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GREEN MAPS. COMENIUS. MAPS OF POLAND grammatic. How we did it ?. Downloading information from www.stat.gov.pl/ gus Counting into percents Dividing into classes Looking for the names of voivodeships Coloring map with different shades of colour ( from darkest to brightest )

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  2. MAPS OF POLANDgrammatic

  3. How we didit? • Downloadinginformationfromwww.stat.gov.pl/gus • Countingintopercents • Dividingintoclasses • Looking for thenames of voivodeships • Coloring map withdifferentshades of colour (fromdarkest to brightest) • Makingthe legend


  5. PRIVATE FORESTS This map showshow many hectares of polishforestsareinprivatepossessionineachvoivodeship. Majority of themarein Śląskie and Podlaskie voivodeships. Minority of privateforestsis on the far west of Poland. Thebiggestsurface of forestsis 13,07%, and thesmallestis 0,49% of land.

  6. DUST POLLUTION This map illustrateslevel of dustpollutionineachvoivodeship. The most of itis on Śląsk. Thecleanest air is on the east of Poland. Thebiggestpollutionis 6,8 t./km2 and theleastis 0,3 t./km2.

  7. FORESTS This map indicatesthesurface of forestsinhectarsineachvoivodeship. Thebiggestsurface of themisin Lubuskie and thesmallestisin Mazowieckie, Podlaskie, Łódzkie and Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodships. In percentsitmeans: 49% (biggest) and 21% (smallest) of land.

  8. USE OF WATER This map showshow many water we use per person in dam3 ineach region. Thebiggestuse (0,71-1,1) we cannoticein Zachodnio-Pomorskie and Świętokrzystkievoivodeships. Thesmallestuse (0,04) is on thenorth part of our country.

  9. USE OF WATER (INDUSTRY) This map explains industrial use of waterin Poland. The most of itisvisiblein Dolnośląskie and Śląskie voivodeship. Thesmallestuseisin Wielkopolskie, Opolskie, Lubuskie and Warmińsko-mazurskie. In percentsthatmeans: 0,1-0,3 and 0,6- 1 dam3/person.

  10. NITRIC OXIDE POLLUTION This map indicatesnitricoxidepollutionineachvoivodeship. Themajority of it we cannoticeinthe Śląskie voivodeship. Theminority – Zachodnio-Pomorskie, Lubuskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Podlaskie and Lubelskie voivodeship. In percentsitis: thesmallest- around 1 t/km2; thebiggest – up to 9,7 t/km2

  11. SULFUR DIOXIDE POLLUTION This map illustratessulfurdioxidepollutionineachvoivodeshipin t/km2. Thesmallestpollution we isnoticeablein Podlaskie, Lubelskie, Małopolskie, Opolskie, Lubuskie i Zachodnio-Pomorskie. Thebiggestin Śląskie voivodeship. Itmeans: around 1 % and around 15 %.

  12. Grammaticmaps

  13. How we didit? • Downloadinginformationfrom www.stat.gov.pl/gus • Countingrightnumbers • Drawingcircles and columns • Making legend

  14. Natural Monumentsin Poland The most of natural monumentsin Poland arein Wielkopolskie, Łódzkie, Mazowieckie voivodships. Theminority of themisin Opolskie and Świętokrzyskie voivodeships.

  15. Bisonsin Poland This map showsthequantity of bisonsinpolish regions in 2010. Thebiggestcircletellsthatthereisthebiggestnumber of bisons. In Lubuskie, Lubelskie, Świętokrzyskie and Opolskie regions thereare no bisons. In the east therearemore of them, becausethoseterrainscontainmoreforestareas. Thelargestnumber of them – 550 islocatedin Podlaskie region contrarilly to the central and south-westside of our country (only 5-20 ineach region).

  16. Maps of mazovia region- grammatic and diagrammatic

  17. Protectedareas This map showsprotectedterrainsinhectaresineachMazoviacounty. We canseethatinthe city countiesthereare less protectedareas. In thenorth-west of Warsaw it’sthehighestsurface of natureterrains, thatisinfluenced by thepresence of Kampinowski National Park. Thebiggestamount of protected land in a number of 60367 ha islocatedin Płocki county and the Wyszkowski county.

  18. Use of water On this map we canseeaverageuse of water for year 2010. We candeducethatpeopleusemorewaterinthe southern part of Mazovia and thebiggestamountin Kozienicki county (27 dam3). Averageuse of water for Mazoviansisabout 100 m3. The most intensiveusage of waterisin city counties, because of the high populationdensity.

  19. Intensity of forests Next map showstheintensity of forestsoccurrencefor 2010. The most intensiveisalmosteverywhereinMazovia, justthe western part hasabout 10% of itssurface (therestisabout 25-30%). In each city countythereare less foreststerrains. Thehighestintensivityis 30,1%, whenthesmallestsurfaceis 10%.

  20. TrashesinMazovia region This map talksaboutthenumber[in tonsper one person] of trashesinMazovia for 2002. We observethatthebiggestquantity of themissituatedinthebiggestcitieswith big populationdensitylike Warsaw inthe center and smallerlike Płock or Radom. Thesmallestdensity of trashesislocatedoutside of region. Thebiggestamountis 0,48t/person and thesmallest – 0.08t/person.

  21. CONCLUSIONS • Bisonsareveryrareanimalslivinginforest (theyareendangered) • National Parksverywellaffecttheprotection of natural areas • The most intensiveusage of waterisin city counties, because of the high populationdensity. • In thewest of Mazoviamore land isused for agriculture. • As populationdensityisgrowingtherearemoretrashes (most of themincities and central part of Mazovia) • Minority of privateforestsis on the far west of Poland. • Thecleanest air is on the east of Poland. • Thebiggestsurface of forestsisin Lubuskie • Thebiggestuse (0,71-1,1) we cannoticein Zachodnio-Pomorskie and Świętokrzystkievoivodeships • Thesmallestuse of water (industry) isin Wielkopolskie, Opolskie, Lubuskie and Warmińsko-mazurskie. • Themajority of nitricoxide we cannoticeinthe Śląskie voivodeship. • Thebiggestsulfurdioxidepollutionisin Śląskie voivodeship. • The most of natural monumentsin Poland arein Wielkopolskie, Łódzkie, Mazowieckie voivodships.

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