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Four Worlds of History. Attention all recipients of this file:. First, thank you for opening this powerpoint and considering using it! . Whether the file was sent to you directly from Teresa or relayed by a colleague, CALIS and USC rely on your professionalism for proper credits and sourcing:.
Four Worlds of History Attention all recipients of this file: First, thank you for opening this powerpoint and considering using it! Whether the file was sent to you directly from Teresa or relayed by a colleague, CALIS and USC rely on your professionalism for proper credits and sourcing: Materials developed by or through CALIS are made available online via a database that serves as a digital file cabinet of teaching resources. The Activities Database is a free resource in support of teachers, students, and curriculum reform. When teachers or other CALIS partners write, adapt, or collaborate on materials—they are cited. The source information includes their affiliated schools or organizations. As others download and further adapt these materials—all credit and source lines, for teachers as well of for USC CALIS, should remain in tact as the original source. Slides that refer directly to items on the CALIS Activities Database have the item referenced. This file was first created for an LAUSD workshop (Aug 2014) that has been postponed. Teresa Hudock, Director, CALIS 213-740-7794 or calis@usc.edu usc.edu/calis Initial Launch: August 5, 2014 This Edition: Aug 21, 2014 Slide Count: 75
Four Worlds of History Ancient World History6th grade Table of Contents Main Items & Issues 3 – Social Science Factors – clarifying the purpose & priorities of the 4W model 8 – Getting start with the economic world 19 – Content Standard 6.2 – Early Civilizations: Mesopotamia 23 – Inference Exercise (Quote Activity) – Active Reading to Organize/Analyze Info 29 – Sentence Construction – Relating Details and Factors 48 – Follow-up Exercises: Summary, Active Review, Assessment, Use the News 54 – Have fun with quotes! 58 – Optional Intro to 4W – Karen West’s DRW class
Four Worlds of History Social Science Factors basic factors of the human condition that are important to recognize …regardless of how they are described
Four Worlds of History Social Science Factors basic factors of the human condition that are important to recognize …regardless of how they are described AND that are important to recognize …when they are missing 4
Four Worlds of History Social Science Factors Identifying factors, relating factors, and determining the “most important" factors is the science of the social sciences . social sciences the science
Four Worlds of History Social Science Factors The absolute PRIORITY of the 4W model purposeful meaningful relevant critical elements of being student-centered 6
Four Worlds of History Social Science Factors The absolute PURPOSE of the 4W model student-driven analysis toward independent critical thinking critical elements of being student-centered 7
Starting with the economic world… How do we produce what we need to survive? Political World Economic World production Cultural World Social World 8
Starting with the economic world… How do we produce what we need to survive? Political World Economic World production Cultural World Social World 9
People in the region of Sumer wanted to create and maintain a stable food supply. People everywhere – across all time – want a stable food supply.
It is important to have the supplies we need… and fun to have the supplies we want!
Some supplies are necessary for survival… Hunger Games depending on how we have structured our society for our survival.
Starting with the economic world… How do we produce what we need to survive? Political World Economic World means of production Cultural World Social World 13
Starting with the economic world… How do we produce what we need to survive? Political World Economic World means of production Cultural World Social World 14
First and foremost, Sumerians needed to control the water supply in order to water their crops Ancient Mayans Logar Province Bio-diversity Project India Afghanistan Central America People everywhere – across all time – need to control the water supply. All farmers need an irrigation system.
Water is used for recreation and art. Digging the Canal by Simon Williams, New Zealand
Water is a natural resource that is necessary for survival. California Aqueduct People have always had to bring water to where they need it.
Water is a natural resource that is necessary for survival. People have always had to bring water to where they need it.
