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Autonomic nervous system (ANS). Central and peripheral compartments. Sympathetic part (pars sympathica). Parasympathetic part (pars parasympathica). Enteric system. Innervation of ■ non-striated muscle s ■ myocardium ■ glands. CNS.
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) Central and peripheralcompartments Sympathetic part (pars sympathica) Parasympathetic part (pars parasympathica) Enteric system Innervation of ■ non-striated muscles ■myocardium ■glands
CNS PNS skeletal muscle SM (GSE) neuron autonomic ganglion smooth muscle myocardium glands VM (GVE) neuron postgangl. fibers unmyelinated pregangl. fiber myelinated cholinergic cholinergic adrenergic
cranial parasympathetic part thoraco-lumbal (sympathetic)system sacral parasympathetic part paravertebral prevertebral ganglia intramural ganglia
Sympathetic system Catabolic reaction (activities that are mobilized during emergency and stress situations, “fight, fright and flight” responses) ■ dilates coronary arteries ■increases heart rate ■increases cardiac output ■ dilates bronchi ■inhibits GIT motility ■dilates pupil (mydriasis)■ stimulates sweat glands secretion ■ stimulates secretion of viscous saliva anatomie
Parasympathetic system Anabolic reactions (activities associated with conservation and restoration of body resources) ■decreases heart rate ■decreases cardiac output ■constricts coronary arteries ■constricts bronchi ■constricts pupil(miosis) ■accommodation (near vision) ■increases GIT motility ■stimulates secretion of watery saliva
C8-L2 Sympathetic system Central part: ncl. intermediolateralis Ganglion Peripheral part: pregangl. fibres rr.com. albi postgangl. fibres Noradrenalin Acetylcholine
Parasympathetic system Central part: CN III, VII, IX, X ncl. intermediolat. S2-4 Peripheral part: Ganglion postgangl. fibres pregangl. fibres Acetylcholine Acetylcholine
Paravertebral ganglia (ggl. trunci sympathici) cervical 3 thoracic 10 - 11 lumbar 4 - 5 sacral 4 - 5 ganglion impar Prevertebral ganglia coeliacum mesentericum sup. aorticorenale mesentericum inf.
Ganglia tr. sympathici R. com. albus (T1 – L2) R. com. grisseus postgangl. f. pregangl. f.
rr. viscerales rr. vasculares Nn. cardiaci N. caroticus To prevertebral plexuses nn. splanchnici
Ggl. cervicale sup. Horner’s sy m. dilatator pupilae ggl. ciliare m. orbitalis, mm. tarsales rr. com. grisei C1-4 rr. orbitales n. jugularis ggl. inf. IX. ggl. pterygopal. n. petros. prof. gl. lacr. ggl. sup. X. nn. carotico- tymp. n. carot. int. n. carot. ext. ggl. cervicale sup. ggl. oticum rr. laryngo- pharyngei a.men.med. gl.parotis r. interganglionaris a. facialis ggl. cervicale med. ggl. submand. n. card. cerv. sup. ggl. cervicothorac. (stellatum) gl. subling. gl. submand.
Ggl. cervicale med. et stellatum ggl. cervicale sup. a. car. com. r. interganglionaris rr. com. grisei C5-6 ggl. cervicale med. n. card. cerv. med. gl. thyroid. gl. parathyroid. a. subclav. ansa subclav. ggl. cervicothorac. (stellatum) plexus vertebr. n. card. cerv. inf. rr. com. grisei C7-8
Ganglion cervicale sup. et med. ggl. cervicale sup. ggl. cervicale med.
