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Articles and Determiners in English Language

Learn how to correctly use articles like a, an, and the, as well as other determiners in English sentences. Practice exercises included!

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Articles and Determiners in English Language

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  2. A,AN We use it: A)Whenwesaywhatsmthis: “Thisis a mobilephone” B)To saysomebody’sjob “My dad is a plumber” C)To sayanyexample of something “Weneed to find a bank” D)To mean “PER” orfor “EACH” “My car was travelling at 70 kilometres anhour” E)Whenwementionitforthe 1st time. “I’vegot a cat and a dog”

  3. THE We use it: A)Whenwehavealreadymentionedit “I’vegot a cat and a dog. ThedogiscalledBuster” B)Becausethereisonlyone What time willtheSunrisetomorrowmorning?” C)It’sclearfromthesituation “Let’sgo to thebeach” (Thebeachthatisnearhere)

  4. THE D)Withmostnationalities “The French have a reputationforbeinggoodcooks” E)Withthename of rivers, mountainranges, deserts and seas “The Amazon” “TheAlps” “The Gobi desert” “TheMediterranean Sea”

  5. THE F)With a fewcountries and mostgroups of Islands TheUnitedKingdom TheCzechRepublic TheUnitedStates TheChannelIslands

  6. THE G)In various set phrases “Go to thetheatre/cinema” “Listen to the radio” “Play theviolin” H)With and adjective to refer to everybodywho has thatcharacteristic “Thepoor/therich”

  7. WE DON’T USE ARTICLE A)Makinggeneralisations “Catscan’tridebicycles” B)Withmostcountries, continents, towns, lakes and mountains. “Chicago isbuiltonthe shore of Lake Michigan” C)Withsomenouns “Watchtelevision” “Be in bed” D)Withmeals “Havebreakfast/lunch/dinner”

  8. QUANTIFIERS • SOME In affirmativesentences and offers “Wouldyoulikesomecoffee and biscuits” • ANY In affirmativesentenceswith a negativemeaning “I cameoutwithoutanymoney” • NO(meaning “notany”)whenwewant to be emphatic “Thereis no cheese in thefridge”

  9. FEW(-):with plural nouns • LITTLE(-):withuncountablenouns • A FEW(+) • A LITTLE(+) “He’sgotlittlemoney and fewfriends” “He’sgot a littlemoney and a fewfriends” • THE WHOLE:Singularcountablenouns “Weredecoratedthewholehouse” • ALL:Uncountable and plural nouns “Weredecoratedalltherooms in thehouse”

  10. ABOUT TWO THINGS • BOTH, EITHER AND NEITHER “Both shops are cheap” “Neither shop isexpensive” “You can buymilk at either shop”

  11. OF • Mostquantifiers can be followedby of: Most of the…, a few of my…, all of us… • However: “No” becomes“None of…” “Every” becomes“Everyone of…” Everyone of usshouldhelp None of the shops is open

  12. If it needs an “of” raise your hand. If not, just look at me with a blank stare. (miradaenblanco) • None ___ his family is well-off • Some ___ people use Twitter • Many ___ students dislike homework • All ___ Taylor Swift’s songs are about love. • Most ___ my friends like singing in the shower • Every ___ party has a pooper • Raise your hand if every one ___ the students here love English class. • Raise your hand if most ___ the class thought that was not a funny joke.

  13. Exercises 1,2page 125. • SeccionI C page 6.

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