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MICE Coupling Coil Testing at Fermilab

MICE Coupling Coil Testing at Fermilab. All Experimenters Meeting Ruben Carcagno March 19, 2012. Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment . Coupling Coil #1 . Spectrometer Solenoid #1 . Spectrometer Solenoid #2. Coupling Coil #2 .

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MICE Coupling Coil Testing at Fermilab

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  1. MICE Coupling Coil Testing at Fermilab All Experimenters Meeting Ruben Carcagno March 19, 2012 R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

  2. Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment Coupling Coil #1 Spectrometer Solenoid #1 Spectrometer Solenoid #2 Coupling Coil #2 R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab The MICE Program has an urgent need to test the MICE CC cold mass assembly Supporting this test is a high Fermilab priority Organizations involved supporting this test are the Accelerator Physics Center, Technical Division, Accelerator Division, and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

  3. Coupling Coil R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab Provides a magnetic field to a 201 MHz RF cavity Magnetic field is needed to keep the muon beam within the iris of the RF cavities

  4. MICE CC Assembly First Coupling Coil has been delivered to LBNL from China R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

  5. Test Objectives • Train the coil to 210 A • Should not take a large number of training quenches (less than 10 to 15 quenches) • Hold maximum current for 24 hours • Conduct thermal cycle and verify training holds • Very aggressive schedule: MICE has urgent programmatic needs, test results needed by end of August 2012 • There will be a total of 4 Coupling Coils to be tested: one for MTA, two for MICE, and one spare R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

  6. MICE CC Assembly Preparation • To be installed by LBNL: • Cooling Tubes • Coil Quench Protection system. Coil cannot be tested without cold diodes and cold resistors! • Mechanical Supports • Heater to induce quench • Instrumentation (Temperature sensors, voltage taps) • Need to be completed by end of April 2012 R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

  7. Test Cryostat • Built by Meyer Tool in 1997 for SMES, never used • Recently transferred from NHMFL/FSU to Fermilab for this use • Requires several modifications 11.8 ft. 10 ft. R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

  8. Removing Background Coil at NHMFL Background coil was removed prior to shipping to Fermilab and it was disposed in Florida R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

  9. Cryostat Modifications R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

  10. Test Site: Central Helium Liquefier Locations considered: IB1, CDF, and CHL CHL (South Annex) was recommended Fermilab management directed AD and TD to proceed with CHL location recommendation on February 17, 2012 and make it a high priority R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

  11. CHL Test Area Cryostat was already moved to CHL test area location Preliminary vacuum vessel leak check in progress Calculation of forces due to fringe magnetic field interaction with building ferromagnetic elements in progress (V. Kashikhin) R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

  12. Systems • Cryogenic System • Forced 2-phase conduction cooling supplied to cryostat from nearby 10,000 gallon CHL LHedewar, refilled as needed by CHL liquefier • DAQ and Control • Based on proven technology in use at the IB1 Magnet Test Facility • Power • Power supply provided by LBNL R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

  13. Preliminary Schedule Technically driven, attempts to meet MICE urgent programmatic needs Coil must be received by end of April 2012 Assumes availability of skilled resources (4 FTEs in 6 months!) This schedule will be very tough to meet! R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

  14. A “Solenoid Test Facility” at FNAL • This the first step towards a “Solenoid Test Facility” at Fermilab • Will provide a much needed capability for testing large bare superconducting solenoids in the United States • Example of other uses: test of mu2e transport section modules and PS prototype • Must add a large DC power system and vapor-cooled current leads R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

  15. Summary • All elements are in place to proceed with a MICE CC Test Stand installation at CHL. • No technical issues: technology well understood and based on prior experience • Critical project elements: tight schedule, complex interfaces, and availability of skilled people • Must be given very high priority at LBNL, FNAL/AD, and FNAL/TD • Must make sure scope is kept to a minimum • Still, schedule is very optimistic! • Substantial additional effort needed to test mu2e Toshiba PS Prototype and TS coils, but most MICE CC setup is directly applicable for testing these other solenoids • This is the first step in the development of a “Solenoid Test Facility” at Fermilab R. Carcagno - MICE CC Testing at Fermilab

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