Ganglion cervicale med. et stellatum ggl. cervicale med. ggl. stellatum
PARAVERTEBRAL GANGLIA Th1 rr. vasculares - from all ganglia nn. cardiaci th. rr. pulmonares th. rr. oesophagei Th6 rr. comm. grisei - from all ganglia Th9 n. splanchnicus major n. splanchnicus minor ggl. coeliacum (prevertebral ggl.) n. splanchnicus imus (1/3)
Ganglia lumbalia4-5 Ganglia sacralia4-5 Ganglion impar1 Rr. com. grisei(L1 – Co) Rr. vasculares (parietal aa.) Nn. splanch. lumb.(plx. aorticus abd.) Nn. splanch. sacrales(plx. hypogastr.)
Ganglion lumbale Nn. splanchnici lumbales Ganglion sacrale
Prevertebral ganglia Ggl. coeliacum Coeliacum Mesentericum sup. Aorticorenale Mesentericum inf. Ggl. mes. sup. Ggl. aorticor. Ggl. mes. inf.
Ggl. ciliare N. nasociliaris afferents Ggl.cervic.sup. m. dilat. pup. vessels CN III E-W m. sph. pup. m. ciliaris Ggl. ciliare
Ggl. pterygopalat. Nn. pterygop. Ggl.cervic.sup. SS rr.orbitales taste n.petr. prof. gl. lacrim. CN VII ncl.sal.sup nasal, paranasal, pharyng., palatal glands n. petr. major Ggl. pterygop. Canalis pteryg.
Ggl. submand. N. lingualis afferents from 2/3 of tongue Ggl.cervic.sup. n. lingualis taste from tongue CN VII ncl.sal.sup. lingual glands gl. submand. gl. subling. Chorda tymp. Ggl. submand.
Ggl. oticum N. auriculotemporalis Ggl. oticum CN IX ncl.sal.inf. Plx. tympanicus Gl. parotis n. petr. min. n. tymp. Ggl.cervic.sup. glands of cheeks
Ncl. p. CN X pharynx,oesophagus, trachea, bronchi, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, intestine to flex. coli sin., genital glands
Sacral parasympathetic s. Ncl. intermediolat. pregangl. f. - nn. splanch. pelvici toplx. hypog. sup. et inf. - ganglia pelvica > postgangl. f. - effectors intestine from flexura coli sin. organs of pelvis (exept genital glands) erectile bodies of penis and clitoris
ANS innervates organs of thorax, abdomen and pelvis through mixed autonomic plexuses Thorax Plx. card. superf. et prof. Plx. aorticus thoracicus Plx. pulmonalis Plx. eosophageus
INNERVATION OF THE HEART plexus cardiacus superf. plexus cardiacus prof.
Abdomen Plx. aorticus abdom. coeliacus ... hepaticus, gastrici, lienalis, pancreaticus renalis et suprarenalis testicularis / ovaricus uretericus mesent. sup. mesent. inf.
Pelvis * Plx. hypogastr. sup. **N. hypogastr. dx. et sin. ***Plx. hypogastr. inf. * > plexus: rectales medii et inferiores vesicales prostaticus deferentialis uterovaginalis cavernosi penis / clitoridis ** ***
Plx. hypogastr. sup. N. hypogastricus Plx. hypogastr. inf. Plx. vesicalis Plx. rectalis Plx. prostaticus
Enteric system ■ neurons and interneurons in the wall of digestive tube Plx. myentericusAuerbachi Plx. submucosusMeissneri ■ plexuses contain small ganglia
■ ganglia receive signals: from receptors of GIT from CNS via symp. a parasymp. nerves ■ through interneurons ■control activity of GIT through stimulation or inhibition of motoneurons of enteric system = controls tonus and motions of digestive tube and secretion of glands
Auerbach plexus Meissner plexus stratum circulare stratumlongitudinale l. muscularis mucosae symp. and parasympath.f. enteric VS neuron enteric interneuron enteric motor neuron
AFFERENT VISCERAL PATHWAYS • both autonomic divisions • hunger, nausea, sexual excitement, vesical distension, visceral pain • referred pain • CN X – reflexes, hunger, nausea • CN IX – chemo- and pressoreceptors • sympathetic - pain