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Continuity Communications Working Group Status Report

Continuity Communications Working Group Status Report. Mr. Roy Roebuck Chief Architect Continuity Communications Enterprise Architecture Program Office September 14, 2005. September 11 th

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Continuity Communications Working Group Status Report

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  1. Continuity Communications Working Group Status Report Mr. Roy Roebuck Chief Architect Continuity Communications Enterprise Architecture Program Office September 14, 2005

  2. September 11th Illustrated that the Federal Executive Branch (FEB) does not have the ability to quickly access and share information, collaborate among senior leaders, and make informed decisions. Enduring Constitutional Government Coordination Council (ECG CC) Report Review of the FEB’s COOP, COG, and ECG preparedness ECG CC Report Tasks include: Complete an evaluation of government-wide COOP communications capabilities Establish Minimum Communications Requirements for the Federal Executive Branch Create a Continuity Communications Enterprise Architecture (CC EA) to ensure execution of FEB Mission Essential Functions under all circumstances Tasked to the National Communications Systems (NCS) Committee of Principals (COP) Established the Continuity Communications Working Group (CCWG) ASD NII – Chair FEMA – Co-Chair Established the CC EA Program Office CCWG Terms of Reference (TOR) assigned tasking through August 2005 Background…

  3. Department A Department B Department C Key Questions, Initial Round… PMEF 5 PMEF 6 PMEF 1 PMEF 2 PMEF 3 • Basic Communications • Telephone • Fax • No VTC • No E-Mail • Etc…. • Basic Communications • Telephone • Fax • E-Mail • Etc…. PMEF 4 • Key Questions • Can the D&A Priority Mission Essential Functions (PMEF) be performed at a COOP site? • Can information about PMEFs be shared to support a common • operational picture and collaborative planning by senior • leadership? • What are the Minimum COOP Communications Capabilities? • What communications support execution of PMEFs • Do systems used to execute PMEFs use common standards? U.S. Government • Basic Communications • Telephone • Fax • SVTS…. • Etc…. PMEF 7 PMEF 8

  4. Illustration of OMB FEA Reference Models (Taxonomies) For IT Investment Management FEA, to Establish Federal IT Investment Governance

  5. Typical D&A FEA Extension, For IT Investment Management EA to Satisfy OMB Exhibit 300 and 53 Requirements and Facilitate IT Decisions

  6. CC EA Requires Extension Of The OMB FEA Beyond Investment Management 1.0 ENTERPRISE CC EA CONTAINING CONTAINING CONTAINING CONTAINING CONTAINING CONTAINING CONTAINING .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 LOCATION CATALOG ORGANIZATION CATALOG WORK UNIT (OFFICE/BILLET) CATALOG FUNCTION CATALOG (BRM+) PROCESS CATALOG (SRM+) RESOURCE CATALOG (DRM+/TRM+) MISSION CATALOG (PRM+) OMB FEA 5. TRM (Technology Catalog and Qualifying Products) 1. BRM (Assigned Functional Missions + Assumed Supporting Functions) 3. SRM (Best Practice, Re-usable Processes) 6.5.1 D&A Physical IT D&A Systems D&A Infrastructure 4. DRM (Metadata) 2 and 7. PRM (Strategic Mgmt, Ops & Invest. Strategies, Priorities)

  7. CC EA Information Structure (Upper/Integrating Ontology) 1.0 ENTERPRISE CONTAINING CONTAINING CONTAINING CONTAINING CONTAINING CONTAINING CONTAINING .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 LOCATION CATALOG ORGANIZATION CATALOG WORK UNIT (OFFICE/BILLET) CATALOG FUNCTION CATALOG (BRM+) PROCESS CATALOG (SRM+) RESOURCE CATALOG (DRM+/TRM+) MISSION CATALOG (PRM+) Location Contains Organization Billet Accomplishes Function Process Produces/Consumes Resource Organization Occupies Location Function Justifies Billet Resource Inputs-To/Results-From Process Organization Organizes Billets Function Applies Process Resource Satisfies Requirement Process Achieves Function Billets Perform Mission Requirements are Satisfied by Resource The CC EA approach extends the OMB FEA Enterprise operational management capability