Political World Economic World California HSS Content Standards 6.2 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush. analyze economic political geographic religious social structures 2. Trace the development of agricultural techniques that permitted the production of economic surplus and the emergence of cities as centers of culture and power. Trace the development agricultural techniques production of economic surplus centers of culture and power emergence of cities Social World Cultural World 19
Political World Economic World California HSS Content Standards 6.2 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush. analyze economic political geographic religious social structures 2. Trace the development of agricultural techniques that permitted the production of economic surplus and the emergence of cities as centers of culture and power. Trace the development agricultural techniques production of economic surplus centers of culture and power emergence of cities Social World Cultural World Focus Question? Writing Prompt? CALIS Activities Database: 6.0 - Course Mapping - Plan Overview 20
Political World Economic World California HSS Content Standards 6.2 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush. analyze economic political geographic religious social structures 2. Trace the development of agricultural techniques that permitted the production of economic surplus and the emergence of cities as centers of culture and power. Trace the development agricultural techniques production of economic surplus centers of culture and power emergence of cities Social World Cultural World Was Ancient Sumer a Civilization? How was Ancient Sumer a Civilization? How were the first small villages able to transition to large settlements and develop into urban centers? Trace the impact of technology that lead to the first city-states. Why was this a turning point in human history? 21
The Rise of City-States… Compare the background here and here Irrigation team in Afghanistan US soldier in Afghanistan
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World Identifying Factors… Intro activity on CALIS Activities Database: 6.2a - c) Inference Exercise - Sumer: 4W quote activity Record key words from the Quote Activity onto a blank 4W chart: Social World Cultural World Source for quotes: History Alive! The Ancient World, TCI, 2004, pages 33-49 Chapter 4: The Rise of Sumerian City-States; Chapter 5: Was Ancient Sumer a Civilization? 23
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World Inference Exercise a) “Faced with such dramatic seasonal changes, farmers had to constantly struggle to raise their crops. Either they had too little water, or they had too much. To succeed in growing food, they needed a way to control the water so they would have a reliable water supply all year round.” p 36 Social World Cultural World Source for quotes: History Alive! The Ancient World, TCI, 2004, pages 33-49 Chapter 4: The Rise of Sumerian City-States; Chapter 5: Was Ancient Sumer a Civilization?
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World a farmers ■ struggle to raise crops raise crops a way to control water ■need a way to control water reliable water supply water supply Identify factors that relate to these details. factors Social World Cultural World a) “Faced with such dramatic seasonal changes, farmers had to constantly struggle to raise their crops. Either they had too little water, or they had too much. To succeed in growing food, they needed a way to control the water so they would have a reliable water supply all year round.” p 36 farmers struggle to raise crops reliable needed a way to control water water supply 25
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World a farmers production ■ struggle to raise crops raise crops a way to control water ■need a way to control water reliable water supply water supply means of production resources Identify factors that relate to these details. factors Social World Cultural World a) “Faced with such dramatic seasonal changes, farmers had to constantly struggle to raise their crops. Either they had too little water, or they had too much. To succeed in growing food, they needed a way to control the water so they would have a reliable water supply all year round.” p 36 farmers struggle to raise crops reliable needed a way to control water water supply 26
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World a farmers production ■ struggle to raise crops raise crops a way to control water ■need a way to control water reliable water supply water supply means of production resources Add these details to the 4W chart. Social World Cultural World c) “Civilizations need a stable food supply… Sumerians invented two things to help them create a stable food supply... one of these inventions—their complex irrigation systems. Sumerians built networks of canals, dams, and reservoirs to provide their crops with a regular supply of water.” p 43 create stable food supply inventions irrigation systems canals, dams, and reservoirs 27
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World a farmers production ■ struggle to raise crops raise crops a way to control water ■need a way to control water reliable water supply water supply means of production resources c invention irrigation systems stable food supply food = canals, dams, reservoirs supply Identify factors that relate to these details. factors Social World Cultural World c) “Civilizations need a stable food supply… Sumerians invented two things to help them create a stable food supply... one of these inventions—their complex irrigation systems. Sumerians built networks of canals, dams, and reservoirs to provide their crops with a regular supply of water.” p 43 create stable food supply inventions irrigation systems canals, dams, and reservoirs 28
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World a farmers production ■ struggle to raise crops raise crops a way to control water ■need a way to control water reliable water supply water supply means of production resources technology c infrastructure invention irrigation systems stable food supply food = canals, dams, reservoirs supply Social World Cultural World Construct a sentence that relates these details & factors. factors 29
In the social sciences… is about relating information sentence construction irrigation system water supply
In the social sciences… is about relating information sentence construction irrigation system water supply Irrigation systems enable farmers to control the water supply. enable Irrigation systems allow farmers to control the water supply. allow Irrigation systems help farmers to control the water supply. help Farmers create irrigation systems because they need to control the water supply. create need because Because farmers need to control the water supply, they design irrigation systems consisting of canals, dams, and reservoirs. need Because design
