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Welcome to Science 9/7

Explore the layers of the Earth and plate tectonics theory. Learn about Earth's composition, structure, and tectonic plates. Discover the mysteries hidden beneath the surface. Engage in seismic wave study and mapping the Earth's interior. Join us on this educational expedition!

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Welcome to Science 9/7

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Science 9/7 • Have a seat and on the card you just received, draw a picture of what you think the inside of Earth looks like. • 1. Introduce Ch. 7 What is plate tectonics? • 2. Begin Ch. 7 Section 1 Outline. • 3. Discussion over the Earth’s Interior Today's Schedule

  2. Top Scores 17/17 on Quiz • Brennan Angle Ben Lippincott • Kaylee Miller Nick Cope • Logan Hickman Jacob Forte • Luke Hasso Colin McMasters • Haille Riddle Morgan Schaber • Jake Mobley Mary Barber • Mary Barber

  3. Inside the EarthCh. 7 Sec. 1 • What do you think the inside of Earth is like?

  4. Ch. 7 Plate Tectonics What is Plate Tectonics? The Early Earth and Plate Tectonics The theory that Earth’s crust is divided into sections and these sections are in constant motion.

  5. II. Composition of the Earth • Earth is divided into three layers- the crust, mantle, and core. 1. Earth’s layers are arranged by their densities Greatest density is at the center of Earth. Lowest density is at Earth’s surface.

  6. III. The Crust • Crust- Earth’s outer layer. Also the thinnest layer 1. Solid rock that includes dry land and ocean floor. 2. 5- 100 km thick. 3. Two types- 1. oceaniccrust = basalt, more dense 2. continentalcrust = granite, less dense

  7. IV. The Mantle • Layer between the crust & core • Mantle is Earth’s thickest layer. • Mantle is made up of very thick molten rock.

  8. V. The Core • made up mostly of iron and nickel. • Core extends from the bottom of the mantle to the center of Earth. • Mars could fit into Earth’s core. "Journey to the Center of the Earth"

  9. VI. The Structure of the Earth • A. Earth is divided into five main physical layers • Lithosphere- outermost, rigid layer. Made of two parts. a. the crust b. the rigid upper part of the mantle

  10. B. Asthenosphere- soft layer of the mantle on which pieces of the lithosphere move. 1. made of solid rock that flows very slowly

  11. C. Mesosphere- beneath the asthenosphere. Strong, lower part of the mantle. 1. Extends from the bottom of the asthenosphere to the core.

  12. D. Outer Core-liquid layer of Earth’s core that lies below the mantle 1. Surrounds the inner core.

  13. E. Inner Core-solid, dense center of our planet

  14. Welcome to Science 9/8 • Get out your Ch. 7 Section 1 outline and a scrap piece of paper and number it 1-3. • 1. Question of the Day • 2. Review Earth’s Layers • 3. Finish Discussion and Outline. • 4. Earth’s Layers Assignment Today's Schedule

  15. Question of the Day • Bass tapeworms attach to the gills and intestines of bass fish. These worms survive by taking nutrients from the bass. What type of relationship does this represent? • A. predation • B. parasitism • C. mutualism • D. commensalism

  16. VII. Tectonic Plates If you baked a giant pie and were moving it what do you think would happen to the crust? • Pieces of Earth’s lithosphere that move around on the asthenosphere. 1. The Earth’s plates are like pieces of a puzzle. 2. Plates can be either continental crust, oceanic crust or both.

  17. VIII. Mapping Earth’s Interior • How do we know so much about the mantle and core? Pillow Lava - Lava Dive Hawaii- Earth's Core - Part 1 1. Seismic Waves- vibrations created by Earthquakes that travel through Earth 2. When seismic waves travel through different materials they travel at different speeds

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