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Child Care & Control - Quality Development of Child

A quality development of a child is possible by taking care of all the aspects of proper upbringing such as the education, physical development, socio-cultural development and at the precise time.

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Child Care & Control - Quality Development of Child

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  1. Child Care & Control - Quality Development of Child A quality development of a child is possible by taking care of all the aspects of proper upbringing such as the education, physical development, socio-cu ltural development and at the precise time. In the early years of life, there are certain a spects that are required for a child to learn. A children requires an adult and responsible pe rson around them who can assist them to stay sa fe and healthy. The person should understand th e needs of the child and should respond effecti vely. The children should be taught to be disci plined and they should be exposed to the materi als and experiences that can help them to learn . The child care centres play an integral role in the upbringing of the child. The environment persisting there, helps a child to acquire the quality of interacting with peers beyond the ho mey boundaries.

  2. The most significant aspects of child care and control are: EDUCATION The quality of education that a child incurs at the young age has a great impact on his positiv e development. Some of the skills that a child acquires during early education include languag e skills, math skills, behavioral and social sk ills. Rendering the child with quality educatio n is the sole responsibility of the caring teac hers who expertise in the field of early childh ood education. TEACHING APPROACHES The teaching approaches employed should enable the child to incur the best learning environmen t. The approach should be well contrived and sh ould feature learning goals that are specific a nd includes elements of modern research in chil dhood development. The materials used, the acti vities concerned and schedules should support t he three development domains. Email Us: consult@gjclaw.com.sg

  3. DEVELOPMENT DOMAINS There are generally three domains that should b e addressed in a child's personal development. The physical development has to do with the dev elopments of the motor skills of the child. Cog nitive development includes skills employed for problem solving and language development. PERSONAL CHILD DEVELOPMENT The personal development of a child includes be ing self-disciplined. The child should never he sitate to seek help from the adults whenever th ey need to and should be able to express themse lves clearly without causing harm to others, th emselves or property around them. They need to learn to follow the rules and the routines and should use the materials respectfully. It also includes self-concept where the child is aware of their abilities and can make choices dependi ng on their interests. Social competence is a q uality of a child of being able to interact wel l with familiar adults and with one or more chi ldren. A virtuous parent will take the responsibility of the child care and control as the priemiere precedence.

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