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A d v a n c e d I m a g i n g T e c h n o l o g i e s. A New. Real Images / Real Time. H olographic U ltrasound. LIFE is not STATIC – AIT we do real imaging. Prepared for Washington Asset Management. Presented on: September 27, 2005. Slide: 1.
Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s A New Real Images / Real Time HolographicUltrasound LIFE is not STATIC – AIT we do real imaging Prepared for Washington Asset Management Presented on: September 27, 2005
Slide: 1 Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s A New Real Images / Real Time AITit’s not WHAT we do but HOW we do it The Real future of imaging is Sound:HU a bright new idea for Dense Breast Imaging (DBI) AITa unique company with a unique history Holographic Ultrasound (HU)Diffractive sound wavespass through tissue to create images of soft tissue structures –We See INSIDE! Applied - commercial application for breast cancer detection focus on Dense Breast Tissue Imaging System Design - Real images / real time: system streams critical patient data on demand Mammography HU DBI:there are an estimated 18 million U.S. women and 485 million Asian women with few options Combination - best elements of competing technology on a single platform – Screening, Diagnostic, Staging, Monitoring DBI:diagnosis remains difficult Proven - Multiple FDA clearances and proven efficacy against conventional modalities AIT: HU provides a betterSolution Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 2 X-ray No Single Solution for Early Detection US MRI & CT HU Technology Acceptance 4 2 1 3 Innovation Disruption Base IP 1960 1970 1990 2003 2005 2010 Restoring Value to a Great Technology Early stage defense of patents stifles innovation and creativity 1 FDA clearances, clinical trials, beta product introduction, 1st P.O. & capital raise failure 2 Inventor of HU repurchased company from bankruptcy & recapitalized 3 AIT A Blue Print for Growth: product enhancement & HU2400 introduction 4 Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s A New Real Images / Real Time TheMarket is there Breast Cancer Facts Increased awareness led to more annual exams EarlyDetection remains difficult no single technique provides solution Access and affordability remains an issue Death and disfigurement still a real threat Market Acceptance Innovationdisruption delayed early acceptance Businessexecution failures prevent launch Markettiming, HU ahead of client technology curve, Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 3 Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s AIT we care about our Real Images / Real Time Company Readiness Image Background Objective:Inspireaction and Achieveresults by exploiting the core attributes of HU imaging - Asset purchase / recapitalization of prior company - +1 M invested in product upgrades, and patent continuation fees - Technology reconnected with inventor ProductHU2400produces commercial quality images Template Launchingproduct marketing, promotion and system field trials have begun - AIT a turnkey platform to introduce product into imaging industry - Infrastructure in place – marketing, documentation, compliance - Product HU2400 design is locked – manufacturing ready Manufacturingready limited to UL listing 60 days - Sub-assembly manufacturing – no major investment needed Immediate Impact Acceptancemajor Asian Mfger placed $16M PO based on technology with prior company, product not delivered - Engineering efforts to date = 40% reduction in materials cost - Inventory = 3 deliverable unitswith minor modifications - CASH on initial sales = $400-$450K! - Management & expertise difficult to replicate – high impact backgrounds low overhead Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 4 - Safe – no ionizing radiation -Multi-planar image slices - Automated scanning & storage - Continuous or frame review - Acoustic zoom - Wide field of view & gray scaling - No painful breast compression - Tested – 4 clinical trials -Price point does not limit access Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s A Simple Design Real Images / Real Time OurProductHU2400 – does what no one else can Integrates seamlessly into patient workflow while consolidating functionality onto a single platform Fact SheetHU2400 Addresseslimitations of competitive modalities related to Dense Breast Imaging Base technology: clear upgrade path in breast care and expansion capabilities into other soft tissue image markets(FDA clearance for orthopedics, vascular) Reimbursement favorable opinions regarding medical insurance reimbursement – clients can get paid User Concerns Addressed - Early detection (Patient) - Image quality(Radiologist) Real time patient coupling