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Executive Summary

Executive Summary. Synopsis, abstract, epitome, précis, digest. Introduction.

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Executive Summary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Executive Summary Synopsis, abstract, epitome, précis, digest

  2. Introduction • An executive summary provides a quick overview of the study- the issues studied, questions asked, methods used, a brief summary of findings and recommendations and it is written for non-technical people who do not have time to read the main report

  3. Components of an Executive summary • Brief overview • Description of evaluation • Summary of major findings • Conclusions and recommendations

  4. Instructions for writing an executive summary • Most executive summaries should be less than one page • Write a simple declarative sentences for each of the main points • Avoid unnecessary technical material and jargon • Check for errors of style, spelling, grammar and punctuations- ask a fellow writer to proof read and edit the document • Ask a non-technical person- your parents, spouse, friends- to read the document- if it bores them the summary probably will have to be changed

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