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ANIMALS. PERCH, SAIMAA RINGED SEAL AND WHOOPER SWAN By grades 4-5 in the Swedenfinnish school. PERCH. The national fish of Finland. Apperance and size. The perch weights 50-350 g and the length is 15-30 cm. The perch is grey and green. It has 14 vertical bars. Reproduction.
ANIMALS PERCH, SAIMAA RINGED SEAL AND WHOOPER SWAN By grades 4-5 in the Swedenfinnishschool
PERCH The national fish of Finland
Apperance and size • The perch weights 50-350 g and the length is 15-30 cm. • The perch is grey and green. It has 14 vertical bars.
Reproduction • Perch spawns in the southern Finland in the beginning of May. • In the other parts of Finland the perch can spawn later depending on the temperature. • The perch spawnsin the 0.5-3 m depth.
Food • The perch eats plankton and fish.
Distribution and habitat • Perch is a usual fish in the lakes and the oceans. • It is a famous fish in Sweden and Finland. • Perch lives in all kinds of water in Finland except Northern Finland.
Enviromentalthreats • Eventhou the perch is the mostusualfish in Finland and is good at adjusting it cannotreproduceif the Ph of the water is below 5. This is why it is important to monitor the waters and see that the habitat of the fish is good.
Appearance and size • Saimaa ringed seal is in length 130-145 cm and weights 50-90 kg. • The base colour is dark gray.
Nutrition • Saimaa ringed seal eatsroach, smelt, perch and vendace.
Reproduction • Saimaa ringed seals become mature at the age of 4 to 5. • Female gives birth to one pup or baby seal in average two times in three years.
Prevalence and habitat • Ringed seals are found only in the Saimaa waterways. • Read about and listen to a finish song which tells a story about a lonely man and a seal living near by Saimaa. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanhojapoikia_viiksekk%C3%A4it%C3%A4 http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiedosto:Juha_Vainio_-_Vanhojapoikia_viiksekk%C3%A4it%C3%A4.ogg
Enviromentalthreats • Fishing with nets is a danger for the Ringedseal of Saimaa. The seals get stuck and die. • Due to the climatechanges the habitats of the seal is threatened, since the nesting and reproduction period is depending of a icy and snowywinter. • Sincethere are few of the sealsleftthey are threatened by epidemics.
WHOOPER SWAN The national bird of Finland
Appearance and size • Length 140-160 cm • Weight 6-11 kg • A large white water bird
Diet • Aquatic plants including pondweeds, sweet-grasses and water horsetails
Breeding • May-June laid 4-6 eggs. • Breeding pairs nest away from other swans usually by water.
Migrigation • Some birds winter in Finland. • Some migrates to Southern Sweden, the Danish Straits or North Sea coasts. • Listen to whooper swan: http://www.luontoportti.com/suomi/en/linnut/whooper-swan
Enviromentalthreats • In the early 20th centurythe whooperswanwas in danger of extinciondue to hunting and egg robbing by people • Today the whooperswan is protexcted and prosperingagain.
References • http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahven • http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laulujoutsen • http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saimaannorppa • http://www.luontoportti.com/suomi/fi/kalat/ahven • http://www.luontoportti.com/suomi/fi/linnut/laulujoutsen • http://www.luontoportti.com/suomi/en/linnut/whooper-swan • http://www.luontoportti.com/suomi/en/kalat/perch • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanhojapoikia_viiksekk%C3%A4it%C3%A4 • http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiedosto:Juha_Vainio_-_Vanhojapoikia_viiksekk%C3%A4it%C3%A4.ogg