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President Richard Nixon: Common Core Secondary U.S. History

Dive into President Nixon's life and policies with a PowerPoint presentation. Explore Nixon's early life, political career, anti-Communism views, "Silent Majority" speech, New Federalism, civil rights stance, and the Watergate scandal. Engage with lecture notes, film clips, and imagery. Enhance understanding of the 1970s America.

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President Richard Nixon: Common Core Secondary U.S. History

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  1. President Richard M. Nixon

  2. Richard M. Nixon Power Point Common-Core Aligned! Secondary U.S. History Purchase includes: 31 slide, Power Point presentation, lecture notes, The “Silent Majority” Speech analysis , links to film & speech clips, & pictures

  3. Pair-Share • What do you know about President Richard Nixon? • What is happening in the world and in America in the 1970’s?

  4. Objective: • Students will be able to describe the domestic policy of President Richard M. Nixon by completing CLOZE notes and analyzing a speech.

  5. Film Clip: The Rise of Conservativism

  6. Early Life • Nixon was born on a ranch in Yorba Linda, California. • He was raised in the Quakerreligion. • His childhood was marked by hardships. • 2 of his four brothers died before he was 21. • Also, his father’s ranch in Yorba Linda failed.

  7. Early Life (2) • Nixon initially attended Fullerton High School in Orange County, CA. • When his father’s ranch failed in Yorba Linda, his family moved to Whittier, California where he went to high school and then college.

  8. Answer Questions in the box “Early Life”

  9. Early Political Career • Nixon was elected into the House of Representatives in 1946. • While serving in the house, he supported such legislation as the Taft-Hartley Act. • Nixon was also a member of the House of Un-American Activities Committee, which broke the Alger Hiss case.

  10. Early Political Career (2) • In 1950, Nixon was elected into the Senate, representing the state of California. • It was at this time that Nixon received the nickname “tricky Dick” because of his shrewd political tactics.

  11. Answer Questions in the box “Early Political Career”

  12. Anti-Communism and VP • Nixon was known for his strong anti-Communist views. • He openly criticized Truman’s handling of the Korean War. • His strong anti-communist stance is largely the reason why he became Eisenhower’s vice president in 1953.

  13. Answer Questions in the box “Anti-Communism and VP”

  14. Think, Pair, Share How did people view Nixon in comparison to Kennedy during the presidential debates in 1960? How did television work in the favor of Kennedy and not Nixon?

  15. Career Over? • By 1960, Nixon’s political career appeared to be over. • He lostthe 1960 presidential election to JFK. • He lost the governor’s race in California in 1962 to Pat Brown.

  16. List two reason’s why Nixon’s career appeared to be over by 1962.

  17. Think, Pair, Share • What kind of map is this? • Who are the candidates? • What do you think Wallace is in favor of? • Can you tell who won? Explain why or why not.

  18. The 1968 Election • Republican Richard Nixon • Democrat Hubert Humphrey • American Independent George Wallace (ran on a segregation platform)

  19. Election Result • Nixon won the election by only .7% of the popular vote. • However, he won 56% of the electoral vote.

  20. Answer Questions in the box “1968 Election & Results”

  21. The Silent Majority • After the election, Nixon claimed to have the support of the silent majority. • The silent majority were people who were concerned with: • Drug abuse • Lack of patriotism • Fear of racial tensions • Desire for law and order

  22. President Nixon’s “Silent Majority” Speech As you listen to the Nixon’s Silent Majority speech that explains Nixon’s policy in the War in Vietnam, highlight important words/phrases and then answer the questions on the bottom of the worksheet.

  23. New Federalism • As president, Nixon wanted to scale down many of the federal programs started by LBJ’s Great Society. • He began what he called New Federalism. • With New Federalism, Nixon wanted to turn over many of the federal government’s powers to state and local officials.

  24. Answer Questions in the box “New Federalism”

  25. Nixon and Civil Rights • To attract white voters in the South, Nixon tried to slow down the country’s desegregation efforts. • In 1969, the NAACP filed a suit against him in Supreme Court. • The Supreme Court ordered Nixon to follow the Brown v. Board ruling. • He did so reluctantly.

  26. Answer Questions in the box “Nixon and Civil Rights”

  27. Think, Pair, Share What is your opinion of Nixon’s stance on Civil Rights? Do you think he was wrong? Why or why not.

  28. Film Clip: Nixon Now

  29. 1972 Election • Despite his controversial domestic policies, President • Richard Nixon was poised to win reelection in 1972. • President Richard Nixon ran against Democratic candidate George McGovern in 1972. • Nixon finally wins by a landslide. • However, things will not go smoothly for him…Watergate.

  30. Wrap-Up Questions • What are the differences between the domestic policies of Republicans (Eisenhower & Nixon) and Democrats (Kennedy & Johnson)?

  31. Film Clip: Forest Gump

  32. Pair-Share Where do you think Nixon would fall on the political spectrum?

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