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Anticipated Grant Opportunities to Support Additional Time for Learning. Grant Information Webinar March 14, 2014 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Presented by: Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Staff. “Time alone guarantees nothing … but with it, all else is possible.”
Anticipated Grant Opportunities to Support Additional Time for Learning Grant Information Webinar March 14, 2014 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Presented by: Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Staff “Time alone guarantees nothing … but with it, all else is possible.” --Massachusetts Commission on Time and Learning, 1995 Presentation slides are posted to the ESE 21st CCLC webpage.
Webinar Agenda • Department Goals • Anticipated Timeline • FY15 Funding Opportunities (FC 225-C & FC 647-B1) • Grants and Models for Adding Time • Common Features • What’s Different • Questions We will respond to the questions submitted online and questions submitted through the chat function at the end of the presentation. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
The Department’s Goal To prepare all studentsfor success after high school Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Anticipated Timeline When confirmed, more details and dates will be posted on the 21st CCLC(http://www.doe.mass.edu/21cclc/funding/FY2015.html) site. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Funding to Support More Time* Fund Code (FC) 225-C (state) Expanded Learning Time Grant FC 647-B1 (federal) 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Supporting ELT and OST • Coordinated and aligned grants process • Common priorities • Communities select model(s) that fit needs *Note: Information about additional ESE competitive, continuation and other non-competitive grants to support ELT/OST will be posted to the ESE webpage as available. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Different Models for Adding Time ELT Expanded Learning Time OST Out-of-School Time Programming that is for targeted students and takes place outside of the regular school day/year. A longer school-day/year for all students. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Different Models for Adding Time FC 225-C Expanded Learning Time Grant FC 647-B1 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Supporting ELT and OST Model 1 (ELT): Add at least 180 hours for all students as part of their required school day/year. Model 2 (OST): Offer 448 hours of out-of-school time programming (school year and summer) for a targeted group of students. • Add at least 300 hours for all students as part of their required school day/year.* *Building on a traditional 6-6.5 hour day for 180 days, this translates to a total of: • 1,380 hours for elementary schools • 1,470 hours for middle/high schools Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Common Purpose FC 225-C Expanded Learning Time Grant FC 647-B1 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Supporting ELT and OST To support the planning and implementation of additional time for learning for students in grades K-12, that helps to close proficiency gaps, increase student engagement, and support college and career readiness and success. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Common Priorities All applicants will implement activities that use more time for: • Engaging teaching and learning in core subject areas • Creative and innovative enrichment (in all developmental domains) • Educators/staff to collaborate and plan Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Common Priorities (continued) All applicants will implement activities that use more time for: • Stronger community and family partnerships • Sustainable models ELT and/or OST Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Common Program Features • Implement Service-Learning and/or Project-Based Learning • Support Family Engagement • Applicants must set aside 5% of grant request to support these activities. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Common Required Program Information (Part III in RFPs) District/Lead Applicant • Demonstrate alignment to district goals/priorities • Describe support for implementation and sustainability Submit the SAME District Summary (section III in the Part III document) (For both 225-C and 647-B1) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Common Required Program Information (Part III in RFPs) School/Site • Describe needs to be addressed with more time • Describe rationale for chosen model • Provide proposed schedules For each proposed school/site, submit a School/Site Summary (section IV in the Part III document). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Common Required Program Information School/Site (continued) • Describe proposed activities, made possible with more time*, related to: • Engaging Academics • Professional Development/Collaboration • Enrichment • Partnerships *and in particular, made possible with this grant Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Eligibility* FC 225-C Expanded Learning Time Grant: FC 647-B1 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Supporting ELT and OST: School districts, cities and towns, community-based organizations (CBOs), other public or private entities, or a consortium of two (2) or more of such agencies, organizations, or entities. Eligible applicants must also either: Primarily serve students in schools designated as Title I School-Wide programs; and/or Serve students in schools with 20% or more low-income families Applicants from agencies/organizations that are not a school district, city, or town must demonstrate capacity to administer the program. • Massachusetts school districts. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education *see the RFP for additional eligibility parameters
# of Schools/Sites* FC 225-C Expanded Learning Time Grant FC 647-B1 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Supporting ELT and OST Model 1 (ELT): Up to TWO schools Model 2 (OST): ONE school/site • ONE school A given entity could potentially apply for up to FOUR different schools/sites through both fund codes. * The same school/site may not be included in applications for both FC 225-C and FC 647-B1. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Funding* FC 225-C Expanded Learning Time Grant FC 647-B1 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Supporting ELT and OST Model 1 (ELT): Maximum $500 per pupil enrolled. Model 2 (OST): Maximum $175,000 • Maximum $1,300 per pupil enrolled. • NOTE: Strong competitive priority will be given to applicants that request less than $1,300 per pupil in grant funding; and propose a plan to support other anticipated costs associated with implementing ELT that will not be covered using grant funds. * The requested amount should be appropriate and reasonable for the size and scope of the proposed activities. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Fund Use For BOTH grants, funds may support: • Salaries • Stipends • Contracts • Instructional materials, and • Other expenses associated with implementing additional time. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Fund Use (FC 647-B1 only) • Funds must supplement not supplant currently funded costs, which would otherwise be funded • It is expected that applicants will use the funds from this grant to support enhanced or new services for students. • For Model 1 (ELT), must identify specific components of the grant, aligned to the Elements for Content Rich 21st CCLC Programming, to be supported with this grant. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Other Differences Include • Required Forms • Grant Initial Duration • Reporting and Evaluation Requirements Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Working toward a plan. . . • April 1st – working session at Tower Hill, Boylston • Overview of grant options • Information stations to provide relevant materials and promising examples (schedules, partnerships, enrichment descriptions used by schools, promising practices, etc.) • Time to work with team to plan Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
THANK YOU for your interest!Due to the competitive nature of this grant program, questions about the Funding Opportunity documents and process must be asked during webinars or information sessions, or at other times by using the online form for questions: (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DXKFVN3). Responses to questions will be provided during upcoming Grant Information Sessions and Webinars. Dates, times and registration for upcoming sessions will be posted to: http://www.doe.mass.edu/conference/?ConferenceID=1790 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education