97 ’97 Heading date Aug.15 Aug.15 Aug.11 Aug.4 Aug.14 Aug.13 July 25 Aug.13 Pericarp color YW 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 BP 〃 Aroma (0∼9) 0 5 3 3 0 3 1 1 Amylose (%) 19.5 18.3 17.7 19.0 20.2 0 15.1 16.7 WC /WB (0∼9) 1/0 1/1 0/0 1/2 7/0 wx - - Cultivar Daeribbyeo 1 Hyangmibyeo 1 Hyangnambyeo Hyangmibyeo 2 Yangjobyeo Arranghyang- chalbyeo Heugjinjubyeo Heugnambyeo

  9. (Continued) Culm length (cm) Milled rice yield (t/ha) 1000- grain weigh (g) Brown rice L/W ratio Bred year Heading date Pericarp color Aroma (0∼9) Amylose (%) WC /WB (0∼9) Cultivar YW 〃 〃 BP RB YW YW 〃 〃 〃 BP ’98 ’99 ’00 ’00 ’00 ’01 ’01 ’01 ’02 ’02 ’03 Aug.16 Aug. 8 Aug.18 Aug.23 July 26 Aug.21 Aug.19 Aug.13 Aug.22 Aug.17 Aug.14 79 89 85 77 81 77 83 83 75 86 89 5.57 5.23 5.38 5.28 5.54 5.18 5.27 5.45 4.24 4.46 5.05 22.6 24.2 20.8 23.1 22.1 19.2 20.3 22.4 14.6 19.9 14.8 1.86 2.10 1.77 1.96 1.79 1.62 1.63 1.79 1.89 1.84 1.73 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 HL HF 0 0 19.0 0 26.7 18.0 18.3 9. 1 19.3 18.9 28.1 12.9 18.0 0/0 wx 0/2 - - dull opaque 0/1 4/4 0/0 - Mihyangbyeo Seolhyangchalbyeo Goamibyeo Heughyang Jeogjiniu Baegjinju Seolgaeng Yeongan Goami 2 Manmi Heuggwang WC/WB : White core/ White belly, YW : Yellow white, BP : Black purple, RB : Reddish brown , HL : High lysine, HF : High fiber

  10. Table . Cultivation area of specialty rice cultivars during ’96∼2000 Cultivation area (ha) Main trait Waxy Aromatic Colored Aromatic waxy Major rice cultivars Shinseonchal, Hwaseonchal Hyangmibyeo 1, Hyangnam Heugjinju, Heugnam Aranghyangchal, Seolhyangchal '99 13,515 800 1,103 118 15,536 1.5 '96 15,324 45 2 2 15,373 1.5 '97 13,138 163 2,153 - 15,454 1.5 '98 14,173 387 1,726 11 16,297 1.5 2000 11,983 103 727 140 12,953 1.2 Total area (ha) Proportion ratio to total rice cultivation area (%)

  11. Daeribbyeo 1 Nagdongbyeo Yongjubyeo

  12. IR41999 IR841-76-1 Daeribbyeo 1

  13. T(N) 1 (H.Amy, H.GC, I) Suwonjo (H.Amy, M.GC, J) Hangangchalbyeo (Waxy, L.GC,I) Nagdongbyeo (L. Amy, L.GC,J) Fig. Varietal difference in cross-sectional figure of popped rice kernel observed through the scanning electron microscope (H : High, L : Low, Amy : Amylose, I : Inidica, J : Japonica).

  14. Table. Correlation coefficients between popping characteristics and morphological or physicochemical properties of rice grain Correlation coefficients Relevant characters -0.585** -0.456* 0.472* -0.706** -0.776** 0.792** 0.512* -0.484* -0.477* -0.475* - Ratio of intact popped brown rice - 〃 - Ratio of popped rice - Bulk density of popped brown rice - Bulk density of popped milled rice - Ratio of popped rice - Bulk density of popped milled rice - Ratio of popped rice - Expansion rate in length of milled rice - Expansion rate in volume of milled rice Chalkiness (WB or WC) Translucency Hardness Gel consistency 〃 〃 Amylose content 〃 〃 〃 WB : white-belly, WC : white-core in rice grain

  15. Table. Correlation coefficients between suitability for rice noodle and physicochemical properties of milled rice Correlation coefficients -0.603* -0.553* -0.522 0.905** 0.798** Relevant Characters K content Mg content Extracted solid amount Doughing time Toughness of dried noodle - Gross score of noodle making - 〃 - 〃 - Acceptability to noodle formation - 〃 *, ** : Significant at 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Gross score of noodle making is mean estimate of acceptability to noodle formation and toughness of dried noodle.

