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Effective Marketing for Renewable Energy Companies

Discover the strategies and concepts essential for successful marketing in the renewable energy sector. Learn about customer orientation, creating value, and developing a competitive marketing mix. Dr. John Thomson presents a comprehensive approach to achieving long-term profitability and meeting customer needs while fulfilling stakeholder expectations.

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Effective Marketing for Renewable Energy Companies

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  1. Effective Marketing for Renewable Energy CompaniesDr John Thomson

  2. A DEFINITION OF STRATEGY Strategy is the direction and scope of anorganisation over the long term which achieves advantage for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a changing environment to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectations.

  3. ‘Strategic intent’ • ‘Desired future state or aspiration of the organisation’ (Johnson & Scholes). • ‘A dream that energises the company’. • It implies: • ‘stretch’ • sense of direction • sense of discovery • It provides coherence to strategies. • Source: Hamel & Prahalad

  4. Elements ofnew marketing thinking

  5. Marketing Orientation Long run profits through customer satisfaction Integrated customer focus Push! Push! Sell! Sell! by promotion Sales Orientation Short term gains in profit via sales increases Production Orientation Production & assembly line refinement Profits through production controls Evolution of the Marketing Concept

  6. Marketing concept The achievement of organisational goals through meeting and exceeding customer needs and expectations better than the competition Goal achievement The belief that organisational goals can be achieved through customer satisfaction Customer orientation Organisational activities are focused upon providing customer satisfaction Integrated effort All staff accept the responsibility for creating customer satisfaction The Marketing Concept Marketing Concept The achievement of corporate goals through meeting and exceeding customer needs better than the competition Goal achievement The belief that corporate goals can be achieved through customer satisfaction Customer orientation Corporate activities are focused upon providing customer satisfaction Integrated effort All staff accept the responsibility for creating customer satisfaction

  7. Marketing Orientated Businesses

  8. Customer needs Customers Marketing Orientation Potential market opportunities Marketing products and services

  9. Creating a superior offer to achieve customer preference Where value is added Potential Augmented Expected Core What the customer buys (functions & benefits) What the customer expects

  10. Toyota Toyota’s Optimal Drive technology provides customer benefits of enhanced performance, lower emissions and better fuel economy.

  11. Creating Customer Value

  12. Creating Customer Value Customer value Negative Positive Product benefits Service benefits Relational benefits Image benefits Perceived benefits Perceived sacrifice Monetary costs Time costs Energy costs Psychological costs

  13. The Marketing Mix • Product • Price • Promotion • Place • People • Process • Physical Evidence

  14. Marketing Mix and Customer Needs Key customer requirements Competitive advantage Customer needs Marketing mix

  15. Marketing Mix and Customer Needs Customer needs Economic Psychological Performance Availability Reliability Durability Productivity Self-image Quiet life Pleasure Convenience Risk reduction Key customer requirements Competitive advantage Customer needs Marketing mix

  16. Marketing Mix and Customer Needs Marketing mix Product Price Promotion Place Key customer requirements Competitive advantage Customer needs Marketing mix

  17. An Effective Marketing Mix Matches customer needs Effective marketing mix Creates a competitive advantage Well balanced Matches organisational resources

  18. Apple: iPod Apple has extended the iPod brand to cater for diverse customer requirements.

  19. The life cycle model

  20. ONE DAY PROGRAMME – FRIDAY 31st MAY 2013 MARKETING FOR THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SECTOR Dr John R Thomson Paolo BuoniDirector European Energy Centre E.E.C. – United KingdomE.mail:paolobuoni@euenergycentre.orgMob: +44 (0)798 9186691Tel +44 (0)131 4469 479 /+39 0142 452 403Fax +44 (0)20 3300 7541

  21. Questions

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