In the social sciences… is about relating information sentence construction increases infrastructure production
In the social sciences… is about relating information sentence construction increases infrastructure production related factors In a sentence, factors can be related to each other. Improving infrastructure can increase production. infrastructure increase production
In the social sciences… is about relating information sentence construction increases infrastructure production related factors In a sentence, factors can be related to each other. Improving infrastructure can increase production. infrastructure increase production factors In a sentence, specific details can describe the factors. specific details In Sumer, building an infrastructure of canals, dams and reservoirs increased production of crops. infrastructure canals, dams and reservoirs production increased crops
In the social sciences… is about relating information sentence construction increases infrastructure production related factors In a sentence, factors can be related to each other. Improving infrastructure can increase production. infrastructure increase production factors In a sentence, specific details can describe the factors. specific details In Sumer, building an infrastructure of canals, dams and reservoirs increased production of crops. infrastructure canals, dams and reservoirs production increased crops main idea A sentence can explain the main idea. Building an infrastructure of canals, dams and reservoirs enabled Sumerians to control the water supply so they could produce a stable food supply. enabled control the water supply produce so stable food supply
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World Inference Exercise d) “A social structure includes different jobs and social levels. People at higher levels have greater status than others… Archeologists have found evidence that several classes of people lived in Sumer.” p 44 Social World Cultural World Source for quotes: History Alive! The Ancient World, TCI, 2004, pages 33-49 Chapter 4: The Rise of Sumerian City-States; Chapter 5: Was Ancient Sumer a Civilization? 36
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World Identify factors that relate to these details. factors d different jobs Social World Cultural World d different social levels / class status d) “A social structure includes different jobs and social levels. People at higher levels have greater status than others… Archeologists have found evidence that several classes of people lived in Sumer.” p 44 jobs social levels status classes 37
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World How are the economic and social worlds connected? d division of labor different jobs “different” special specialization Social World Cultural World d class status different social levels / class status social levels d) “A social structure includes different jobs and social levels. People at higher levels have greater status than others… Archeologists have found evidence that several classes of people lived in Sumer.” p 44 jobs social levels status classes 38
In the social sciences… is about relating information sentence construction jobs class Different jobs create different classes. create
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World Inference Exercise Social World Cultural World h) “One special group of officials patrolled the canals. They looked for damage and made sure farmers didn’t take water illegally.” p 45 40
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World Social World Cultural World h) “One special group of officials patrolled the canals. They looked for damage and made sure farmers didn’t take water illegally.” p 45 officials patrolled canals damage illegally 41
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World Identify factors that relate to these details. factors h officials patrolled the canals canals patrolled damage damage or water taken illegally illegally Social World Cultural World h) “One special group of officials patrolled the canals. They looked for damage and made sure farmers didn’t take water illegally.” p 45 patrolled officials canals damage illegally 42
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World Identify factors that relate to these details. factors h officials public goods patrol patrolled the canals canals damage damage or water taken illegally illegally police managing the commons Social World Cultural World h) “One special group of officials patrolled the canals. They looked for damage and made sure farmers didn’t take water illegally.” p 45 patrolled officials canals damage illegally 43
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World Inference Exercise b) “Farmers could no longer live apart, or in small groups. They were connected for miles around by the canals. They had to work together for the common good.” p 37 Social World Cultural World 44
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World Inference Exercise b) “Farmers could no longer live apart, or in small groups. They were connected for miles around by the canals. They had to work together for the common good.” p 37 Farmers canals common good Social World Cultural World b farmers could not live apart connected by the canals canals common good had to work together for the common good 45
Organize information from the Inference Exercise onto a blank 4W chart: Political World Economic World How are these details & factors related? factors h officials public goods patrolled the canals canals damage damage or water taken illegally illegally managing the commons Difficulties in Building and Maintaining a Complex Irrigation System p 37 Maintaining “The system had to maintained constantly. …Gradually, villages came to depend on each other to build and maintain their complex irrigation systems.” maintained Social World Cultural World maintain b not live apart farmers could not live apart connected by the canals connected canals common good work together had to work together for the common good 46
In the social sciences… is about relating information sentence construction Canals needed to be maintained constantly so it was best if Sumerians worked together for the common good. so Because canals needed constant maintenance, Sumerians worked together for the common good. Because Sumerians worked together in order to maintain the canals for the common good. in order to
After working with sentence construction, what would be a well written summary? CALIS Activities Database: 6.2a - f) Writing Exercise - Sumer: Summary Options
As you consider how to summarize the relationships, main ideas and significance of Sumer… Have fun reviewing with this line-up activity! CALIS Activities Database: 6.2a - c) Inference Exercise - Sumer: Rise of City-States
Have fun reviewing with this line-up activity! 6.2a - c) Inference Exercise - Sumer: Rise of City-States The inaugural “placard process” at Mulholland Middle School, LAUSD