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THz Transistors, sub-mm-wave ICs, mm-wave Systems

Explore the latest in THz transistor technology and high-speed digital systems, including opportunities for advancement and application in various fields like fiber optics, imaging, and communications.

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THz Transistors, sub-mm-wave ICs, mm-wave Systems

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  1. 20th Annual Workshop on Interconnections within High Speed Digital Systems, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 3 – 6 May 2009 THz Transistors, sub-mm-wave ICs, mm-wave Systems Mark Rodwell University of California, Santa Barbara rodwell@ece.ucsb.edu 805-893-3244, 805-893-5705 fax

  2. The End (of Moore's Law) is Near (?) It's a great time to be working on electronics ! Things to work on: InP transistors: extend to 3-4 THz→ GHz & low-THz ICs GaN HEMTs: powerful transmitters from 1-300 GHz Si MOSFETs: scale them past 16 nm III-V MOSFETs: help keep VLSI scaling (maybe) VLSI transistors: subvert Boltzmann→ solve power crisis mm-wave VLSI: massively complex ICs to re-invent radio Our focus today: THz transistors - how and why

  3. WhyTHz Transistors ?

  4. Why Build THz Transistors ? 500 GHz digital logic→ fiber optics THz amplifiers→ THz radios→ imaging, sensing, communications precision analog design at microwave frequencies→ high-performance receivers Higher-Resolution Microwave ADCs, DACs, DDSs

  5. What Would You Do With a THz Transistor ? 640 Gb/s ETDM optical fiber links 300-1000 GHz imaging systems mm-wave communication links

  6. Mark Rosker IEEE IMS 2007 At High Frequencies The Atmosphere Is Opaque

  7. What Else Would You Do With a THz Transistor ? precision, high-performance analog microwave circuits higher-resolution microwave ADCs, DACs, DDSs

  8. How to Make THz Transistors

  9. Simple Device Physics: Resistance bulk resistance contact resistance-perpendicular contact resistance- parallel Good approximation for contactwidths less than 2 transfer lengths.

  10. Simple Device Physics: Depletion Layers capacitance transit time space-chargelimited current

  11. Simple Device Physics: Thermal Resistance Exact Long, Narrow Stripe Carslaw & Jaeger 1959 HBT Emitter, FET Gate Square ( L by L ) IC on heat sink

  12. Simple Device Physics: Fringing Capacitance wiring capacitance FET parasitic capacitances VLSI power-delay limits FET scaling constraints

  13. Frequency Limitsand Scaling Laws of (most) Electron Devices PIN photodiode To double bandwidth, reduce thicknesses 2:1 Improve contacts 4:1 reduce width 4:1, keep constant length increase current density 4:1

  14. Bipolar Transistor Scaling Laws Changes required to double transistor bandwidth: Linewidths scale as the inverse square of bandwidth because thermal constraints dominate.

  15. FET Scaling Laws Changes required to double transistor bandwidth: Linewidths scale as the inverse of bandwidth because fringing capacitance does not scale.

  16. Thermal Resistance Scaling : Transistor, Substrate, Package

  17. Thermal Resistance Scaling : Transistor, Substrate, Package Probable best solution: Thermal Vias ~500 nm below InP subcollector ...over full active IC area.

  18. Electron Plasma Resonance: Not a Dominant Limit

  19. Electron Plasma Resonance: Not a Dominant Limit

  20. Electron Plasma Resonance: Not a Dominant Limit

  21. Electron Plasma Resonance: Not a Dominant Limit

  22. THz & nm Transistors: it's all about the interfaces Metal-semiconductor interfaces (Ohmic contacts):very low resistivity Dielectric-semiconductor interfaces (Gate dielectrics):very high capacitance density Transistor & IC thermal resistivity.

