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Explore the activities of British, French, and other Charter Companies during the Scramble for Africa, including economic exploitation, strategic concerns, nationalism, and political motives. Learn about significant events like the building of the Suez Canal, the Fashoda crisis, and the Berlin Conference, where European powers laid down rules for annexation in Africa to avoid conflict.

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  1. Traders Chartered Companies Imperial British East Africa Company- IBEAco British South African Company- De beers Royal Niger Company Liverpool Brothers and Jaja of Opobo German East Africa Company Companies involved in exploitation of resources

  2. French & British Activities • Building of Suez- link Mediterranean and Red Sea • Use of Red Sea as shorter route to India • British & French traders both in Egypt • Bankruptcy of Egypt under Khedive Ishmael • Britain takes control of Suez 1875 • Fashoda crisis: • General H. H. Kitchener vs. • Captain J. P. Marchand • French's Pin prick policy • Leopold and Congo

  3. Reasons for Scramble 1)Economic • Raw materials • Minerals • New Market • Cheap labor 2)Strategic Concerns Suez canal Nile Valley Congo basin Cape region- British to use its navy in both Atlantic and Indian ocean 3)Nationalism- rise on new nations 4) Political- balance of power & legacy 5) Moral Imperatives i) social Darwinism might is right ii) Social Atavism iii) Evangelical Christianity

  4. The Berlin Conference • Nov 1884-Feb 1885 • Aim: avoid conflict and lay down rules for annexation • Otto von Bismarck • 14 powers met • 7 powers rushed to Africa 1)Britain 2)Germany 3)France 4)Italy 5)Belgium 6)Portugal 7)Spain

  5. Terms of the Conference • Free trade in major rivers • Stopping of Slave Trade • Respect of treaties signed by Africa leaders • Principal of Effective occupation • Economic control

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