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Learn how to conduct qualitative assessments in educational settings for safer learning environments. Includes fieldwork methodologies, note-taking techniques, and ethical considerations.
Safer Learning Environments Qualitative Assessment Tool Fieldwork Training in Country / Program ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Agenda • Overview (45 min) • Purpose of research / Broad research question • Methodology overview • Field methodology details • Types of questions / discussions in field research • Research ethics • Entering the field (15 min) • Making contact • Selecting participants / respondents • Planning research activities • Note taking / Coding (45 min) • Introduction to field forms • Tips for note takers • BREAK (15 min) • Discussion / Interview Questions (1 hr) • Overview of types of questions (open, blind) for FGDs; specific KII questions • Run through of all questions / response options • Ensure understanding of ‘what do we want to know’ / logic of each question • LUNCH (1 hr) • Focus group discussions (1.75 hrs) • Share ‘Tips for doing FGDs’; provide examples • Practice: Mock FGDs as a group (with coding and notetaking!) • Share notes / reflect on improvements • Key informant interviews (1 hr) • Share ‘Tips for doing KIIs; provide examples • Practice: Mock KIIs as a group (with coding and notetaking!) • Share notes / reflect on improvements • BREAK (15 min) • Entering notes and codes into database (1 hr) • How to enter notes / codes; • How to navigate tabs • How to filter data ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Overview Purpose of research: • Different risks to safety require different interventions to respond, but often the nature of those specific risks (and what is already in place to try to overcome them – the assets) are not known to programmers. • Our field research aims to provide us with a more nuanced picture of the risks and assets present so that we can use that evidence to design, implement, and adapt our program(s) to be context-specific and conflict-sensitive. Main Research question: What are the main risks and assets that are present in the geographic regions that the program/project will be implemented? ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Overview Methodology (Entire Toolkit) • Desk research and completion of risk scoring rubric • Rapid qualitative assessment (KIIs and FGDs) in two communities • Transcription of notes • Analysis of data • Writing report ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Overview Field Research Sample - Communities • Two communities that represent the various types of community that will be included in the project • Community A • Community B • These were decided based on desk research, and have been chosen because XYZ ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Overview Field Research Sample: FGDs • In each community, FGDs with: • Female students • Male parents • Female parents • Male and female teachers • Male and female local leaders (community leaders, local government officials) • Others? • 6-8 persons per group, no more, no less • If significantly less, consider KIIs instead, but try FGD! • Materials: flipchart, markers, field forms, notebooks, participant data sheets, laptop, audio recorder (optional) ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Overview Field Research Sample - KIIs • In each community, KIIs with at least one each: • Male student • Female student • Male or female parent • Teacher / staff • Local leaders (community leaders, local government officials) • Local police / community watch groups • Local CBOs, NGOs, social workers • Implementer • Others? • More is better! ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Overview Field Team • Each FGD needs a facilitator and a note taker from the field team • In general, only females should be part of FGDs with females (and males with males, as considered necessary) • No exceptions for FGDs with young females • KIIs can be one-on-one, but an additional notetaker can quicken the process ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Overview Types of questions / discussions • (provide list of topics that were identified as ‘high risk’ in desk research and checklist e.g. A. Internal - SRGBV, B. Internal- gang violence, M. Environmental - Health) ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Research Ethics • “Do no harm” • Does the benefit of the research outweigh the potential harm from doing that research? • Informed consent • Organization-specific ethical guidelines and protocols (add any details here, e.g. IRB process, child safety protocols, etc.) • Referrals process (have this in place before visiting community – include details such as phone numbers, names/ locations for help) ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Entering the Field Making initial contact • Where possible, notify community leader(s) / existing contacts well ahead of time: • Brief them on purpose of research; need for their support and assistance • Get permissions and necessary accompanying documents / permits to conduct research in schools • Take suggestions for best times to visit to capture representative voices from community • Request assistance for participant selection for KIIs stress importance of ‘representative voices’ to avoid selection bias • Notify of intentions to randomly select individuals for FGDs; request help to reduce selection bias • Set up preliminary schedule for FGDs and initial KIIs • Secure safe / neutral location to conduct FGDs and KIIs ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Entering the Field Selecting FGD participants • Utilize random sampling as much as possible within the subgroups for FGD selection • Options: Student rosters (and their parents), classroom-to-classroom during school, household selection • Purposefully select participants to represent the variety within the community (e.g. represent ethnic minorities, poorer and wealthier individuals, etc.) • Request assistance for participant selection; stress importance of ‘representative voices’ to avoid selection bias • Take suggestions for best dates to visit to capture representative voices