creates a conduit to continuously stream non-digitized pure images - Flexibility (Technician) - ROI & durability(Buyer) - Cost Savings(Payor) Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 5 PureImaging Real Time Maximum Capabilities Data Demand Static Adoption Acceptance Static data from core image chain is manipulated by computing device to generate image Coreimaging chain has physical limitations Investment focus on computed technology not image chain enhancement HU2400technology produces real time images System limitations have not been reached (i.e. we can add color to images or CAD) Real Time Data Demand Adoption Acceptance Continuous stream of Real Time data produces pure images Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s What Is Real Images / Real Time AIT we do real imaging Real ? SimulatedImaging HU2400Market Adoption Patient Interface Core Image Chain Computing Device Computed Image Doctorsuse data in patient analysis – imaging accepted data source Reference Medicinebecoming more offensive by using imaging in patient treatment cycle Demandfor more timely image data is driving market towards real time Patient Interface Core Image Chain Pure Image Desire to eliminate cost in delivery will drive technology AITwe do all the analytics and more Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 6 Multi-planar Scan Lesion Slices through breast Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s Real Images / Real Time Seeing is believing - Detail - Volume - Isolation - Zoom Remote Scan = operator independent Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 7 Data Source Data Access Patient Throughput Doctor Imaging Device Imaging Technician Image Results Radiologist Screeningand diagnostic imaging location and operator INDEPENDENT Data Source Data Access Multi Source Access Imaging Device Real Time Remote Image Scanning Capabilities Technician Doc no longer required to come to patient Doctor Multiple scans can be combined to avoid patient call back Imaging Device Radiologist Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s Why Real Real Images / Real Time Patient and Operator Independence Matters Single Patient - Single Access: Static Data Model Screeningand diagnostic imaging location and operator DEPENDENT Dependencyadds COST and TIME to patient throughput Patient Call Back Multi Patient - Multi Access: Real Time Data Model Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 8 B/E Reimb. Eqpt Cost B/E Reimb. Eqpt Cost Modality Modality Description SCREENING DIAGNOSTIC STAGGING BIOPSY I. SCREENING Digital X-ray,CAD $150 $750K HU2400 $81 $225K II. DIAGNOSTIC Single Patient Model RUS, CAD $85 $225K SCREENING DIAGNOSTIC STAGGING BIOPSY III. STAGGING MRI, CAD $385 $2.4M HU2400 $65 $450K IV.BIOPSY Sterotactic Two Patient Model $250 $750K TOTAL $4.1M EXPENSIVE $870 Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s Why Real Real Images / Real Time Cost Benefits of Independence Matters Multi-Modality Patient Workflow to Biopsy Single Platform - Multi Patient & Multi Access 20% gain by adding 1 patient NOTE: B/E Reimbursement = (Fixed + Variable Cost) / Avg. Exams per Year Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 9 AITthe real difference Productivity Enhancement Innovative Thinking Positive ROI Biz Model Extension -Our customers become innovators by asking “What if?” -Core capabilities can extend reach by enabling remote locations real time data transfer, patient adjustment and rescan -Equipment cost significantly lower = quicker turn to profit -Multiple directed live patient sessions -Workflow consolidation via multifunctional platform -Favorable medical payment reimbursement -Future projects driven by client feedback loop Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s Life Isn’t Static Real Images / Real Time AIT – Why it matters to our clients Medical profession investing $Billions in infrastructure to support real time data transfer DoesPure Imaging inReal Time really matter? Expectations: real time seeds have been planted: those that can not deliver will be left behind Future is now; biotechnology & nanotechnology converging with image guidance and applied to medicine It Doesfor this 30 year old design director with a history of breast cancer in her family. Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 10 General Care V2.0 Pediatrics V1.0 Orthopedics General Diagnosis Image Guidance $3.5B V2.0 Innovation and Technology Vascular Applications V1.0 Patient Monitoring Guided Therapeutics Breast Care ? V2.0 Primary Screening V1.0 Guided Biopsy Now Adjunct Diagnosis $1.5B HU Core Imaging Platform Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s The Future Is Real Images / Real Time Imagine the Future of HU2400 Now UpGrade Path Potential Product Positioning Core imaging chain remains the samePatient Interfacechanges Breast care – enter as adjunct for DBI Imageguidance – new drug therapeutics and delivery techniques Generalimaging – orthopedics best opportunity Sales& Marketing Regionaldirected west cost sales and marketing effort Foundations – med-tech purchases to address access for poor HU2400 Pacificrim strategy: concentrate efforts on Asian population regions, project results outward Single Use Disposable – opportunity exists to create residual income streams Examples: Tank liner, Breast marker, Biopsy needles, Gels or body paint Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 11 Excess Medical Costs $1B 87 13 Ratio of call backs to total mammography screenings $2.7B Reimbursement Est. market gain Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s It’s still about cancer Real Images / Real Time The Market Ultrasound HU2400 Acceptance of HU2400 maybe impacted by Technical Limitations Excess: - +30 million breast screenings annually Image consistencycan be impacted by environmental conditions - +5 million call back screenings - +$1 billion est. additional medical costs Utilization (i.e unit 1 phobia) typical with new technology Market Gain: - +18 million women with dense breasts Interpretation – image view differs from other modalities - +$150 est. HU2400 reimbursement - +$2.7 billion est. market gain Resolutions Engineering – waterless system design address consistency Medical Imaging Market: - +15,500 USA breast imaging systems - est. 4-5% aggregate AGR and a 7-8% annual replacement cycle (Frost & Sullivan Research) Time – system use and promotion lead to acceptance - 1,500 identifiable potential targets in regional market Education – training & educate client on benefits of AIT’s view - Untapped Asian market (large concentration of women with dense breast tissue) Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 12 Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s Know Your Real Images / Real Time WhatWill It Take ? Options Deal Points Business Case: Controlled Build Marketstill there, people are calling AIT YR1 YR2 YR3 - Unit sales 17 41 114 Product: commercial ready, few limitations - Revenue estimate $3.3M $8.0M $22.2M - Operating expense $1.0M $3.1M $9.2M Product Launch:heavy lifting is done; field trial underway - Income (EBITDA) $0.0M $1.4M $6.7M Capital Leverage: breast cancer awareness leverages investment - Cash $.6M $1.3M $4.4M - Total assets $1.3M $3.1M $7.9M - Total equity $.7M $1.5M $5.5M BoeingEffect –local network of engineering and precision Mfgs with product knowledge - Capital requirement $2.0M -- -- - Employees 8 10 16 Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 13 Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s Know Your Real Images / Real Time Where Are We ? Options Considerations Success Factors: Prior Investment - Kadlec Field Trial: Controllable commercial setting to compare to leading technologies, potential 1st sale 1. All the benefits without a large pool of investors West Coast GE imaging facility 2. Small capital base to calculate ROIC Dr. Lura Powell, recently appointed by WA Gov. Gregorie to Chair Life Science Discovery Fund - CEO: Build-able Business - Public Forum: WA Gov Gregoire attending October event showcasing HU2400 technology. Staff expertise and monthly burn extends business opportunities - Promotion: Advocacy outreach / call to action and coordinated media campaigns – instant recognition via web • Round 1 Est. 12-18 months operations Positioned Detection, diagnosis, treatment merging with image guidance is FUTURE - International Show: Peer reviewed abstract paper accepted, combined with life web-cast imaging sessions at Kadlec Patient throughput delivered - Residual Income: Extends revenue model options and capital sources Prepared: September 27, 2005
Slide: 14 Ad v a n c e dIm a g i n gTe c h n o l o g i e s Real Images / Real Time Listen To Reason What The Luminaries are Saying Expert Testimony “Can be used to detect and characterize a variety of lesions some of which are mammographically occult” “Provides high-resolution images while overcoming some of the limitations attributed to more conventional imaging modalities” Dr. C. Lehman,University of Washington Medical Center Seattle Washington Dr. B. Hashimoto, Virginia Masson Medical Center Seattle Washington “Compared to conventional high frequency sonography, the sensitivity ….is higher for complex and solid masses” “may be less operator dependent than conventional sonography” Conducted - -Clinical trial -Imaged over 200 patients Dr. B. Hashimoto, Virginia MassonMedical Center Seattle Washington -Co-PI on KMC field trial Prepared: September 27, 2005