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Directorate General for Competition Policy ensures market competition, consumer protection, and safety. Implementing regulations focus on fair practices, product safety, and preventing abuses. Duties include combating cartels, monitoring prices, and ensuring consumer information. The organization conducts audits, analyzes risks, and coordinates with various departments for effective enforcement.
Directorate General for Competition Policy, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control
A mandate with 3 focus areas Regulation of marketcompetition Economic protection of consumers Consumer safety
The main bases in law for DGCCRF interventions Treaty on European Union and itsimplementingregulations French Commercial Code, section on competitionlaw (Book IV) French Consumer Code French Public Procurements Code Provisions in other codes (e.g. Public Health, Social Security, Employment, Construction and IntellectualProperty)
Regulation of marketcompetition Goal: define and ensure compliance withcompetitionrulesthatfavour the development of an open and transparent market Combat cartels and abuses of dominant position in liaison with the CompetitionAuthority Prevent and control unfair trading practices between businesses (particularly in trade and industry)
Economic protection of consumers Goal: inform and protectconsumersagainstunfair or unlawfulmarket practices on a daily basis Clear and honest information on products and services: labelling rule (price, ingredients and description), qualityindicators Fairmarket practices for consumers: e-commerce, real estate and housing, health and social services, banking and insurance, transport and tourism, environmental claims, metrology Price monitoring: monthly online publication of the findings of the Prices and Margins Monitoring Centre
Consumer safety Goal: ensure the physicalsafety of consumers and protect consumer health as a marketsupervisoryauthoritythat has European obligations Safety of foodproducts: ingredients, general and nutritional labelling, claims, hygieneand maintenance of a continuous cold chain Safety of non-foodproducts: composition, labelling, “CE”marking, verification of product registration and test compliance Action methods Stronger action in high-risksectors Initial market release audits (“CPMM”) Takingsamples for analysis (laboratories) or riskassessment by national agencies (ANSES or ANSM) Reporting of dangerousproducts as part of the RASFF and RAPEX procedures, whichinclude consumer information initiatives
Organisation and Resources Organisation Resources Staff: 3,063 officers (31stDecember 2018)
Organisation Central administration and local offices A central administration in Paris Within Unit C (competition, consumer affairs, fraud control and metrology) of the 13 DIRECCTE In liaison with 96 inter-ministerialdepartmentdirectorates split between DDPP, DDCSPPand a DCSTEP Outsidemetropolitan France, within the 5 DIECCTE (Unit C)
Organisation Departmentswith national scope and networks A joint Laboratory Service (SCL) with the DGDDI (French Customs) A National Investigations Department (SNE) (whichincludes an Electronic Commerce Surveillance Centre [CSCE] in Morlaix) A National Academy for competition, consumer affairs and fraud control (ENCCRF, in Montpellier, with offices in Montreuil) An IT Department (SICCRF, 3 centres in Paris, Lyon and Montpellier) Institutional networks (fruits and vegetables, wines, cross-border cooperation, etc.) Sectoral inspection networks (toys, seafood, fertilizer and crop-growing media, foodsupplements, animal feed, etc.)
Resources 3 key goals of the 2017 National Survey Program (PNE) Strengthen consumer confidence by targeting control actions on new regulatory and consumer issues Contribution to the efficiency of the economythrough in-depthanalysis and proposals to improve the functioning of markets Ensure the safety of consumer products by payingparticular attention to emergingrisks to the health and safety of users Investigations program National investigations Regional investigations Ad hoc investigations → annualtargetsoutlined in the National Survey Program (PNE)
The DGCCRF and itsenvironment Partners International presence Relations with the public
Partners CompetitionAuthority (ADLC) Telecommunications and Postal Services RegulatoryAuthority (ARCEP) Agency for Food, Environmental and OccupationalHealth & Safety (ANSES) Agency for Drug and Healthcare Product Safety (ANSM) Consumer associations National Consumer Protection Institution (INC) Consumer Safety Commission (CSC) UnfairTerms Commission (CCA) Consumer MediationCommission (CMC) National Consumer Council (CNC) Trade federations The administrations (Customs, DirectorateGeneral for Food, DirectorateGeneral for RiskPrevention, Gendarmerie, etc.) AudiovisualBoard (CSA) Research Institute for the Study and Monitoring of Living Standards (CREDOC)
International presence European Europeannegotiations => directives and regulations Point of contact for Europeanalert networks (RAPEX and RASFF) Network of Europeancompetitionauthorities (ECN) Administrative CooperationCommittee of Control Authorities for Consumer Protection International Represented in numerous organisations International CompetitionAuthority Network (ICN) Codex Alimentarius Commission International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), OECD, WTO, etc. International technicalcooperation AgreementswithRussia, Ukraine, Maghreb, China, etc.
Relations with the public The DGCCRF website Practicaladvice on consumer affairs and formswww.economie.gouv.fr/dgccrf The Info Service Consommation call centre (telephonenumber 3939 Allô Service Public (€0.15/min.]) Visitorfacilities for consumers at DDPP and DDCSPP: duty staff processwalk-in enquiries
Key figures 2018 Number of inspections 543,000 Number of establishments inspected 111,600 Number of analyses (samplestaken by the DGCCRF) 330,000 Claims registered in the barometer 64,607 DGCCRF website hits 5,489,236
Follow up to DGCCRF action (2018) Breaches and violations 128,568 Non-punitive warnings 81,227 Administrativepolice measures 31,711 Repression Civil and commercial litigation proceedings 37 decisions (handing down total fines of €450,000) 22 Criminallitigation official records 10, 437 settlements 2, 630 Administrative sanctions official administrative records 5, 099 administrative fines 2, 950 seizures 82