from community ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Entering the Field Selecting KII respondents • Selection: Purposeful (not random) • Take recommendations from initial point of contact • Identify additional KIIs who have good knowledge of the school community (e.g. head teachers, community leaders, heads of local NGOs) • Identify additional KIIs from FGDs (a person mentioned or a participant who seems to have more to say) • Focus on respondents who can fill in data gaps / to help triangulate key information ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Note taking / Coding Everything you do must be documented • If thorough notes are not taken to document a conversation, you might as well have never done the interview! • Coding will help analysis to be systematic and objective ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Note taking / Coding Sample Field Form ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Note taking / Coding • Clearly label every single page! • If the conversation is too fast for note taker to keep up, ask everyone to slow down / repeat • Write notes in first person: “I think it is good because I…” • Use a dash or some other notation to indicate a different person is speaking • We do not want to keep track of them by name – we won’t use this in the analysis; also it could make people reluctant to speak • Ensure corresponding notes for each code recorded (give the outliers a voice, too!) • Code / tally the response types during the discussion • One person, one response type (pick the one they feel most strongly about if they like 2 options) • After FGD, review notes immediately to make sure totals add up, to fill in gaps, notes are clear, etc. ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Discussion Questions • FGD: Open-ended questions • Ask main question, allow conversation to continue naturally • If conversation slows, ask follow-up questions that pertain to information not yet discussed • Note taker and facilitator should get an idea as to the relative response distribution across the group (everyone agrees? Half agree? 2 agree but the rest do not?) • If you code a certain response type, then you must include the notes related to that response ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Discussion Questions • FGD: Close-ended Questions [blind vote] • Ask main question, read through response choices, and tell group to put their head down, close their eyes and vote • Read through each response slowly; go through all responses twice in case someone didn’t vote, or someone voted twice • Mark tally on notes and flipchart • Eyes open; show participants chart and invite conversation about it (don’t push!) • Ask follow up questions as needed ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) • Each FGD: 6-8 persons, 100 minutes total, facilitator and note taker (match gender) • Collect basic demographic information from each participant (first names only so you can refer to them by name) • Participant data sheet (provided with Excel database) • Questions vary depending on type of group (though some overlap to get a sense of opinion differences / similarities across groups) • Combination of close-ended and open-ended questions • A good FGD will have participants talking more than the facilitator! ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Tool 3: Questions Matrix • Go through the Questions Matrix together to discuss the following for EACH question: • What is the logic behind each question; what do we want to learn from it? • How do we need to rephrase the main question in bold (keeping the original intent the same so it makes sense with response options) • Are the follow-up questions appropriate to get this information? What can we change? • What issues should we be aware of for translation? ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
FGDs Facilitator Tips • When introducing the group, be grateful that they are participating, and tell them they ‘are experts in this area, and we are here to learn from you – nothing you say is right or wrong’ • If the same thing is being said over and over again, say ‘thank you all – does anyone have a different idea?’ • Invite all participants to say something – don’t focus just on those who are naturally talkative • Use a flipchart – take notes on it that the group can see so they know you value what they say • When interview is over, go back over notes to fill in any gaps / make handwriting clear while the material is fresh in your head ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
FGDs Practice! • Conduct a mock FGD with your team – if there are others in the office who are willing to act as participants, invite them in to pretend to be a type of respondent • Critique one another on facilitation – for example, if you are a mock participant, tell the facilitator when you would have said more if they probed more • Also think about whether the questions are suitable (translations ok? Appropriate? Eliciting good information?) Re-phase as needed (to capture the same general information) • Note takers practice too – at end of one discussion question, check the notes together to see what was missed. Keep practicing? ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Key Informant Interviews Interviewer Tips • Use the question guide, but follow up with your own questions as relevant / needed • Fill in gaps that remain from data you’ve already collected • Triangulate something that you heard that is surprising but important • Use KIIs to get rich narratives and sensitive information that is less easily shared in a group (as the interviewee offers, do not pressure) • Collect basic demographic information from all respondents • Full name / position IF they give you consent to do so / use in reporting (may be relevant for NGO staff, local government opinions). • When interview is over, go back over notes to fill in any gaps / make handwriting clear while the material is fresh in your head ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
