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Expanding its presence in transportation sector, Infinova Metro CCTV Surveillance solutions have been deployed at the Istanbul Metro and Currently cover about 18 metro stations.<br><br>To know more: http://www.infinova.com/
Case S Are Yo Study our Met ro Statio ons Secu ure As Ist tanbul M Metro? 1500 Infi inova Came ras Watch O Over Istanbu ul Metro Expanding g its presence in transporta ation sector, In nfinova CCTV solutions hav ve been deplo oyed at the Ist tanbul Metro and d currently cov ver about 18 m metro station s. About 150 00 Megapixel IP cameras w were deployed d along with the existing i nstallation of 720 IP and a analog cameras. Cameras can n be monitore ed locally fro m each metr ro station as w well as centra ally from 3 co ontrol rooms. Th he system is s smartly desig ned to provid de fully flexib le failover ma anagement fo or all cameras s. The system ha s been implem mented by US SKOM, Infinova a's certified In ntegrator in Tu urkey. The above e system has b been deployed d in the below w mentioned st tations: Yenikapı | Vezneciler | | Halic | Sish ane | Taksim m | Osmanbey y | Sisli | Gayr rettepe | Lev vent | Seyrant tepe | TÜ | Depo Ato olye | Daruss afaka | Hacio osman | Fünik küler | 4.Leve ent | Atatur rk Oto Sanayi Sanayi | İ
Istanbul M Metro — An I nfinova Case Study The line s Olympic S people an tarts at Turke Stadium, to t n hour. ey's Main Bus he fourth sta s Terminal an age of Basak d continues t Housing Unit through its Ba ts.The rail lin agcilar distric e transports ct, past the At more than 3 taturk 6,000 Infinova w V2217 su sub‐netw independ Infinova V With 20 s ensuring h was able to p pports using ork). Infinov ent of each V2217 VMS is servers and 4 highest secur propose a m 3 different a V2217 VM other and st s designed to 40+ clients, th rity. much simplifie sub‐network MS's fully dis till providing clearly separ his design wa ed network d ks (input sub‐ stributed arc g access to a rate out adm s very useful design as our ‐network, ou chitecture wa ll servers fro ministration fe in streamlin r Video Mana utput sub‐net as useful in om required eatures and o ing the acces agement Soft twork and st installing se client comp operation feat ss permission tware orage ervers uters. tures. ns and Infinova V namely Tu the softw V2217 VMS urkish. Using are quickly an different lan uage, in all th ithout requiri nguages, wh e client mach ing any assist ich includes hines helped ance. the local lan the operator nguage of Tu s in understa urkey, nding supports 48 Turkish langu nd using it wi Infinova V layouts as Centers re V2217 VMS p s per operato equired displa provides quic or requiremen ay of all came k, easy config nt as well as eras ‐ some w gurations, lay supports mu with Fixed disp youts and sim ltiple monito play layout an mple GUI to c rs and video nd some with change the d walls. The Co h Carousel lay isplay ontrol yout. Infinova V to locate client spe configurat V2217 VMS w the cameras ecific maps co tion of the so was also desig on the map onfiguration olution. gned to prov and view the with export ide Advanced e required vid to server an d Map featur deos quickly. nd import fro res. These fea Map presets, om server we atures were u , multi‐level m ere useful in useful maps, quick Optimized memory a d processing and bandwidt in Infinova V2 th), and witho 2217 VMS wa out requiring as useful in m any special h minimizing the hardware. e resource uti lization (proc cessor, headquartere Infinova is s a leading Gl lobal Security y Products Ma anufacturer, ed in Monmo outh Junction, , New y and reliabi tal as Jersey, US SA. Committ ted to techn ology, qualit lity, Infinova delivers end d‐to‐end Digi lance Solutio well as An nalog Surveil ons. We speci ialize in offer ring Integrate ed Video Surv veillance Solu utions with a c constant end deavor to de eliver cutting g‐edge techn nology. Our Integrated Solution Por rtfolio ware, comprises s of IP & & Analog c cameras, Sp pecialized C Cameras, Vid deo Manag ement Soft Encoders/ /Decoders, N NVR's and DV VR's, Video A Analytics, Tra affic Manage ement Solutio ons, Financia al and Retail Su rveillance So olutions, Fib er Optics Tr ransmitter/ Receiver, Ind dustry Specia alized Applic cation Software Integrations. and Custom Infinova offe ers products w which are del ivered across s diverse indu ustries e. worldwid
Glob bal Co ontac t Info ormat tion World Head Infinova 51 Stouts La Monmouth J United State Phone: +1 73 Fax: +1 732 E-mail: Sale North Amer March Netw 303 Terry Fo Ottawa, Onta Canada K2K 3J1 Toll Free: +1 Phone: +1 6 Fax: +1 613 E-mail: sales dquarters Eu Ma Via De 208 Pho Fax E-m urope arch Networks S a dei Lavoratori sio, Monza e Br 832 one: +39 0362 1 x: +39 0362 179 mail: sales@mar info@mar .p.A. Autobianchi n.1 rianza, Italy ane Junction, NJ, 088 es 32 355 9100 355 9101 es@infinova.com 1, Edificio 23 852 7935 93590 rchnetworks.com rchnetworks.com m m m La Ma Pas Co Mé 051 Pho Alt Fax E-m rica works Corporatio ox Drive ario n tin America arch Networks seo de los Laure l. Bosques de la éxico, D.F. 120 one: +52 55 525 ternate: +1 561 3 x: +52 55 5257 0 mail: sales@mar info@mar les 458-203 s Lomas 1 800 563 5564 13 591 8181 591 7337 s@marchnetwor o@marchnetwor 9 9511 / 7913 309 3308 0452 rchnetworks.com rchnetworks.com rks.com rks.com info m m Hong Kong Infinova (Ho Suite 403, Fo 19 Sheung Y Kowloon, H Phone: +852 Fax: +852 27 E-mail: Sale India Infinova Ind 301, Siddhiv Plot no B 40 Vadgaon Sh Pune - 4110 Landline and Mobile: +91 North: +91 9 East: +91 90 South: +91 9 West: +91 99 E-mail: Sale Mi Infi Off Mir Pho Fax Mo Vo Inf Un Jum Jum P.O Du Pho Fax E-m ong Kong) Ltd. ook Hong Bldg, Yuet Road, Kowl ong Kong. 2 27956540 7967740 es-HK@infinova iddle East & Af finova Middle Ea fice#13, 5th floo rqab, Kuwait one: +965 2247 x: +965 2247 56 obile: +965 9000 oIP: +1 310 868 frica ast (Kuwait) or, KFH Bldg#24 loon Bay, 40, 5678 678 0 1133 1936 a.com dia Pvt Ltd. vinayak Aurum, 0, Sub Plot No 20 eri, Viman Naga 14. Maharashtra d Fax: +91 020-4 901-107-6417 989-912-1215 00-700-4390 968-6481834 92-057-7676 es-IND@infinov finova Corporatio nit 3010 meirah Bay Tow meirah Lake Tow O. Box 634387 ubai, United Arab one: +971 04 39 x: +971 04 399 5 mail: Sales-ME@ on (Dubai) Sr.No.33/1/1/2, 0, ar, a State 412-14321 wer X2 wers b Emirates 99 5525 5531 @infinova.com a.com ©Infino va. All rights reser rved.