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Provide wing commanders with an orientation and perspective on how the media think and work. The public as the end-recipient of information. Provide techniques for responding to the media before, during, and after a crisis. Embracing The Media. Focus.
Provide wing commanders with an orientation and perspective on how the media think and work The public as the end-recipient of information Provide techniques for responding to the mediabefore, during, and after a crisis Embracing The Media Focus
There are steps CAP Wing Commanders and PAOs can take to better prepare the news media during a crisis Plan for communicating to the public and the news media by asking yourself the following questions: Communication Before, During, & After a Crisis
What information is crucial? What are the messages to be delivered? What are the obstacles? What are the opportunities? What questions can you anticipate? What are the media’s responsibilities and how can we help reporters meet them? Questions To Ask Yourself
Always assess the environment into which you are introducing information Review your remarks in advance Understand your audience Don’t speak unless you are comfortable Don’t assume you’re not in need of help Watch, read and listen to the news First Do No Harm
Goal # 1: Ease public concern • The risk is low - The search is hopeful • We are closing in - The teams are highly trained • Goal # 2 : Give guidance on how to respond • Take these precautions - Possible areas to search • If you find the site ... Developing goals and key messages Example: CAP plane has crashed while transporting sensitive materials for NASA
State message at the outset and return to it as often as possible Exercise control over the conversation you are having Staying on message • I want to first begin by saying ... • As I said a moment ago ... • - I want to again stress ... • - Before I close, I would like to remind everyone …
Hold briefings at times which will enable the media to meet their deadlines Be prepared to explain information and how it was gathered Provide statistics and key information (CAP fact sheets) Again, be prepared to explain information and how it was gathered Delivering Information
Risk communication is more likely to alarm Risk communication is less important than education Too difficult for public to understand If we listen to public, we may divert resources to areas not part of our mission Communication is not my job Myths & Pitfalls
Accept and involve the public as a partner Appreciate the public’s specific concerns Be honest and open Work with credible sources Meet the needs of the media Earning Trust & Credibility
Having people on hand who can answer questions speeds up the process Make sure goals and messages are understood by participants Do not publicly contradict the statement or disagree with the spokesperson Building Support
Abstractions Attacks Attitude and nonverbal messages Blame Costs Avoiding Pitfalls
Guarantees Humor Jargon Length of presentation Negative allegations, words or phrases “Off the record” Promises Avoiding Pitfalls
Acknowledge existence of hostility Practice self-management and control Be prepared and listen Answer questions thoughtfully Managing Hostile Situations
Be sure of your facts Cite sources and key statistics Have information available on fact sheets Familiarize yourself with information and opinions contrary to yours Facts & Information
Put yourself in the reporter’s place Be courteous and patient If you tell a reporter you’ll get back to them, do it Never be too casual in your conversation Working With Reporters
PAOs are one of the most important team members Should have an established relationship with media before a crisis occurs Keep PAO informed from the very beginning PAOs should always be looking for ways to localize national news Working With PAOs
PAO Toolkit Multimedia section (Videos) CAP News Online Seminars at national events National press releases Printed materials Tools For PAOs
Listen to question and think about your answer Discuss what you know, not what you think Do not express personal opinion Don’t speculate Don’t show off Don’t engage in “off the record” discussions Using The Interview
Don’t lie to a reporter Never embarrass a reporter Do not argue with a reporter Never take it personally Rules of the Road
Form a risk-communication team Create a team leader and assign responsibilities Develop contact list Develop a media list Consider logistics Identify information needs and create fact sheet Planning & Preparation
First, do no harm ... Don’t babble If you don’t know what you’re talking about, stop talking Focus on informing Never say anything your’re not willing to see printed Don’t lie 10 Ways to Avoid Mistakes
Don’t make promises you can’t keep Do not use “no comment” Don’t get angry Don’t speculate, guess or assume 10 Ways to Avoid Mistakes
Marc Huchette Chief of Multimedia (334) 953-3758 mhuchette@capnhq.gov Contact Information