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Mentoring and Diversity

Mentoring and Diversity. J. Renee Navarro, Pharm D, MD Director of Academic Diversity Associate Dean Academic Affairs navarror@anesthesia.ucsf.edu. Goals. Provide information on the current initiatives to enhance diversity at UCSF Snapshot of current demographics

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Mentoring and Diversity

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  1. Mentoring and Diversity J. Renee Navarro, Pharm D, MD Director of Academic Diversity Associate Dean Academic Affairs navarror@anesthesia.ucsf.edu

  2. Goals • Provide information on the current initiatives to enhance diversity at UCSF • Snapshot of current demographics • Discuss challenges to achieving goals • Suggest strategies to overcome challenges

  3. UC Diversity Statement • Diversity – a defining feature of California’s past, present, and future – refers to the variety of personal experiences, values, and worldviews that arise from differences of culture and circumstance. Such differences include race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and geographic region, and more. • Adopted as policy by Regents September 20, 2007

  4. Diversity Initiatives • The Janitor Strike 1970 • Climate for Women Faculty Survey 2003 • President Dynes Task Force on Faculty Diversity 2004-05 • UCSF SOM Task Force on Diversity 2005-06 • President Dynes Health Science Diversity Review 2006-07 • The Program in Medical Education for the Urban Underserved (PRIME- US)

  5. Diversity Initiatives (cont.) • Chancellor’s Faculty Diversity 10 point Initiative 2/2007 • Communications plan • Faculty database for conducting searches • Best practices for searches • Staff recruitment and retention • Trainee diversity • Accountability and incentives • Director of Academic Diversity • Coordinated outreach • School specific plans • Strategic planning initiative

  6. Strategic Plan • Mission • Advancing health worldwide TM • Vision • In advancing health worldwide, UCSF will: • Develop innovative, collaborative approaches for education, health care and research that span disciplines within and across the health sciences • Be a world leader in scientific discovery and its translation into improved health • Develop the worlds future leaders in health care delivery, research, and education • Deliver the highest quality, patient-centered care • Build upon its commitment to diversity • Provide a supportive work environment to recruit and retain the best people and position UCSF for the future • Serve the local, regional and global communities and eliminate health disparities

  7. Chancellor Desmond-Hellmann • Top Five Priorities • Patients/Health • Discovery • Education • People (management and diversity) • Business (efficiency and resources)

  8. Faculty Demographics(by series)

  9. School of Dentistry

  10. School of Medicine

  11. SOM Minority Faculty vs. AAMC Benchmark

  12. School of Nursing

  13. School of Pharmacy

  14. Challenges Proposition 209 Article 1, section 31 of the California Constitution prohibits the University from discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. Unconscious Bias - social stereotypes about certain demographics or Groups of people that individuals form outside their conscious awareness. Mentoring relationships across race differences can be difficult because of negative stereotypes, difficulty with identification and role modeling, skepticism about intimacy and protective hesitation. Thomas D. The Truth about Mentoring Minorities. Harvard Business Review, 2001

  15. Unconscious BiasThe Implicit Association Test • IAT consistently demonstrates that people unconsciously prefer: • White over Black • Young over Old • Thin over Fat • Associate men with science and careers and women with liberal arts and family https://implicit.harvard.edu

  16. 2009 Literature Review compiling a decade of research on unconscious bias as a barrier to achieving workplace equality despite a general commitment to diversity http://www.aamc.org/data/aib/aibissues/aibvol9_no2.pdf

  17. Gender BiasSteinpres, Anders, & Ritzke (1999) In rating the CVs of either early career or later career fac applicants - 238 academic psychologists evaluators received one of these CVs with either a male or female name and were asked: Would you hire the early career applicant? Would you grant tenure to the later career candidate? Results: • CVs from male applicants were more likely to lead to hiring as reviewed by both males and females. • Evaluators were 4X more likely to write comments of concern for the female tenure candidates.

  18. Race BiasBertrand & Mullainathan 2003 Goal: To examine the effect of race on receiving job callbacks The researchers categorized the new resumes as high or low quality and assigned them an equal number of traditionally black names (e.g. Lakisa) or traditional white names (e.g. Greg). • Results: • Resumes with white names received call backs 10.8% vs. 6.7%. • Higher quality resumes elicited 30% more call backs for whites and 9% for blacks. • Employers who listed “Equal Opportunity” were no different.

  19. Strategies That Reduce Bias • Examine the role of unconscious bias • Take the Implicit Association Test • Use structured interviews • Remember that cultural differences can affect the first impression of candidates • Allow sufficient time in the interview process (sex bias and potentially racial/ethnic bias emerge when we’re under time pressure)

  20. Minority Faculty Voices on Diversity in Academic Medicine: Perspectives From One School Qualitative study of minority faculty to examine perceptions and experiences in academic medicine at UCSF. • Themes • Balancing Obligation and Expectation • Impact of Subtle Discrimination • Gap between Intention and Implementation • A need for a multifaceted approach to mentoring Megan Mahoney, MD et al Academic Medicine, Vol. 83, No. 8 / August 2008

  21. Conclusions • Receiving mentorship is a crucial element for achieving success in academic medicine. In addition to general career guidance, mentors provide cultural/emotional support and a sense of belonging. • The low number of minority faculty makes finding mentorship and meeting the demand for mentoring minority medical students difficult We need to enhance the culture of inclusion Academic Medicine, Vol. 83, No. 8 / August 2008

  22. Thank you Navarror@anesthesia.ucsf.edu

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