  16. Table. Relationships between some physicochemical properties of rice grain and cooked rice noodle characteristics Relevant characters Correlation coefficients Amylose Gel consistency Potassium Amylose Gel consistency Potassium Magnesium Turbidity of noodle-boiled water Solid amount of cooking extract - 0.819 ** 0.720 ** 0.712 ** - 0.717 ** 0.700 ** 0.677 ** 0.547 * 0.459 0.800 ** Solid amount of cooking extract ˝ ˝ Total acceptability of cooked noodle ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ - - - - - - - - - *, ** : Significant at 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Total acceptability of cooked noodle is average acceptability of tensility and palatability of cooked noodle, and turbidity and solid amounts of noodle - boiled water.

  17. 9 7 5 3 1 Eating quality of cooked noodle Hangangchal Taebaek Nampung Suweonjo Hanyangjo S.232 IR44593 BG276-5 San-Li-Cun Chokoto Pusa-33-30 IR44 Wheat 1 3 5 7 9 Acceptability to noodle - making Fig. Distribution of rice varieties based on total acceptability to noodle - making and eating quality of cooked noodle.

  18. White rice Brown rice White rice Brown rice White rice Brown rice Suwon232 Hangangchalbyeo Suwon230 White rice Brown rice White rice Brown rice White rice Brown rice Suwonjo IR841-76-1 AC 27 Fig. Traditional difference in processing quality for rice bread, (A) : milled rice, (B) Brown rice.

  19. Table. Correlation coefficients among chemical properties of rice grain and various characteristics related to processing quality of rice bread Correlation coefficients Brown rice Milled rice -0.547 -0.783* 0.537 0.824* -0.637 -0.898** -0.351 -0.875** 0.859** 0.720* 0.301 0.703* 0.761* 0.204 - 0.571* - -0.652* - 0.572* - -0.625* Relevant characters Protein content Fat content Expansion of batters Amylose content Gel consistency Alkali digestibility - Moisture of rice bread - Uniformity of porous cell size in rice bread - Size of porous cell in rice bread - Springiness of rice bread - Loaf formation of rice bread - Size of porous cell in rice bread - Springiness of rice bread - Springiness of rice bread - Springiness of rice bread - Retrogradation of rice bread - 〃 *, ** : Significant at 5% and 1% levels, respectively.

  20. Beckjinju (half-glutinous-rice) Ilpumbyeo (white-nonglutinous-rice) Shyulgang (white-nonglutinous-rice) Suwon 428 (glutinous-rice) Ilpumbyeo Mutant Special Rice [Top is Brown Rice, bottom is white rice, middle is iodine tested]

  21. Table. Brewing characteristics of some specialty rice varieties Koji quality Mash quality Sensory accepta- bility Good Very good Excellent 〃 Very good Good Variety Dasanbyeo Daeripbyeo 1 Baegjinju Seolgaeng Yangjobyeo Ilpumbyeo Acidity (0.1N -NaOH㎖ /10㎖) 3.2 3.1 2.8 2.8 3.4 3.5 Mycelium density and flavor Good Vary good Good Very good Very good Good Amino acidity (0.1N -NaOH㎖ /10㎖) 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 Alcohol (%) 17.2 17.0 17.1 17.0 16.4 16.9 Saccharogenic power (mg glucose/hr/g) 32.8 30.1 41.2 54.8 31.2 30.4

  22. Table. Mycelia rooting density and saccharogenic power during the processing of fermented rice using Aspergillus oryzae Rooting density of mycelia Saccharogenic power (mg/glucose/hr/g) Endosperm characteristics milky, amylose ; 9% opague, amylose ; 19.3% translucent, amylose ; 18.9% Variety Baegjinju Selgaeng Ilpumbyeo Milled rice 38.2 45.4 42.6 Brown rice 37.4 41.6 39.3 Brown rice ++ +++ ++ Milled rice ++ +++ +++

  23. Table. Pigment concentration of fermented rice using Monascus anka Absorbance Variety Baejinju Selgaeng Ilpumbyeo 470nm (orange) 4.21 11.50 9.31 500nm (red) 10.42 19.70 14.84 400nm (yellow) 7.32 13.72 14.34

