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COMMUNITY EDUCATION FOR DIVERSE ELDERS: What We’ve Learned. COMMUNITY EDUCATION FOR DIVERSE ELDERS: What We’ve Learned. Luis F. Riquelme, M.S.,CCC-SLP Dept. of Communication Sciences and Disorders Rebecca States, Ph.D. Dept. of Physical Therapy William B. Susman, Ph.D., P.T.

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  2. COMMUNITY EDUCATION FOR DIVERSE ELDERS: What We’ve Learned • Luis F. Riquelme, M.S.,CCC-SLP Dept. of Communication Sciences and Disorders • Rebecca States, Ph.D. Dept. of Physical Therapy • William B. Susman, Ph.D., P.T. Dept. of Physical Therapy Brooklyn Campus

  3. Workshop Outline • Overview of the HRSA Grant • Outreach to Community Organizations • Development of the Community Education Modules: Outline, Evaluation, Implementation • Student Involvement • Sample Activities for Elders in Modules • Professional and Personal Benefits to You • Questions and Answers

  4. Developing aCommunity Education Program • Grant funding can provide support, open new opportunities. • Developing the individual workshops • Community outreach • Implementing the workshops

  5. HRSA Grant Overview:Interdisciplinary, Community-Based, Health Education An Allied Health Project Grant Health Resources & Services Administration U. S. Dept. of Health & Human Services

  6. HRSA Grant Overview:Fun Facts • Three year grant: 07/01/2001 – 06/30/2004 • From: Health Resources & Services Administration • Total Budget: $292,438 • Project Director: Rebecca A. States • Project Co-Director: William M. Susman • Awarded to: Long Island University/BC

  7. HRSA Grant Overview:Three Objectives • Community Education Modules:Presented at local Senior Centers, Presented in English and in Spanish. • Multimedia Case Study Modules:New, web-based, case studies of elders for use in health care curricula at LIU and elsewhere. • Dissemination of Grant Products:- Website for other Health Education Programs- Website for Elderly Health Information Consumers- Continuing Studies Course for Health Professionals

  8. HRSA Grant Overview:3 Health Care Topics • Each objective cycles through 3 health care topics important to Healthy People 2010. Dementia & Depression Stress Reduction Physical Activity

  9. Activities on all three objectives happen concurrently. All grant members focus on one health care topic at a time. Focus shifts over the three year-period. Fall 2002 - Dementia & Depression Spring 2003 - Stress Reduction Fall 2003 - Physical Activity HRSA Grant Overview:Timeline

  10. HRSA Grant Overview:Participation from … • Social Work • Respiratory Care • Physical Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Nursing • Communication Sciences & Disorders (Speech-Language Pathology)

  11. HRSA Grant Overview:Project-Wide Preparations • Established Interdisciplinary Advisory Board from LIU-BC faculty. • Held informational meeting on the health care needs of Latino elders in Brooklyn. • Developed overall structure for workshops. • Conducted outreach to community organizations.

  12. Outreach to Community Organizations

  13. Outreach:Go Through The Steps • Start early • Know what you want from your partner organization & what you will deliver • Provide written outline for review • Suggest calendar/schedule; be flexible • Meet with potential partners in person • Follow-up • Get commitments in writing

  14. Outreach:Umbrella Organizations • New York City Department for the Aging, Bureau of Community Services • RAICES – Spanish Speaking Elderly Council • Brooklyn Interagency Council on the Aging • Brooklyn Geriatrics Committee

  15. Participating Senior Centers • Eileen Dugan Senior Citizens Center (Pilot) • Ft. Greene Senior Center • Times Plaza SeniorCenter • Wyckoff Gardens Senior Center • Hope Gardens Senior Citizens Center

  16. TheCommunity Education Workshops

  17. Workshops Outline • 20-min. presentation by faculty member • Question & Answer period • Small-group activity led by students • Student interviews with individual clients to evaluate session • Total time: Approx. 1 hour

  18. Developing the Modules:Content • Researched the content and possible small-group activities. • Developed learning objectives for each session. • Created presentations & small-group activities for each session. Interdisciplinary focus within a multicultural context offered an exploration of learning in considering how to meet the objectives of each module.

  19. Developing the Modules:Interdisciplinary Logistics • Collaboration: weekly meetings • Consultation • Reference materials • Module design/content • Coordination: A/V, schedules, student participation, translations

  20. Developing the Modules:Delivery • Guidelines for student involvement that work across disciplines • Evaluation Questionnaires that work for all health care topics: for clients, for community center administrators

  21. Evaluating the Workshops:Questions for Clients Questionnaires completed by students with each client: • Did you learn anything new about…(topic)? • Will you use any of the information covered today? • In the next week, will you discuss the issues raised with friends or family? • What did you like best? Least?

  22. Implementingthe Workshops

  23. Implementing the Workshops:Administrative Tasks • Arrange/confirm logistics with Senior Center (schedule, refreshments, space) • Arrange for Workshops to be videotaped • Gather educational hand-outs • Recruit and train students to participate • Professionally translate presentation materials into Spanish

  24. Implementing the Workshops:Student Involvement • Each academic program involved creates their own means of incorporating this experience into their curricula. • Pre and Post module questionnaires administered to students are used to evaluate changes in attitudes and knowledge of older adults • Students are introduced as part of the Team conducting the Workshop

  25. The Student’s Role • Welcome clients, answer questions • Help with A/V Consent Form, if needed • Run post-presentation small-group activities with clients • Administer post-workshop Evaluation Questionnaire to elderly clients • Provide feedback to Faculty

  26. Implementing the Workshops:Small-Group Activities - Example • Use a set of cards with photos of older adults doing familiar activities as prompts to get clients to discuss: • Activities they currently do to stay healthy, • New activities they might try out to improve their health, and • Ways to make cumbersome activities more attractive and productive.

  27. Some Client Comments…(after Dementia & Depression and Stress Reduction Workshops) • “I liked it a lot. I learned a lot about health.” • “I liked everything. It was ‘therapy’ for me.” • “You gave us courage to talk about what we have.” • “I appreciated the open environment created by the speaker.” • “I learned that anyone can have this problem.”

  28. Professional and PersonalBenefits To You … • Learn to communicate about wellness issues with older adults from diverse backgrounds • Learn how to better organize and run Community Education Programs • Get to know older urban adults as they engage in large and small-group settings • Learn about the services and environment provided by Senior Centers • Others…

  29. Have fun with it!

  30. Questions and Answers Riquelme, States, Susman, 2003 COMMUNITY EDUCATION FOR DIVERSE ELDERS: What We’ve Learned

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