  8. CC EA Has An Extended OMB FEA Structure Enterprise Architecture Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) 1. NEF/PMEF Service (e.g., Loosely Coupled, NetCentric) Capability Implementation Capability Process Improvement and Solution Design Operational Capability (Primary and Alternate Sites, Primary and Alternate Providers) 1. BRM (Assigned Functional Missions + Assumed Supporting Functions) 1.1 Policy 1.2 Assignment 1.3. Strategic Management 5. TRM (Technology Catalog of Standards and Qualifying Products) 6. Required Mission Resources over their life cycle. 6.1 People 6.2 Intelligence 6.2.1 Functional Intelligence 6.2.2 CC Intelligence 6.3 Funds 6.4 Skills 6.4.1 CC Skills 6.5 Materiel 6.5.1 Physical IT Systems CC Systems Infrastructure CC Infrastructure 6.5.2 Goods 6.6 Facilities 6.6.1 CC Facilities 6.7 Services 6.7.1 CC Services 6.8 etc. 3. SRM (Best Practice, Re-usable Processes) 4. DRM (Metadata and Data) 1. OU Assigned Functional Responsibility 2. PRM (Strategic Mgmt, Ops & Invest. Strategies, Priorities) 7. PRM (Portfolios, Budgets) Normal and CC Capability Business Case and Budget 1. Parent Organization of OU Schema and Data Largely or Wholly Present in FEA 6. Organization Unit (OU) Assigned The Asset Schema and/or Data Added by CC EA 1. Location of OU (Physical and Virtual)

  9. EA as Whole-Enterprise System Analysis, Requirement Analysis, and Operational Model CCEA FEA Extension For Operations Management And Architecture Integration (FYO5 Plan)

  10. CommIT GEM Enterprise Information Structure (MetaArchitecture) Updated through continuous functional refinement (dynamic data, metadata, ontologies, and knowledge) (technology insertion/refresh) (Adjust Mission down through Plan) (Continuously Improve Internal Controls) IT Management CC EA Security Architecture CC EA Knowledge Management CC EA Expertise Management CC EA Learning Management Management Integrated Strategic, Operations, and Project/Tactical Life Cycle CC EA Enterprise Process and Value-Chain Workflow (Function as Service) CC EA Real-Time Situational Awareness (Service Agents)

  11. CC EA Framework Model Leverage BRM Leverage PRM Leverage SRM Leverage DRM/TRM

  12. 2 Enterprise And Function Management • Enterprise Modeling • Functions Inventory • Reference Architecture • Mission Management (Organization, Function, Program, Project, or Person) • Mission • Vision • Goals • Performance Objectives (e.g., Measures, Service Levels, Contracts) • Targets/Indicators • Strategies (Requirements Management and Analysis) • Baseline Operations Analysis (Functions/Programs/Projects) • Activities /Services/Applications (Performance Metrics) (Compiled and Virtual/Composite) • Products /Systems (Product/System Specifications) • Costs/Benefits • Initiatives (New/Improved Functions/Programs/Projects) • Investment Cost (Infrastructure, Development, Procurement) • Performance Impact • Operations Cost Impacts • Implemented Plans • Actual Performance • Track Performance • Account for Resources • Manage Configurations • Measure Performance • Performance Review • Performance Adjustment for Mature Mission Management • Manage Full Enterprise Configuration Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) Assessment Value Chain (Products, Customers, Suppliers, Partners, Authorities, Public, Internal Analysis) Enterprise Management and Provisioning 1. Intelligence Management 1.1 Enterprise and Function Intelligence Inventory Content Data and Metadata, Vocabulary, Keywords, Data Dictionary, Concepts, Propositions / Assertions / Semantics, Ontology, Knowledge 1.3 Enterprise Mission-Based Provisioning (For Security Access and Asset Distribution) 1.2 Enterprise Context/Intelligence/Architecture Management

  13. Questions? Contact Roy Roebuck roy.roebuck@commitent.com 703-598-2351

  14. CC EA Supports NEF and PMEFLife Cycle Management, Including CC 5. D&A PMEF and CC Intelligence Refinement 4. NEF/PMEF Operation Management CC EA Spiral Life Cycle Enterprise Operations and CC 3. CC EA For Resource Distribution and Access Provisioning 1. D&A PMEF Intelligence Inventory (CC Portion of D&A EA Framework/Ontology and PMEF EA Content) Enterprise Intelligence 2. CC EA for Merged FEB NEF/PMEF Intelligence Structure and Operational Knowledge (Mapping of D&A EA Frameworks and EA Content to CC EA Integrating Framework, i.e., Upper Ontology)