  23. THzBipolar Transistors

  24. industry university→industry university2007-9 appearsfeasible maybe InP Bipolar Transistor Scaling Roadmap emitter 512 256 128 64 32 nm width16 8 4 2 1 m2 access r base 300 175 120 60 30 nm contact width, 20 10 5 2.5 1.25 m2 contact r collector 150 106 75 53 37.5 nm thick, 4.5 9 18 36 72 mA/m2 current density 4.9 4 3.3 2.75 2-2.5 V, breakdown ft 370 520 730 1000 1400 GHz fmax 490 850 1300 2000 2800 GHz power amplifiers 245 430 660 1000 1400 GHz digital 2:1 divider 150 240 330 480 660 GHz

  25. InP DHBTs: September 2008

  26. 512 nm InP DHBT 500 nm mesa HBT 150 GHz M/S latches 175 GHz amplifiers LaboratoryTechnology UCSB / Teledyne / GCS UCSB 500 nm sidewall HBT DDS IC: 4500 HBTs 20-40 GHz op-amps Production ( Teledyne ) Z. GriffithM. UrteagaP. RowellD. PiersonB. BrarV. Paidi Teledyne Teledyne / BAE Teledyne / UCSB 20 GHz clock f = 405 GHz fmax = 392 GHz Vbr, ceo = 4 V 53-56 dBm OIP3 @ 2 GHzwith 1 W dissipation

  27. 150 nm thick collector 256 nm GenerationInP DHBT 70 nm thick collector 324 GHzAmplifier 60 nm thick collector 200 GHz master-slavelatch design Z. Griffith, E. Lind J. Hacker, M. Jones

  28. 324 GHz Medium Power Amplifiers in 256 nm HBT ICs designed by Jon Hacker / Teledyne Teledyne 256 nm process flow- Hacker et al, 2008 IEEE MTT-S ~2 mW saturated output power

  29. industry university→industry university2007-9 appearsfeasible maybe InP Bipolar Transistor Scaling Roadmap emitter 512 256 128 64 32 nm width16 8 4 2 1 m2 access r base 300 175 120 60 30 nm contact width, 20 10 5 2.5 1.25 m2 contact r collector 150 106 75 53 37.5 nm thick, 4.5 9 18 36 72 mA/m2 current density 4.9 4 3.3 2.75 2-2.5 V, breakdown ft 370 520 730 1000 1400 GHz fmax 490 850 1300 2000 2800 GHz power amplifiers 245 430 660 1000 1400 GHz digital 2:1 divider 150 240 330 480 660 GHz

  30. Conventional ex-situ contacts are a mess THz transistor bandwidths: very low-resistivity contacts are required with surface oxide with metal penetration textbook contact Interface barrier → resistance Further intermixing during high-current operation → degradation

  31. Ohmic Contacts Good Enough for 3 THz Transistors 64 nm (2.0 THz) HBT needs ~ 2  - μm2 contact resistivities 32 nm (2.8 THz) HBT needs ~ 1  - μm2 Contacts to N-InGaAs*:Mo MBE in-situ 2.2 (+/- 0.5)  - μm2 TiW ex-situ ~2.2  - μm2 Contacts to P-InGaAs:Mo MBE in-situ below 2.5  - μm2 Pd/... ex-situ ~1 (+/- ?)  - μm2 *measured emitter resistance remains higher than that of contacts.

  32. Process Must Change Greatly for 128 / 64 / 32 nm Nodes control undercut→ thinner emitter thinner emitter→ thinner base metal thinner base metal→ excess base metal resistance Undercutting of emitter ends {101}A planes: fast {111}A planes: slow

  33. 128 / 64 nm process: where we are going Developing scalable self-aligned base process 0.3 W-mm2 resistivity emitter contacts- in-situ, in MBE 2 W-mm2 resistivity base contacts- in-situ, in MBE target ~2000 GHz device

  34. THz Field-Effect Transistors (THz HEMTs)

  35. FET Scaling Laws Changes required to double transistor bandwidth: InGaAs HEMTs are best for mm-wave low-noise receivers......but there are difficulties in improving them further.

