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Executive Summary. The Algebra II/Precalculus Textbook Adoption Committee evaluated several textbooks, followed the process prescribed by the CDE, and selected Precalculus with Limits , Houghton Mifflin.
Executive Summary • The Algebra II/Precalculus Textbook Adoption Committee evaluated several textbooks, followed the process prescribed by the CDE, and selected Precalculus with Limits, Houghton Mifflin. • Curriculum Council approved recommending the adoption to the Board of Education on February 12, 2008. • This presentation highlights the process that was followed and the importance of approving this adoption in 2009-10. • Coordinate adoption with Geometry and Algebra II • Provide a textbook that is consistent with current Calculus textbook • Provide current textbook in time for renewal of Articulation Agreement with Delta College • Provide a uniform textbook in the District for Precalculus. Three textbooks are currently being used: Advanced Mathematics (1984), Trigonometry (1993), Introduction to Analysis (1988)
Precalculus Textbook Adoption PresentationBoard of Education, March 3 2009
7-12 Math Articulation Committee Supports Precalculus Textbook Adoption by: • Choosing to continue using the Evaluation Form used for Algebra Readiness, Pre-Algebra, and Algebra I • Scheduling textbook preview for September 8-15 at all high school sites • Limiting membership of the committee to 3 representatives per high school
Precalculus Textbook Preview Period: • Various publishers’ textbooks were sent to the comprehensive high school sites for evaluation • Initial evaluation period scheduled for September 8-15 • Evaluation period extended to allow sites more time to preview CPM
Events of the Geometry Textbook Adoption Committee Meeting (9/22) Influenced the Algebra II and Precalculus Adoptions • Bear Creek presented a letter stating that they “will not participate in the vote on curriculums.” • Math Toolkit Training was summarized for members who had not attended the Toolkit Training at the County Office in November ’07 • Preview period extended to give sites more time to evaluate CPM
Additional Actions Taken atAlgebra II/Precalculus Textbook Adoption Committee Meeting (10/28) • Committee requested data to develop district lens as recommended in Math Toolkit • Informal ranking narrows top three choices for Precalculus to McDougal Littell, CPM, and Glencoe
Events of the Final Geometry Textbook Adoption Committee Meeting (11/3) Influenced the Algebra II and Precalculus Adoptions • CST and enrollment data presented to develop district lens • Committee voted to keep Evaluation Rubric unchanged • Members examine scores for: math content, assessment, universal access, and instructional program • Committee selects McDougal Littell Geometry
Algebra II/Precalculus Textbook Adoption Committee Meeting (11/13): • Consistent with the Geometry Adoption Committee, the Algebra II/Precalculus Adoption Committee: • Used CST and enrollment data presented to develop district lens • Voted to keep Evaluation Rubric unchanged • Examined evaluations for Algebra II and Precalculus in the areas of: math content, assessment, universal access, and instructional program • Committee selected McDougal Littell for Algebra II • Committee agreed to do further analysis using standards sampling on four Precalculus topics prior to the next meeting
Precalculus Textbook Meeting (12/11): • Results of evaluations for the four Precalculus topics were split between Houghton Mifflin and Glencoe • Committee members agreed to do a blind test using the abbreviated evaluation form on the topic of Geometric Sequences • Committee discussed results • Committee selected Precalculus with Limits by Houghton Mifflin
Straw Poll Ranking Put Houghton Mifflin and Glencoe in 1st and 2nd Place (10/28/08) 1st Place = 2 pts., 2nd Place = 1 pt.
Average Evaluation Scores Place Houghton Mifflin and Glencoe in 1st and 2nd (10/28/08)
Houghton Mifflin Rates Higher on Blind Test Using Topic of Geometric Sequences Publisher A = Houghton Mifflin; Publisher B = Glencoe
Teachers’ Reasons for Selecting Houghton Mifflin • Key concepts are prominently identified; standards are addressed well; key vocabulary in bold • Plenty of examples, side notes about common errors • Word problems are concise enough so concepts can be approached by most students • Variety of applications provided, ranging from beginner to advanced • Format consistent with Calculus textbook • Technology Components are included in adoption
Committee Recommends Adoption of Precalculus with Limits (Houghton Mifflin) in 2009-2010 • Coordinate adoption with Geometry and Algebra II • Provide current textbook in time for renewal of Articulation Agreement with Delta College • Provide a uniform textbook in the District for Precalculus. Current texts used: • Advanced Mathematics (1984) – Harcourt Brace J • Trigonometry (1993) – Prentice Hall • Introduction to Analysis (1988) – Houghton Mifflin • No pilot – at most only 6 Precalculus teachers District-wide in 2009-10