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“In Kenya, a child dies every four minutes. This is unacceptable. The main cause of death is vaccine-preventable diseases such as pneumonia.
“In Kenya, a child dies every four minutes. This is unacceptable. The main cause of death is vaccine-preventable diseases such as pneumonia. It is imperative that government, the private sector and individuals feel morally obliged to do everything possible to reduce this trend. The war drums on infants’ death must beat louder.” Professor Fred Were, chairman of the Kenya Paediatric Association and lecturer at the University of Nairobi
“The International Finance Facility for Immunisation has been raising funds for programmes through the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation. GAVI is delivering on its promise of providing reliable, long-term and stable funding for children’s vaccination.” UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the UN conference on Financing for Development, Doha, Qatar, November 2008
“The compelling premise behind the International Finance Facility for Immunisation, or IFFIm, is that there is zero value in vaccinating a child in 2012 or 2015 – when gradually rising ODA might be available – when he or she will probably die from disease this year.” Dr Alan Gillespie, Chairman IFFIm
“As a gastroenterologist and a global health advocate... I have been painfully aware of the unnecessary deaths caused by diarrhoeal disease. It is hard to overstate what the widespread use of rotavirus vaccines will mean for all children, their parents and the world.”Dr Tachi Yamada, President, Global Health Program, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI Progress Report 2008
H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia, on immunisation and GAVI support Poor health contributes significantly to poverty in Liberia, and health systems are in a state of disrepair in the aftermath of 14 years of conflict. ... we are starting to see declines in infant mortality rates, which can be attributed to increased immunisation … ... with support from GAVI and other partners, we can lift Liberia and its people into better health and a more prosperous future. Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia, GAVI Progress Report 2008 Cachelleink.com
Heightened media profile for vaccination “Vaccination is one of the great triumphs of medicine.” – Editorial, The Lancet, Oct. 24 “ The biggest impact has been getting new vaccines created and getting them out … to the developing world.” – Bill Gates, ABC News Interview, Oct. 27
“The burden of cervical cancer falls upon the developing world. GAVI’s aim to provide HPV vaccine to as many developing countries as possible is worthy of donor support.” Professor HaraldzurHausen, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for medicine for discovering link between HPV and cervical cancer GAVI/09/Olivier Asselin
“This innovative new model will mean faster access to vaccines for millions of children in poor countries. It’s a great example of how innovation and technology together can produce life-saving advances and make them available to people who need them around the world” • Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
"The AMC is an innovative approach to make vaccines available, where they are needed most, faster than ever before. The pilot AMC for pneumococcal vaccines will save an estimated more than 7 million lives." • Dr. Orin Levine, Executive Director , Associate Professor Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,Executive Director, PneumoADIP; Director, Special Studies, AVI TAC
“The Gambia pneumococcal vaccine trial saved thousands of children from dying of pneumococcal disease. The AMC will save millions of children of dying of pneumococcal disease.” • Dr. Richard Adegbola, Head of Bacterial Diseases Program, MRC Laboratories, Gambia