  24. Table . Varietal variation in frequency ratios among short, intermediate and long glucose chains composing amylopectin structure of glutinous rice endosperms. Standard deviation 2.684 0.729 0.460 0.505 0.234 Coefficients of variation (%) 14.4 16.3 25.9 18.7 34.3 Trait Fr. II (%) (Fr.III+IV)/Fr. II Fr. IV/Fr. II Fr. III/Fr. II Fr. IV/Fr. III Range 14.7∼25.2 2.97∼5.79 1.09∼2.72 1.42∼3.59 0.41∼1.31 Mean 18.6 4.47 1.78 2.70 0.68 Fr. II, III and IV are the long, intermediate and short glucose chains of amylopectin, respectively.

  25. Z2 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 II 38  IX VIII 2 III 14 36  35 16  17 V 1 3 15 37 18 20 22 23 19 9 7 5 Z1 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 28 31 6 I 34  25 4  30 11  32 33 8 24  21 VII 12 29 13 10 IV 27 VI 26 Fig. 1. Scatter diagram of tested glutinous rice cultivars on the plane of 1st (Z1) and 2nd (Z2) principal conponents contracted from eleven qulity properties. (○ : Japonica, ● : Indica, ▲ : Javanica)

  26. Table . Correlation coefficients between some indicaters of amylopectin structure and other physicochemical properties of glutinous rice Fr. II (%) 0.492* 0.467* -0.339 0.376 -0.234 -0.275 (Fr. IV+III) /Fr.II -0.476* -0.453* 0.340 -0.369 0.208 0.246 Fr. III /Fr. II -0.284 -0.307 0.687** -0.719** 0.439* 0.541* Fr. IV /Fr. III -0.151 -0.105 -0.541* 0.568** -0.372 -0.473* Fr. IV /Fr. II -0.441* -0.381 -0.216 0.206 -0.153 -0.206 Relevant Characters WBA GVE Breakdown Setback Adhesiveness Balance Fr. IV (%) -0.270 -0.197 -0.498* 0.509* -0.322 -0.417 Fr. III (%) 0.054 0.009 0.657** -0.683** 0.430* 0.543* *, ** : significant at 5% and 1% levels, respectively.

  27. Table . Suitability of glutinous rice for processing oil-puffed rice cake Bulk density (㎖/g) Hardness (kg) Sensory evalutaion (1∼5) Variety Crispness Total IR29 Hangangchalbyeo Malakitsinaguing Onnemochi Gangwonna Rikuto Norinmochi 1 Jinbuchalbyeo Hwaseonchalbyeo Ilpumbyeo (Nonwaxy) 2.880 2.930 4.525 5.985 2.900 5.120 5.950 7.665 2.435 0.810 1.030 0.806 0.705 0.382 0.220 0.668 0.644 1.684 2.10 1.80 3.25 3.90 4.25 3.70 3.00 4.05 1.70 2.45 1.90 2.75 3.35 3.80 3.90 2.60 3.85 1.45

  28. Table . Correlation coefficients between some physicochemical properties of glutinous rice grain and suitability for processing an oil-puffed rice cake Relevant characters Correlation coefficients Gel consistency Sensory evaluation Total 〃 〃 - Water absorption - Water absorption - Reducing sugar - Crispness 0.690** 0.635* 0.616* 0.863** *, ** : significant at 5% and 1% levels, respectively.

  29. Various sugary Rice Ordinary Rice

  30. Ordinary Rice Huge whole-rice

  31. ~ ~ , , 小粒 大粒 短圓 細長 ~ ~ , 黃褐 黑紫 低香 高香 ~ ~ , amylose , 低 高 糊化溫度 低 高 ~ ~ , 低 高 蛋白質 低 高 脂肪 ~ 低 高 纖維質 等 Amylopectin , 構造 變更 澱粉形態 變更 , , 低 앨러진 高 glycine 高 微量元素 Vitamin, 高 各種 高 各種必須 Amino acid , , 巨大胚芽米 糖質 粉質, 高食餌纖維 etc 㐘 用途 and 機能性 多樣化 㐘 粒大 粒形 種皮色 香臭性 㐘 食品 and 健康 理化學的 特性 機能性 of 多樣化 開發 澱粉構造 and 資源變異 健康機能性 擴大 突然變異 誘發 and 生物工學 技法 活用

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