  36. Gate Source Drain Why HEMTs are Hard to Improve 1st challenge with HEMTs: reducing access resistance low electron density under gate recess→ limits current gate barrier lies under S/D contacts → resistance gate barrier channel K Shinohara 2nd challenge with HEMTs: low gate barrier high tunneling currents with thin barrier high emission currents with high electron density III-V MOSFETs do not face these scaling challenges

  37. III-V MOSFETs for VLSI→ Also Helps HEMT Development What is it ?MOSFET with an InGaAs channel Why do it ?low electron effective mass→ higher electron velocity more current, less charge at a given insulator thickness & gate lengthvery low access resistance What are the problems ?low electron effective mass→ constraints on scaling !must grow high-K on InGaAs, must grow InGaAs on Si

  38. Wistey Singisetti BurekLee . Rodwell Gossard III-V MOSFETs in Development top of gate gate side of gate Mo S/D metalwith N+ InAsunderneath Mo S/D metal with N+ InAs underneath InAsregrowth

  39. III-V MOSFETs as a Scaling Path for THz HEMTs Why ?Much lower access resistance in S/D regions Higher gate barrier→ higher feasible electron density in channelHigher gate barrier→ gate dielectric can be made thinner Estimated Performance (?)2 THz cutoff frequencies at 32 nm gate length

  40. Applications of THz III-V Transistors

  41. What Else Would You Do With a THz Transistor ? precision, high-performance analog microwave circuits higher-resolution microwave ADCs, DACs, DDSs

  42. linear response increasing feedback output power, dBm 2-tone intermodulation input power, dBm mm-wave Op-Amps for Linear Microwave Amplification DARPA / UCSB / Teledyne FLARE: Griffith & Urteaga Reduce distortion with strong negative feedback 300 GHz / 4 V InP HBT R. Eden measured 20-40 GHz bandwidth measured 54 dBm OIP3 @ 2 GHz new designs in fabrication simulated 56 dBm OIP3 @ 2 GHz

  43. What Would You Do With a THz Transistor ? 640 Gb/s ETDM optical fiber links 300-1000 GHz imaging systems mm-wave communication links

  44. 670 GHz Transceiver Simulations in 128 nm InP HBT transmitter exciter Simulations @ 670 GHz (128 nm HBT) LNA: 9.5 dB Fmin at 670 GHz PA: 9.1 dBm Pout at 670 GHz receiver VCO:-50 dBc (1 Hz) @ 100 Hz offsetat 620 GHz (phase 1) 3-layer thin-film THz interconnects thick-substrate--> high-Q TMIC thin -> high-density digital Dynamic divider:novel design,simulates to 950 GHz Mixer: 10.4 dB noise figure11.9 dB gain

  45. What Would You Do With a THz Transistor ? 640 Gb/s ETDM optical fiber links 300-1000 GHz imaging systems mm-wave communication links

  46. 150 & 250 GHz Bands for 100 Gb/s Radio ? Wiltse, 1997IEEE APS-Symposium, sealevel 4 km 9 km 125-150 GHz, 200-300 GHz: enough bandwidth for 100 Gb/s QPSK 150 GHz carrier, 100 Gbs/s QPSK radio: 30 cm antennas, 10 dBm power, fair weather→ 1 km range 150 GHz band: Expect ~10-20 dB/km attenuation for rain 300 GHz band: expect ~20-30 db/km from 90% humidity

  47. Interconnects within high-speed ICs

  48. kz -V 0V +V 0V Slot mode CPW has parasitic modes, coupling from poor ground plane integrity +V 0V +V +V +V 0V 0V 0V Substrate modes CPW mode Microstrip mode ground straps suppress slot mode, but multiple ground breaks in complex ICs produce ground return inductanceground vias suppress microstrip mode, wafer thinning suppresses substrate modes Microstrip has high via inductance, has mode coupling unless substrate is thin. kz We prefer (credit to NTT) thin-film microstrip wiring, inverted is best for complex ICs M. Urteaga, Z. Griffith, S. Krishnan

  49. mm-wave MIMO: → Wireless Links at 100's of Gb/s

  50. mm-wave (60-80 GHz) MIMO → wireless at 40+ Gb/s rates ? 70 GHz, 1 km, 16 elements, 2 polarizations, 3.6 x 3.6 meter array, 2.5 GBaud QPSK → 160 Gb/s digital radio ?

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