KIIs Practice! • As with FGD practice, make sure questions are translated well, appropriate, etc. • In this activity, you really need to practice following up with questions that you’ve thought of yourself based on data gaps • Practice notetaking and get together at end of practice to see whether your team together filled in all the gaps / triangulated information with your KIIs ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Next steps: Field Test • Treat the field tests as though you’re doing ‘real’ data collection • Throughout the day, work with one another to compare notes / findings to help one another conduct relevant KIIs • Team members help one another with suggestions for improvement • At end of day, review all notes to see what has been learnt – is it sufficient? Does it answer the questions? Is it well-documented and triangulated? What gaps remain • If necessary, do another field test until process is near- perfect ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Online support The developers of the toolkit, USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network (ECCN), have additional resources and a discussion forum set up for users of this toolkit. Join ECCN (free) and access: https://eccnetwork.net/resources/sle-qualitative-toolkit/ ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Overview of the SLE Qualitative Database • Purpose: To assist with and expedite data analysis. • Characteristics: • Interactive – includes automating macros - Automatically updates to respond to your needs • 5 permanent worksheets: • Scoring Rubric • Risk worksheet • Participant Data Sheet • FGD and KII Template • All-1, 2, 3, 4; All- 5,6,7,8 • Database adds additional worksheets to reflect the risks you have identified for your context • Populates pivot tables to organize data ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Worksheet 1: Scoring Rubric • Electronic version – tallies automatically ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Worksheet 2: Risk Worksheet • Aligns with Scoring rubric • Will auto-update the database so that only the risk categories relevant to your research appear Simply enter “Yes” or “No” next to each category in Column B Select the “Go” button to automate. ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Worksheet 3: Participant Data Sheet • This sheet captures participant information • Be sure to enter all information • Enter each participant on a different line ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Worksheet 4: FGD and KII Template • Database is already populated with the questions and response options. You need to fill in for every associated row/column: • Community name (Column A) • Date of Interview (Column B) • FGD or KII Type, for example Male Parent or Female Student or Mixed Leaders (Column C) • # Chose response type (Column H) • Notes associated with response type (Column I) • Use slash (/) to indicate new speaker ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
FGD & KII Template: Tips for Recording Data for use in Qualitative Database • Record all necessary data: • Full notes / quotations • All coding (response distributions) • Full participant data • Database will automatically prepare descriptive data tables that show response distributions • By participant type and community ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
FGD and KII Template: Entering Data • Enter information for every FGD and KII. • Thick black line indicates new FGD or KII. ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
FGD and KII Template: Entering Data (cont.) • Fill in Community name, date, FGD or KII type; the rest is filled in for you up to column G • For FGD or KII type, responses should be limited to certain items: • If you have done an ‘other’, create a label for that group but try to select one of the options instead. Adding more categories makes the pivot tables more difficult to work with. • FGD Female Student • FGD Male Student • FGD Mixed Student • FGD Female Parent • FGD Male Parent • FGD Mixed Parent • FGD Female Teacher/Staff • FGD Male Teacher/Staff • FGD Mixed Teacher/Staff • FGD Female Leader • FGD Male Leader • FGD Mixed Leader • FGD Female NGO • FGD Male NGO • FGD Mixed NGO • KII Female Teacher/Staff • KII Male Teacher/Staff • KII Female Leader • KII Male Leader • KII Female Local Government • KII Male Local Government ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
FGD and KII Template: Entering Data (cont.) • Outliers are important! • Even if one person had a certain type of response, it’s critical to capture their rationale for that choice • Question A2 – Outlier for response b: ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
FGD & KII Template: Analysis Tools Analysis Tools • Filters – you can filter any of the columns so that you are able to see only notes for certain questions / respondent types / communities / response options • To filter, click on the arrow for the column that you would like to filter. ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Data Worksheets – Analysis Tools Pivot Tables • “All-1,2,3,4”, “All-5,6,7,8” and automatically created other sheets that match risks you identified in the Risk Worksheet • To update the pivot tables with data entered in the “FGD & KII Template” sheet, right-click and select “Refresh” from the menu. ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Data Worksheets – Analysis Tools Pivot Tables (cont.) These pivot tables will show you the response distribution by respondent type and community for each question • The more you know about pivot tables, the more you can ‘play’ with these data! • Double click on any number in the table and it will show you the notes for just those data A. Internal SRGBV: ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Data Worksheets – Analysis Tools ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Qualitative Database – Analysis Tools ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Qualitative Database – Analysis Tools ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit
Online support The developers of the toolkit, USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network (ECCN), have additional resources and a discussion forum set up for users of this toolkit. Join ECCN (free) and access: https://eccnetwork.net/resources/sle-qualitative-toolkit/ ECCN SLE Qualitative Assessment Toolkit