  15. CC EA Four Layer Model

  16. CC EA Use of MDA Layers M0 Decision M0 Decision Support M1 Designs for Intended Information Products M0 Generated Information Products M0 Information Requirements M1 Design for Required Data Structure (i.e., EA Metaschema) to Hold Information Product’s Data Content Enterprise Management Architecture Framework Architecture Technology M2 Model (i.e., EA metaschema) M3 Modeling Tools and Repository Enterprise Architecture Methodology

  17. CC EA 4 Layer Metamodel for Model Driven Enterprise Management (e.g., C2 Ontology Integration ) (Extending the OMG 4 Layer Metamodel’s MDA, SPEM, XMI, CIM, CWM Standards) MetaObject Facility (metadata repository) M3 MOF Architecture Model (Generalized Object (Metadata) Repository for Model Driven Architecture - MDA). Extended for GEM Context Schema (as Object Metaschema for Generalized Object Relationships – Category, Container, Sequence, Change, Equivalence, Variance, Reference) MOF Extension/Profile (Tool Standard) M2 GEM Metaschema UML (SPEM) UML (XMI) CWM Metaschema CIM Metaschema Enterprise Model (GEM Design Metamodel) SW Process Metamodel SW Design Metamodel Data Design Metamodel CIM Design Metamodel MOF-based Application Design (Specific Tool) M1 GEM Schema RUP RUP CWM Schema CIM Schema EA Framework (GEM Design Model) SW Process Model SW Design Model Data Design Model CIM Design Model MOF-based Application Instance (Tool Artifacts) M0 Implemented Project Implemented Project Implemented Project Data Management Repository IT Management Repository EA Instance (GEM EA Instance In Enterprise Or Aggregated GEM Capability) SW Process Performance Or Aggregated Performance SW Design For System or Aggregated Design Data Model Or Aggregated Data Models CIM Instance On Device, or Aggregated IT Management

  18. Standards and Products Supporting EA and EM via MDA General Enterprise Management (GEM) Model Driven Enterprise Management - MDEM (EM Support) Via Model Driven Architecture (MDA)-M3/M2/M1/M0) GEM M3/M2 Schema Tools (Integrated Enterprise, Function, Process, Data, System, Software, Security, & Semantics, Knowledge Modeling And Management via OWL) • M3/M2/M1 IT Management Tools • M2 Enterprise Architecture Business, Data, Application, & Technical Schema • (BEAM, FEA, DoDAF, TOGAF, etc.) • Ontology EA Tools/Repositories (M3/M2/M1/M0) • Agilense WebModeler • Adaptive • CASE EA Tools (M1/M0) • Popkin SA • PTech • Computas Metis • Other M2 Open Standard Software Process Engineering Metaschema (SPEM/XMI) Standards and Tools • ITIL/ITSM/CMDB/CIM Schema (IT Models) • (MOF) • Troux (HW/SW/Net/EA) • Isogon (SW) • Tivoli TM1 • MS SMS • BMC Patrol • HP OpenView • Other WBEM Tools • Standards Subsumed by CIM/MOF • SNMP IP Tools (MIB) • Desktop Mgmt Tools (MIF) • HelpDesk Tools (SES/SIS) • Others • M2 CWM/XMI Schema (Data and Metadata Models) • Data Modeling • Metadata Management • BI Tools • OLAP Tools • Data Warehouse Tools • 3HT eSnap • Schema Logic • MetaMatrix • ORM Tools (for Semantic and Data Modeling) • MS Visio for EA • MS VisioModeler M2 Open Standard Application Integration (EAI), Business Process Management (BPM) (WSDL, OWL-S), and Workflow (WfMC, UAN) Standards and Tools • M2 XMI Schema (Application Models) • UML Tool Examples • Rational • Poseidon • ORM M2 Tools (Semantic/Data Models) • MS Visio for EA • MS VisioModeler GEM-based M3/M2/M1 Identity, Operation, Asset, Vulnerability, and Security Management Tools OMG Managed Object Format (MOF) M3 Repository (XML + LDAP + XMI + Object Schema) OpenGroup and OMG Object Metaschema (M3) Used with Permission by CommIT Enterprise, Inc. and the U.S. Federal Executive Branch under the Creative Commons License at http://www.one-world-is.com/beam.

  19. CC EA Foundation Is Enterprise Engineering

  20. CC EA Framework CC EA Framework (i.e., ConOps or Ontology) Mapped to OMB FEA Reference Models and DoDAF Views

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