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Geothermal Installations in Belarus: Heat Pump Systems and Borehole Heat Exchangers

Explore examples of geothermal installations in Belarus, including heat pump systems and borehole heat exchangers used for heating buildings and industrial complexes. Discover the distribution of recoverable geothermal resources and the history of geothermal investigations in the region.

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Geothermal Installations in Belarus: Heat Pump Systems and Borehole Heat Exchangers

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  1. Geothermal Installations some examples Vladimir ZUI, Professor of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus WGC 2015

  2. Studied Region

  3. Short History of Geothermal Investigations • First geothermal observations were started in boreholes of the country in 1954. • At present there are almost 1000 deep and shallow boreholes studied in geothermal respect. • Heat flow density determinations were fulfilled for ~500 sites. • First investigations for the density of geothermal resources within the sedimentary cover were undertaken around 15 years ago. • First geothermal installations were put into operation since the middle of nineties.

  4. Field Works for Recording of Temperature-Depth Profiles in Shallow Boreholes

  5. Database used to estimate geothermal resources • Accumulated temperature-depth profiles were used to prepare maps of the distribution of recoverable geothermal resources within the whole country or within some of individual crustal blocks • Existing geothermal installations use fresh groundwater or borehole heat exchangers in the primary contours of heat pumps • An example of the geothermal maps within the whole territory of Belarus are shown in two following slides

  6. Temperature distribution at the depth of 100 m

  7. density of recoverable geothermal resources from the depth interval of 100 – 200 m ranging from 8 to 28 kg.o.e/m2

  8. Main geothermal installations in Belarus. Основные геотермальныеустановки Беларуси

  9. Selected Geothermal Installations

  10. Geothermal installation 350 KWth used for heating of buildings of the seweage station 19 “Novy Dvor” near Minsk. The heat pump is fed by groundwater of 8 - 9 deg. C.

  11. Heat Pump“Carrier Global Chiller 30НХС 080-375”installedat the border crossing point to Ukraine “Novaya Rudnya” inthe Elsk District,Gomel Region 11

  12. Complex at the border crossing point to Ukraine “Novaya Rudnya” includes 4 buildings heated by the heat pump installation of 273 KWth. It uses groundwater from 3 boreholes (20 m deep) 12

  13. boilers and electric diesel unit at the crossing point to Ukraine “Novaya Rudnya”

  14. Тепловой насос, установленный на канализационной насосной станции № 6, г. Минск, пр-т Машерова.

  15. Здание канализационной насосной станции № 6, отапливаемое с помощью геотермальной энергии.

  16. Geothermal station at the Greenhouse Complex “Berestye” at the eastern suburb of Brest town (westernmost Belarus) 16 Left figure: Mouth of the Vychulkovskaya 201 borehole used to extract warm groundwater with the temperature at the wellbore mouth of 24 deg. C Right figure: Two heat pumps Daikin (2 x 505 KWth) in the process of installation at the Greenhouse Complex “Berestye” at the eastern suburb of Brest town

  17. Temperature-Depth profile for Komarovka Borehole, Brest District

  18. Geothermal Installation in the “Didaktika” company building, Mogilev Region

  19. 2.9

  20. Cottage house with a GSHP for its heating in the vicinity of Minsk

  21. Scheme of Borehole Heat Exchangers (Underground contour)

  22. Схема отопления здания с использованием теплонасосной установки и Горизонтального циркуляционного контура в грунте.

  23. ОТБОР ТЕПЛА ОТ ГРУНТА ПОСРЕДСТВОМ ГОРИЗОНТАЛЬНОГО ЦИРКУЯЦИОННОГО КОНТУРА Этот способ требует наличия свободной незастроенной площадки

  24. Countryside wooden house heating using GSHP, Ponizovye village, Minsk District

  25. Geothermal Heating of the Sport Building at the rowing channel, Gomel town

  26. Geothermal heating system for several rural houses near vitebsk town

  27. Тепловая мощность 35 МВт.

  28. Selected geothermal installations within Belarus. Part 1

  29. Selected geothermal installations within Belarus. Part 2

  30. Power Generation (imperial Valley, USA)

  31. Мутновская геотермальная станция, Камчатка, Россия

  32. 34 CONCLUSIONS (А) • There are up to 130 --150 geothermal installations in Belarus with the total installed heat capacity around 6.5 MWth • The biggest geothermal installation is used at the greenhouse complex “Berestye” located at the eastern suburb of Brest town (westernmost Belarus). It uses warm fresh water from single borehole (1002 m deep). Temperature reaches 24 deg. C at the well mouth. • A number of geothermal installations are used for heating of buildings at water works in the vicinity of big towns.

  33. 35 CONCLUSIONS (B) • Dozens of geothermal installations are used for heating and cooling of individual cottages all over the country using mostly borehole heat exchangers. • There are different objects using geothermal heating. Among them are small industrial enterprises, cottages, dwelling, frontier points, church, district hospital, greenhouse, village buildings, etc. • Density of geothermal resources within fresh water horizons varies from 10 – 30 till 250 – 300 kg.o.e./m2 • Temperature of deep horizons of the Pripyat Trough reach 100 – 130 deg. C, but hot brines have up to 400 g.p.l. of dissolved chemicals limiting their utilization.


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