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1. Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2009 Iona McLeod
ASL Coordinator
2. Documentation Supporting Childrens Learning Code of Practice (Revised Edition 2010), Scottish Government
Summary documentation from Scottish Government - on Glow and sent to all ASL team leaders
In on the Act, January 2010, City of Edinburgh Guidelines
3. Changes from 2004 Act - 1 Act is amended and strengthened
All Looked After Children are deemed to have additional support needs, unless we determine that they do not*
We must provide additional support to children under three if they are brought to our attention and their needs arise from a disability.
4. Changes from 2004 Act - 2 We must meet requests for specific assessments at any time. Assessments could be
Social work
View of young person must be sought as part of post-school transition planning
5. Changes from 2004 Act - 3 Rights of parents/young people increased in respect of access to Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland (ASNTS), whether or not a CSP is involved
Provision of ASNTS Advocacy Service - jointly provided by Child Law Centre and Barnardos
Collection of specified information*
6. Definition of additional support needs Additional support is not limited to that which is provided in an educational environment
Further category included:
Interrupted learning
7. Looked After Children Identification - recorded centrally on SEEMIS, whether Looked After at Home or Looked After Away from Home
Updated monthly
Presumption of additional support needs
Assessment required?
Is a plan in place or required?
Consideration for a CSP, if an IEP is in place
8. Collection of specified information Collected and published on an annual basis:
Number of children and young people with additional support needs
Principal factors giving rise to those needs
Types of support
Cost of providing support
9. Recording of learners with additional support needs
16. What is a disability? A person is disabled if
he has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
Disability Discrimination Act 1995
17. ASL website
18. ASL website
19. ASL website
22. Glow Glow > The City of Edinburgh Council (on left hand side) > Glow groups (tab on top right hand side) > ASL (Additional Support for Learning)
23. Contact details Iona.McLeod@ea.edin.sch.uk
469 2850
SEEMIS: Margaret.Ritchie@edinburgh.gov.uk